My Blog On Taking Phentermine



  • VeronicaMcGuinness
    Just keep in mind that if you take prescription stuff vs. stuff you buy over the counter you will have a doctor keeping a very close eye on you while on it and will know your health in and out rather than just taking something and hoping you are not going to have any side effects..Herbal stuff is not all it's cracked up to be either , they can be just as dangerous as prescribed medication..With being a Pharmacy Technician , I know ALLLL drugs , either prescribed or OTC have risks , it's up to your doctor to determine if the risks of NOT taking it outweigh the risks of taking it for said condition...I have a very addictive personality and have never found that I have any signs of withdrawl on the off months...This is my last month actually taking it because I am only 4 pounds from my goal weight and I can assure you I have learned how to do things the right way and will keep my weight off...Part of a successful weight loss is not reverting back to the old habits that got you in the situation to start with...I also feel , It's a decission that needs to be made between a physician and his patient as to weather or not any individual takes this medication , Some folks order it online and need to understand that it is NOT the same thing as the prescribed medication , it is a herbal copy cat. But rmemeber , if you take it and lose weight , or if you chose not to...Do not make the ones that do feel like they are using a crutch..Because it is no crutch..It is a tool used in helping people take control...either way you go , If you don't change habits , learn to exercise and stick to it , you will gain it back....
  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
    Yesterday I took my last phentermine pill...been on it for 3 months and lost 25 lbs. There is a GIGANTIC misconception here and some down right false information. I have been a mental health counselor with a focus on drug and alcohol. I've played the movie Requiem for a Dream in my group therapy sessions...Taking phentermine is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING LIKE THIS MOVIE!! An insane comparison!!! Phentermine is NOT heroine for crying out loud.

    Phentermine is for people who are on a structured diet and exercise plan and for whatever reason are having a difficult time losing weight. I am one of those people...I've been dieting and exercising for 3 years...nothing happened for me despite my absolute best efforts. 3 doctors ignored my concerns about this issue. I never asked any of them for medication, just help to figure out what in the world I was 'doing wrong'. Finally I found someone that listened to me. He agreed that clearly there is a problem and was eager to help me try and figure it out. He did NOT prescribe meds immediately!! And I luv him for that. My doctor and I AFTER trying several different approaches to weight loss..agreed that there is something that's not "working right. My metabolism had come to a screeching halt..I had not been overeating at all. Only after several months did he prescribe these meds. This medication is for SHORT TERM USE with A STRUCTURED DIET AND EXERCISE PLAN. The maximum time to use is 3 months!!!! It is not meant to use for years by any means. As a matter of fact, it has very little use/effect without a weight loss plan intact. This drug can be "potentially" habit forming...because there are people out there that don't use it like it's supposed to be used.
    I only experienced dry mouth, which was kinda okay because I finally started drinking lots of water..which I typically hadn't been doing. I exercise...I run 10-15 miles per week I keep to my calorie intake within reason...It's worked for me because I've DONE the work. I feel wonderful to say the least. And am so very glad that someone listened to me and did not say "Oh're forty soo....."
    Here's what I have to say to those nay-sayers....Please be considerate to others and not judge someone before you KNOW their struggle. For some...efforts pay off consistently and I'm happy for you. HOWEVER, just like people have diabetes or high blood pressure, or jock itch!! Some have trouble with those stupid hormones that regulate metabolism and such, there are people out there that need a 'jump' start to get their metabolism moving again.

    Phentermine people...friend me and I will support you provided that you are doing what you are supposed to do.

  • lucid36
    lucid36 Posts: 1
    Good luck on your weight loss. I was on phentermine about two years ago for approximately 6 months and the only side effect I experienced was dry mouth, which did make me want to drink more water, so not really a bad thing. I lost 42 pounds and kept all but 15 pounds of it off over the last 2 years. It sounds to me like you are already aware of the fact that this med is meant to "jump start" your weight loss but that the most important aspect of weight loss is increasing exercise and eating better. I have struggled with my weight my whole life and was diagnosed with thyroid issues almost 20 years ago, so losing weight loss is an ongoing battle for me (like many others) and so is eating healthy and not making excuses for lack of exercise...*which explains the added 15 pounds*

