So, Gave up Diet Coke, what do I drink now??



  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,512 Member
    Water junkie here! I add lemon juice (it has been fresh, but I am sick of squeezing lemons lol). I do have diet coke occasionally. I love green tea, hot or iced. I would recommend avoiding adding too many of any flavoring packets to your water, try to have some plain or with lemon/lime juice. There are chemicals in all of those packets of Crystal Light, Mios, etc etc.

    You can do it!

    I bought 4 or 5 lemons and cut them in to wedges. Put them in a freezer zip loc bag and when I add ice to my glass or water bottle I throw a frozen lemon wedge in there too. As I refill all day I keep the same lemon in there. Still fresh and less time. :bigsmile:
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    i was a soda FEEN !

    LOL! Glad someone else is as ballsy enough to correct spelling & grammar :P
    It's so hard to find people online who are willing to correct others' spelling and grammar! haha

    I was going to do it if the other person hadn't beaten me to it, damnit.

    Honestly given your constraints you've provided you have the choice of either water or juice. Of course, juice isn't really super low in calories, but it is good for you in moderation and provides a serving of fruit.

    Green smoothies are awesome, too, though depending on what you put in them they can be high in calories. I put spinach, carrots, broccoli, bananas, strawberries and blueberries in mine and a single serving is usually about 180-200 calories. However, I also get nearly all of the suggested servings of fruits and vegetables with each smoothie and it's more like a meal in and of itself; typically I'll have some eggs and a smoothie for breakfast.

    On the regular, just to have something to drink, I heartily recommend water. It's what I drink all day, and even writing this is making me think about how much I need a drink and that I should grab my water out of my car before it gets warm ...
  • lauravasseur
    Thank you for all the great advice, vodka it is! lol just kidding. I think I will try some fizzy flavored water or the like. That sounds like something I might enjoy. I appreciate all of the feedback.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I want to try making water kefir. Bubbles from healthy bacteria, rather than carbonation. You can flavor it with fruit.
    CLCinNOLA Posts: 82 Member
    Even when I wasn't trying to lose weight, I cut way back on diet Coke because it keeps me awake at night. I only drink it occasionally even at restaurants, and never bring any home from the grocery store any more.

    I drink water instead. I just bought some Crystal Light and may start drinking that once in a while.
  • dotti1121
    dotti1121 Posts: 751 Member
  • tlamarch
    tlamarch Posts: 105
    Lime juice , stevia and water mix to taste, the best drink hands down and zero cal
  • StephEx
    StephEx Posts: 69 Member
    Ive been addicted to sobe lifewater fuji apple pear!! yummm.
  • jtslim42
    jtslim42 Posts: 240
    I love sparkling water when i am in the mood for something carbonated.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I do two things--

    I allow myself one fountain a drink a day, out of the house, and I have to ride my bike at least 3 miles to a store to get it (weather permitting).

    Also, I have a Soda Stream soda maker so if I really am dying for a soda and can't go out for one, I can make a liter at home. The diet flavorings are Splenda sweetened, I believe. And it's not as good as the major label stuff, so I'm fine with a glass. And I have to make it so I have to really want it. If I have a 12-pack (or worse) of cans around I just keep grabbing them so this has been a good compromise. Mostly I drink water now.
  • michellematteson
    Black cherry MIO Engery with sparkling water. No calorie, with a little caffeine, and the bubbles to boot. Has helped me a lot when I crave a little soda.
  • lauravasseur
    i tried sparkling water because strangely even at 36 I have never tried it and I don't like it. Tried Vitamin water, it was okay. I am going to try Sobe see if I like that. I drink tons of water...I am still drinking my red bull once okay sometimes twice a day and that is fine for the caffeine. Eventually I will ween myself off that too, but one thing at a time...Diet coke, then red bull, then cigs...Thanks for the great advice.
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I typically don't like sparkling flavored water. I've tried several different brands and just don't like them. However, I came across this brand Sparkling ICE and it's fantastic!! It curbs my craving for soda since it's carbonated, it tastes nice, fruity and refreshing, it is 0 calories and is sweetened with sucralose (splenda), not aspartame. I found them for $1 each at WalMart, there are like 5 different flavors and one bottle lasts me about 3 days because it just doesn't lose its carbonation.