anyone slightly overweight like me?



  • cookiefluff
    cookiefluff Posts: 115
    Thanks for the add guys!!!!
    I'm sure we will all be splendid by Xmas (hopefully, LOL)
    HEY! BTW I'm going to try out Zumba 20 minute express here at home starting Saturday if anyone wants to join in,
    we can share progress and pics!

    who's in???!!!
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    Hey peeps - I managed to plummet off the MFP wagon about 6 months ago LOL but have now decided to take myself in hand again! :grumble: I have developed some naughty snacking habits again which I need to get sorted!

    I'm with you - that last little bit which doesn't want to go but it is entirely my own fault.

    I have about 7lbs to go to put me at my target weight but the thing is, it's not "weight" that I want to lose as such - it's that bobbly wobbly jiggly layer of fat which is STILL hanging around on top of everything. Actually even if I got heavier but knew it was through lifting weights and actually getting rid of the fat but retaining muscle, I wouldn't mind, I'd rather be heavy with a good shape than lighter and mushy and soft :smile:

    I have just started ChaLean Extreme for the second time, but between horse riding and running in the evenings I'm struggling to fit it in!!! I guess I will just have to bite the bullet and haul my lazy backside out of bed in the mornings to do it :noway:
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I actually think I'm going to start 30DS soon. But I'm interested in hearing about Zumba 20 Minute Express. For me the current 60 minute Zumba I have is just too long.
  • cookiefluff
    cookiefluff Posts: 115
    For me the current 60 minute Zumba I have is just too long.

    Hey Lanfear! I'm sure you'll get back on track soon, 7lbs is just round the corner, feel free to add me guys! :smile:

    And I know exactly what you mean Dee!!! 60 minutes of Zumba is just too much and it does get repetitive and boring... that's why I thought the 20 minute express was just perfect!!!
  • candacedon
    candacedon Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I've always been underweight and it used to be easy to stay at a consistent weight and just drop a few pounds in a couple of days if I went overboard. Since turning 50, it's turned into a roller coaster. I'm 5'7" and went from the low 130's when I was in my 40's to almost 150 lbs. Not only was I miserable, but none of my clothes fit anymore. I decided this year to get it under control and set out in January, 2012 to lose about 15 lbs. So far, I've lost about 12 lbs. with a few more to go but if I don't exercise every day and watch every single thing I eat (and record it), it shoots right back up. It's tough to stay on track all the time, but the alternative is not acceptable. I simply can't stand carrying those extra lbs. I feel 100% better now! Thanks for starting a thread about us 'slightly' overweight folks. I added you.
  • cookiefluff
    cookiefluff Posts: 115
    I'm in the same boat. I've always been underweight and it used to be easy to stay at a consistent weight and just drop a few pounds in a couple of days if I went overboard. Since turning 50, it's turned into a roller coaster. I'm 5'7" and went from the low 130's when I was in my 40's to almost 150 lbs. Not only was I miserable, but none of my clothes fit anymore. I decided this year to get it under control and set out in January, 2012 to lose about 15 lbs. So far, I've lost about 12 lbs. with a few more to go but if I don't exercise every day and watch every single thing I eat (and record it), it shoots right back up. It's tough to stay on track all the time, but the alternative is not acceptable. I simply can't stand carrying those extra lbs. I feel 100% better now! Thanks for starting a thread about us 'slightly' overweight folks. I added you.

