Anybody tracking sugar? I keep going over ughh!



  • mkbledsoe
    mkbledsoe Posts: 132
    I have the opposite problem. I am always way low on carbs and eat almost no sugar, but am always way over on protein and fat.
  • mrsleftybrown

    may I offer a suggestion? I started getting PLAIN greek yogurt, and sweetening it stevia and vanilla or adding fresh fruit.

    I like this suggestion. I had never thought about doing this but this is a great idea. I have made my own dips for veggies using the individual PLAIN greek yogurt and then added a couple of teaspoons of dip of my choice. It is a great lunch option and gets my protein in.
  • tmandras
    tmandras Posts: 22 Member
    honestly, all the prepackaged meals is pushing the # up. Try to cook your own night or day before for lunch/dinner, better for you overall!
    Fruit always throws me off but I just try to have it early in the day. I use stevia or xylitol in my oatmeal, yogurt, etc. to sweeten
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    I'm always over on sugar but I'm under on carbs. A handful of cherries and an apple puts me over sugar. I stopped tracking it. I track fiber instead. Tracking fiber is much more important for my overall attitude to the world.
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    Sugars are always the worst for me, but the majority of mine come from healthier choices than what I used to eat so I'm not as concerned. A cup of milk and an apple are enough to put my sugars into the red, but it's better that than a bag full of milk chocolate candy. If the majority of your sugars are coming from sweets, then either limit the amount that you have, or even better, try to switch those out for fruits and veggies. It's not easy at first, but it's worth it.
  • cwilli36
    cwilli36 Posts: 45 Member

    There are suggested guidelines here for a reason.
    I think it's a wise idea to keep track of as many as possible
    Calories, Fat, Sodium, Carbs, and Sugar seem to have the biggest impact on your overall health.

    She's exactly right. I didn't look at the diary, but just from my personal experience so far with MFP, keeping my sugar, sodium and calories in check seem to be when I lose the most weight. Sometimes I go over a little, no worries, but try to keep pretty close. If you are making good choices all around, it will come together.

    I always go over when I eat a FiberOne bar. I always eat the light yogurts and stay away from But bananas aren't "bad" for you, but they will put you over everytime. My trainer says to limit fruit to one serving a day and eat more veggies. I eat strawberries and apples. They have less sugar.

    I also use the GNC Lean Protein 25 shakes for snacks, they have 2 grm of sugar (something like that) but 25 protein. I was told to eat 1/2 my weight in protein grams each day. It puts me over according to MFP, but all together with keeping the sugar, sodium and calories lower, its working!

    Good luck. You will find your balance. Just keep working!
  • CEHayes73
    CEHayes73 Posts: 221 Member
    Mine is over all the time, too. I think it's from fruit, and I'm not worried about how that is affecting me. I've been working with a dietician, and her advice to me has been that as long as my total carbs are okay, not to worry.
  • marygettingfit
    marygettingfit Posts: 49 Member
    I was tracking my sugar also and was going over if i had alot of fruit. I now don't worry as much as long as my carbs are ok. I also now track my fiber as i feel i need to up it!! :heart:
  • bugzinc
    bugzinc Posts: 291 Member
    I think a big thing is HOW are you going over? Are you eating fruit and going over, or did you drink a soda and go over?
    Not all calories are created equally...same goes for sugars :)
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    I don't track sugar, thanks to some brow beating from my dietitian.

    When I first started tracking food with MFP I was constantly obsessed with monitoring sugar intake, however my dietitian made it clear that if I was eating right, and the sugars were from natural sources then DON"T WORRY ABOUT IT. Worry about making sure the sugar comes from natural sources like fruit- instead of junk / processed foods. So my results have been great, if you aren't diabetic don't worry about it. I am not saying it is the ideal answer but there are much bigger factors to worry over like sodium, protein, fat, and calories. I don't think I have been under in my sugar column since starting MFP, haha.

    So- don't sweat it, Just make sure you pay attention to the source of your sugar, not the quantity.
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    Looking at your diary, I wouldn't worry so much about the fruit, because the extra seems to be coming from your 100 calorie packs and from meat/meals that are teryaki and sweet and sour, both of which have sugar. If you switch your meats to something with a less sugary sauce, that would probably help, or alternately cut out those 100 calorie packs and switch to (as others have said) some kind of veggie snack, maybe with hummus, or to cheese or something else with less sugar.
    Just make sure you pay attention to the source of your sugar, not the quantity.
    I agree with this. Like I said, I wouldn't cut out fruit for the sake of the numbers, unless it is stalling your weight loss. But it's worth looking at what else you're eating that has sugar that could be sub'd out.
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    i track my sugar and sodium. i almost always go over too. unfortunately a greek yogurt has like 18 grams of sugar in it and thats really high since my limit is like 39 grams. then add a banana or a bowl of cheerios and im over lol. right now im in the red at 10 grams over and i still have way too many calories im suppose to be eating. it sucks.

    may I offer a suggestion? I started getting PLAIN greek yogurt, and sweetening it stevia and vanilla or adding fresh fruit.

    yes this! ^
  • jenn_may
    jenn_may Posts: 154 Member
    I usually don't worry about my sugar too much. I try to keep it as low as possible and at the end of the day I see what it would be without fruit. Yes, fruit is sugar, but it is much healthier than all the awful stuff they put in other foods. If I am under after I subtract the fruit I am a happy girl. That is just me though.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I don't have diabetes. so, nope.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    I can't seem to stay in the green in my sugar column although I've been doing pretty well with staying under in calories, carbs, sodium, fat, and protein. Any suggestions/advice?

    If you are under on your calories, it's all good. Sugar alone ( if in a caloric deficit) won't make you gain fat, it takes extra calories to do that.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    i track my sugar and sodium. i almost always go over too. unfortunately a greek yogurt has like 18 grams of sugar in it and thats really high since my limit is like 39 grams. then add a banana or a bowl of cheerios and im over lol. right now im in the red at 10 grams over and i still have way too many calories im suppose to be eating. it sucks.

    you don't need to track sodium, either, more than likely. a very small percentage of people are sodium sensitive.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Thank you soo much! What fruits are you choosing with low sugar?

    Anything that grows in a tropical climate is usually high sugar (mangoes, bananas). Colder climate fruits have less (berries, plums)
  • Ouckat2
    Ouckat2 Posts: 23 Member
    You go to settings and you can actually make your own columns. I have and at the bottom of your diary you will see "printable version". I open that just to see all at once since you can only shoose 4 colomns. Hope that helps . I go over on my sugar and I am so trying not to because I found out I am prediabetic. But I figure anything has to be better than what I was doing before this lifestyle change!!! body must be freakin' out. lol
  • Merrysix
    Merrysix Posts: 336 Member
    I am very sensitive to sugar -- in any form, whether natural or the white stuff in processed foods. It triggers me and I want to eat more. I try to eat lower sugar fruits like less sweet apples, and strawberries, honey dew and canteloupe melons and stay away from the white stuff, and more sugary fruits like mangos, grapes and watermelon, pineapple and ripe bananas. I try to eat foods where sugar is the 5th ingredient or less. I am sensitive to sugar triggering me to want to eat more sugar. Some people are not sensitive to it. Similarly, I try to eat little salt (unless I'm seriously exercising, sweating and taking electrolyte tablets). I also eat plain greek yogurt with strawberries and equal, but I'm going to try stevia and see if I like that.
  • Ouckat2
    Ouckat2 Posts: 23 Member
    I have to track my sodium. I have high blood pressure and I want to get off these pills!!!!!:ohwell: