I cried.



  • TrishaGuy
    TrishaGuy Posts: 63
    It's ok to cry and get it out....then you wipe your tears and tell yourself " I am strong...I can do this...I am worth it and my family deserves the best I can be. Think about all of the things that you refuse to miss out on with your children (playing outside,amusment park rides,water slides,riding bikes ect...) Your children are young ...think of the way you will impact their future if you are living a healthy lifestyle....I have four children my youngest is 16 yrs old. They eat the way I raised them to eat and their activity level is still the way it was when they were young. I am not going to claim we have "clean" diets....we have treats and eat burgers sometimes but they know what a healthy balance is and they stick to it. So not only will you be helping yourself you will be teaching your children. Water is HUGE....and for your children too....I have a big bright green water bottle(elephant in the room) it goes with me EVERYWHERE .....and at 53 years old I can see a HUGE difference in the way my skin looks and feels....I can only imagine how happy my organs are to be hydrated :) not to mention how good it is for your teeth and gums

    you are strong....you can do this.....you are worth it......it is all about choice :) good luck :)
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    Hey there!

    As for water, I find that I by far drink the most in the car. I simply hold the bottle in my hand and I will continually sip on it while I drive (Clearly I am not a "10 and 2" driver). I also drink way more at work at my desk then I do in the evening and weekends. I guess more distractions at home with the family. ...

    When I really just dont want to exercise I make myself by finding exercise that is a "chore" that I have to do anyway - like walk the dog or clean the house. I also tell myself its a nice day and I should take my son for a stroller ride and get a walk in that way.

    Good luck - you can do this!
  • happy0912
    happy0912 Posts: 7
    Thank you all, I didn't expect this kind of support I am so happy I found this site!
  • sglato
    sglato Posts: 28 Member
    I have been there to, do I know what it is like to cry. Crying is a good thing. Just stay motivated and remember that if you put your mind to it, you can do anything. Please feel free to add me, I wll be there to support and motivate you all the way!!! Good Luck! And you got this.:happy:
  • frixtine
    frixtine Posts: 965 Member
    Just getting started is all you have to do. Remember it doesn't have to be hardcore P90x. You dont HAVE to kill yourself. If you do, you might make every excuse why you can't do it tomorrow or you might injure yourself.

    You have those two beautiful babies, so why not do something with them. Get outside and push a stroller! Uphill if you can!!! Walking is great for the cardiovascular system, and then for a few minutes, or even a few seconds, you can try a brief jog. The 2 year old will go "Weeeeee!!!!!!". And next thing you know, they'll be saying "again mommy again" and "faster, mommy, faster!" Make it a game and they'll be asking you to go! They will be your motivation! Your beautiful babies! The two people in the world who love you more than anything and who you love more than anything!

    If you don't have a stroller now, just go to a garage sale and look for one. Now is the season for garage sales. It doesn't have to be one of those super fancy running ones like you see on tv. Anything will do. As a matter of fact, the resistance of pushing a crappy one might make your heart work harder!!!

    And then you can always just do videos in your living room with your 2 year old as your work out buddy. Have you ever watched a 2 year old try to do a video? It's hilarious! And you know 2 year olds always want to do what Mommy is doing. Hilarity is a great motivator. Record it with your cell phone and put it on america's funniest videos and win $10,000!

    So, in short, I'm sure part of why you want to do this is your appearance, and what you see in the mirror, but another part at least for a lot of us moms, is that we want to be better for our kids, and I'm sure the same is true for you. Do this with, and for your babies!!!!