    Absolutely! When you are used to being light and active and just floating about literally, a few extra pounds does weigh you down! it's horrible and very uncomfortable, specially when your clothes don't fit anymore!!! That's the worst part! Much cheaper to lose weight than to have to buy a whole new wardrobe! :D thanks for the add!!!! :flowerforyou:
    MKPRN Posts: 46 Member
    I am in the same boat! BMI 27. I am a bit older than you, 40 in 3 weeks, and I have really struggled with my weight. I come from a family of short 250lb women. It's like a curse. I have to work really hard just to get to 150lbs. My trainer says I am what you call "thick". Now the term "thick" would have really hurt my feelings until he explained it to me. He said that some people have thin muscle bands (eg. super models, and about every actress in Hollywood) and some have thicker muscle bands (Kim Kardashian & J Lo). He said I can run on the treadmill 24/7 and I will never have a supermodel body. It was just the way I was built. He told me he actually thinks "thicker" women are sexier because they have curves and muscle. He has really helped me accept the body I was given. So now instead of trying to get to a goal that just isn't physically possible for me I just focus on improving what God gave me. Recently, my Mom, (who is pretty thin and thin muscle bands) told me she finally weighed in at 132 at 5'7" and needed to borrow a dress for a wedding. I thought that she couldn't possibly wear anything of mine. Well she tried on one of my dresses and it was snug on her! She did wear it but with spanx. So, her at 5'7" and 132 and me at 5'5" and 164 are pretty much the same size. This made me realize that numbers are just numbers. BMI means nothing. Don't get me wrong....I am still trying to get to 150. I just like my body the best at that weight but I will never be 130.
  • RuthieCass
    RuthieCass Posts: 247 Member
    I remember when I was 20 the kilos/pounds would just drop off so easily... I miss those days, I am slightly overweight, with a bmi of 27, I started counting calories on May 26th and started at 78kg and since then (2 weeks) lost only 2 kilos, I'm now 75.8kg... (78kg=172lbs/75.8kg=167) so nearly 5lbs... I understand that this is a healthy drop considering my age (29) and amount of time, i just wish weight would melt away faster LOL!
    Anyways, is anyone in the same boat as me? needing to lose just about 20lbs only and being super impatient!?
    My goal is to be the same weight as I was before I got pregnant which was 68kg=149.9/150lbs! I recently purchased a jump rope and thought this'll be easy... NO WAY, I was planning on jumping for 15 minutes, I hardly managed 1.5 minutes, lol, I'll get there I suppose!

    So guys, feel free to share your experience, motivation, frustrations, secrets and tips on how to make this 20lbs loss a much better and bearable experience! It's not about being hungry, but mostly about reaching our goal ASAP and in a healthy way!

    Happy Sunday everyone! (ps. feel free to add me as a friend and we can help eachother, exchange recipes, food diaries and workouts!) :)

    I'm in a similar position, although I am a bit closer to my goal. I'm near the upper end of the "healthy BMI range," but want to lose about 10 (maybe 15, depending). Right now, I am trying to focus more on my measurements than the scale, although I am set at 0.5/lb a week. I'm not really wanting to cut my calories by much more than I am currently eating, since I really do like exercising. Those of closer to our goal really do need to be more careful about the calories since it is so easy to inadvertently eat an extra 200 calories and the "plateau." Another thing that you have to watch for is how MFP overestimates exercise burn.

    I did lose about 45 pounds a few years ago but recently put some back on. I lost weight previously without counting calories, and it seemed relatively easy at the time. This time around I want to make sure that I was being healthy. I didn't want to go back to that point so I decided to try to get my weight back down instead of mindlessly gaining.

    I guess if I had any tips, they would be: 1) use a food scale, 2) try not to eat out and if you do, multiply the calories you eat by 1.25 (or leave a 1/4 on the plate), 3) exercise (challenge yourself), 4) work on strengthening exercises, 5) focus on health, not a number on the scale, 5) ladies: don't weigh yourself on your period. :-)
  • RuthieCass
    RuthieCass Posts: 247 Member
    Morning guys! You are right Masharitos! measuring rope jumping in minutes is just a let down LOL, my jumprope has an added pedometer so it counts calories burnt, jumps and miles! My exercise is also minimum , it's hard to work out at home if you have kids. But I do walk a lot, I have stairs and I find myself going up and down all day, cleaning after my daughter who is really messy ha ha. and now jumping rope for a minute hehe... I hope I can increase that eventually! Anywho! Tell me more about your ketogenic diet plan? it seems as if we have a similar exercise routine and it would be awesome to lose 11lbs! Added you!

    Just try the jumping rope for a minute or so and then alternate with a slower exercise. For example, jump rope for a minute, then jog in place/ do knee-ups for a minute, then repeat. Do 10 sets of something like this and you've got a great, efficient workout. You could add all sort of exercises to this and do a circuit. Jump rope, squats, push-ups, bicep curls, tricep extensions, plank for 30 seconds, and start again. You could come up with whatever exercises you like.