    Recently, I decided to go back on phentermine for 30 days and I am hoping that I can get a much needed jump to my weight loss goals again. I would just caution you to pay close attention to changes in your body and how you feel on the medication. Here's to your success!
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Back in my young and stupid partying days I did a lot of coke and other forms of speed and I felt exactly how you're describing. Phentermine is an amphetamine and should only be prescribed to people for a short time who are morbidly obese and who need to lose a lot of weight fast or risk keeling over from a heart attack. At 5'6" and 168 lbs that's not you. Your doctor is irresponsible and you need to get off this drug before you become addicted.
  • younginaz
    younginaz Posts: 71 Member
    That is the best advice. That movie could not be more true.
  • GinJon
    GinJon Posts: 447 Member
    bump to read later
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    Taking a drug to solve a symptom doesn't solve the problem. The problem is OVERCONSUMPTION. And until one learns how to address that with motivation and self discipline, the drug is a temporary fix.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • awtume9
    awtume9 Posts: 423 Member
    I don't know about anyone else, but this *kitten* sounds terrifying...
  • jlsteele01
    jlsteele01 Posts: 9 Member
    I won't be negative. I will just say be careful. Won't you try something natural first like Thinogenics that works?
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    I'm quite shocked that you have been prescribed this, to be honest as you are not massively overweight for your height. 25-30 years ago I used to take slimming pills that I bought from a private doctor (not my regular one) and experienced side effects like you mention. About 10 years ago all the different brands that I took hit the headlines due to them causing long term damage to people's hearts. Hopefully this newer medication has been tested thoroughly and won't, in the future, be found to have similar side effects but I would consider if you really really need to take it. Take care x
  • bunnymum150
    bunnymum150 Posts: 311
    I feel taking this med is not worth the potential health risks. With the support of MFP, and being mindful of calorie and fat intake combined with activity I now that we can all reach our goals. Best health to you.:heart:
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Guys this is a very old thread and the OP is no longer active on this site.
  • Danigirl37
    Prescription and also got Topoax. Good combo.
  • Danigirl37
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member

    OP hasn't been back in 18 months. My thought is that it didn't go as well as she hoped since her ticker still shows 0 pounds lost.
  • aamcj
    aamcj Posts: 1
    As I read through some of the other blogs and reply's it made me feel good to know I'm not alone. I've started Phentermine to help me boost my weight loss. So far I've lost 5 pounds and that's exciting for me!! I want to loss 60 so I hope this continues to help me get there. I also have the dry mouth and no desire to eat, so I do try to force good healthy foods in a few times a day, feeling excited about this because where I'm at with the way I look and I've tried EVERY diet known to man kind out there, after having 3 children, a hysterectomy and a very busy life the way I look is not what I want....wish me luck and I wish all of you the best as we do this together!! ;)
  • BrookelynBri
    I just started taking phentermine about a week ago. I've yet to way myself but I don't notice a difference. I've been having a very difficult time eating my calories. The first few days I came in under 100. I've been trying to do better. But I haven't been able to eat more than 600 calories in a day and that was only once. Other than tnat I'm always under 500. I could use all the advice in the world. I really want to lose this weight. But I'm afraid by not eating right that I won't lose any. Feel free to add me. I'm new here and just learning my around. I don't have any friends yet. Support would be appreciated. :)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I just started taking phentermine about a week ago. I've yet to way myself but I don't notice a difference. I've been having a very difficult time eating my calories. The first few days I came in under 100. I've been trying to do better. But I haven't been able to eat more than 600 calories in a day and that was only once. Other than tnat I'm always under 500. I could use all the advice in the world. I really want to lose this weight. But I'm afraid by not eating right that I won't lose any. Feel free to add me. I'm new here and just learning my around. I don't have any friends yet. Support would be appreciated. :)

    Eat more food. Drink smoothies, eat peanut butter, full fat dairy, etc. Get those calories in however you can. Also consider asking your doctor for a lower dose, assuming you're not willing to stop it altogether.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    Hi - when it was legal i took Phen Fen about 10 years ago, i lost 100 pounds, i had the dry mouth, and my metabolism was ramped up. Now this was the stuff that was supposed to be very bad for you, but it had no ill effects on me. There never was anything like this stuff. I wish it was still on the market.

    A few years ago, i tried Phentermine, and without the other half of the Phen Fen, it was not the same. to me i dont even know if it helped.

    so all i can say is, Phentermine did not have any bad effects on me, but not really any good effects, it was like my body got used to it after a month, and then it had a neutral affect on me.

    keep on having regular doc checkups and report any strange effects you notice to him - good or bad - so that he/she can adjust if needed.

    The good effect of dry mouth is that you are thirsty so it will be easy peasy to get all your water in for the day!
  • robinkirk92163
    I have been on it for 2 months and I lost like 52 pounds I was at 220 so I am way down now . the only problem I had was the dry mouth otherwise I was doing great on it and did a lot of walking I notice also I loved my soda not no more its not the same so the water was the best for me . and I had to take it early in the morning or forget it I was not going to get any sleep good luck everyone I tell ya it works