    Ketogenic diets are really extreme and unsustainable for almost everyone. They also come with other issues that you have to work around. It's good to keep your protein intake high during reduced calorie diets to prevent muscle loss and reduce hunger but it's unnecessary to completely eliminate carbs from your diet. Most people will find their brain function affected and terrible on such a diet.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Don't focus so much on BMI since that only tells part of the story. My BMI is 27 making me overweight, but my body fat is 27% which is healthy. So even though we want to lose we might not be "overweight" at all.
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    Yes this is me too. I'm 39 and only have 10-15lbs to lose. I'm in the healthy range of my BMI, but it doesn't look good on my small frame. This is a hard place to be because the pounds come of f so stinking s-l-o-w-l-y! I'm having good luck with Jillian Michael's videos though (did P90x two rounds as well).
  • hosegirl
    hosegirl Posts: 157
    I would try stength training. That will get the metabolism moving. Do some squats. I do push up using the kitchen counter. They are easier on the back. Try Zumba.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Yes this is me too. I'm 39 and only have 10-15lbs to lose. I'm in the healthy range of my BMI, but it doesn't look good on my small frame. This is a hard place to be because the pounds come of f so stinking s-l-o-w-l-y! I'm having good luck with Jillian Michael's videos though (did P90x two rounds as well).

    I'm doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution now. And so far so good. I haven't tried P90, but I did 2 rounds of Insanity, not much results though. But I loved the workouts and would like to do it again when i get closer to my goal weight.
  • ClareWantsProgress
    ClareWantsProgress Posts: 173 Member
    Glad to see I'm not alone out there. I think what's especially frustrating for me is that I had been maintaining for so many years at a nice, healthy (not super skinny or buff, but acceptable to me) weight (5'6", 140) until I hit perimenopause, and now I cannot get these extra pounds to BUDGE. I'm almost at the point of saying, screw it, I'm just going to have a belly pooch until I finish menopause - but I don't really want to do that, either. It's hard when after 4 years I am still up/down up/down the same 4 pounds (153-157) and never able to get below that for more than a day or two.

    I don't think I'll ever get back to 140, but I'd be ecstatic to have my clothes fit again at 150 or so. I don't have a lot of money, I hate the clothes that are out now, and it kills me to see my work skirts/suits hanging there gathering dust because they are too tight around the lower belly/hips/thighs now. :(
  • cookiefluff
    cookiefluff Posts: 115
    I totally get you Claire!
    I was 68kg before I got pregnant 2 years ago, and I've tried everything since my daughter was born, and it's really strange how no matter what I try, I always lose the same amount, but then I get stuck on 75kg!!!! AAAAAHHHHH! It's depressing, I've tried everything, I'm holding on to this because it's only been 3 weeks since I started counting calories so will see if this plateau goes away soon... Again, I am stuck on 75.5-76 goes up and down everyday... (yes, I weight myself everyday, can't help it!!! ggrrrrr)
    But I will not give up! I need to break this 2 year 75kg stuckness, I want my pre- pregnancy weight back! It's not too much to ask!!! only 7kg to go!!!! :explode:

    Any tips guys????? :bigsmile:
  • I'm a mom to two young kids, and always had a great body. after having my 2nd child, the weight just refused to go anywhere. so frustrating. i only had about 30 pounds to lose still. i joined this site about two months ago, started counting my calories, and the weight started coming off. I've lost 16 pounds in about the last two months now. i count my calories, and work out a lot. you can do it to. just don't give up. you will get there. :)
  • MehiraDeOro
    MehiraDeOro Posts: 117 Member
    I had to look mine up, I'm at 26.5(140lbs)!!!! I'M SO HAPPY!

    My heaviest I was 33!

    My goal is to be between 23.9 and 24.8 (135-140lbs)
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I'm now about 7 pounds from a "healthy" BMI, approximately 10 from my goal. I've done 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30, and I love to bike, but it's finding time. I'm a mom of two and my work is essentially self-employed sub-contracting work, and I'm so swamped right now I can hardly keep up with my work load, so I'm just trying to manage via food, but have slowed down a lot. Although it's hard to lose a lot of weight quick when you are close to your goal.... so I totally understand where you are coming from!

    ETA - I'm at a 25.1 BMI. Just hanging on the edge, baby.
  • boddy40
    boddy40 Posts: 16 Member
    Ok im here, I was always 8stone although some said too thin, but when i hit 30 i was 9stone and then i got married and now i am 42 and was 11st 4llbs
    I lost 8lbs early in the year but fell back into old habits, luckily though 6lbs has stayed off.
    I am now 10st 12, my ideal weight it 9.1 based on my age height and small frame.
    If i can lose another 10lbs and keep it off that a start.
    The problem i have is that i find idieting too slow to stick to. If i eat 1250 calories a day i lose around 1lb a week
    I know slower is better, but sitting around and eating chocalte is so much easier.
    I am strating to cut down my intake tomorrow and then on monday i can start back on 1250 calories.
    I plan to walk everyday although the weather is bad at the moment
  • cookiefluff
    cookiefluff Posts: 115
    getting married does that to a person, I totally get ya! :D