Low Carb and LOVING IT!!!!!



  • diabolotry
    diabolotry Posts: 14 Member
    I simply cannot go THAT low carb. My goal is to stick to about 100g/day, because I'm not going for ketosis. Dropping to 50/day (for almost two weeks; I gave up on day 11) I was ready to murder someone I was so irritable, the headaches were unbearable and I had 0 energy to workout. And when I did workout I had no endurance. I was dead after 20 minutes and felt like I accomplished nothing. People kept telling me this would go away eventually, but after consulting with my trainer/RD I decided it just wasn't worth it right now. I was getting about 200-250g/day before that, so maybe if I step down I can manage. But right now... *kitten* me sideways, it just ain't happening.

    My coworkers are very thankful that I'm eating more carbs again because apparently I was intolerable.
  • tstokes65
    tstokes65 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for sharing. I will definitely be trying this.
  • BandedTriaRN
    BandedTriaRN Posts: 303
    I've been doing low carb (vegetarian) for years pretty much but not that strict. I use it to keep diabetes under control. When I had my lap band, they tell you to eat your protein first and that is what I do. I'm not really hungry even with my band unfilled. Tonight, we are having faux chicken with artichoke and cheese which someone had put on a lap band board somewhere. I love it and it helps me get my calories up some.

    I don't have a genetic illness which causes me to have severe pain, fatigue and migraines and to have balance issues when I walk so I fall and bust things. Usually, I am in a wheelchair due to this and weakness in my legs especially the left one (neurologic). I think that I actually feel better on this diet, not saying I am cured! Not everyone can go as low carb as others. Low glycemic diets are another option.

    George Stella has a recipe for BBQ black soy beans that I love. We substitute low carb prepared ketchup for his homemade stuff and I just love it especially served with tofu:)

    I'm going to make vegetarian canned Southern collards this week (just got a recipe) and going to see how I like it... might serve it with a griller and burgandy mushrooms:)

    I love veggies and low sugar fruit. I mix up some blueberries and a little sweetener and vegan margarin (just a dab) and eat that for desert. Sometimes, I put it with greek yogurt. It's so good!
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    My "low" is low-ish, about 120-150. Lots of steamed/grilled/raw vegetables. Lots of spinach and broccoli. I'm not too big on salads.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Oh, this is good. I'm saving this.
  • tyoung8
    tyoung8 Posts: 115 Member
    I think anything where you are cutting out the bad carbs like enriched and white you will lose weight. I find that I keep my carbs low by not having any starches at all. then that leaves room for my dressings and such.
  • Klem4
    Klem4 Posts: 399 Member
    This is helpful and interesting. I think i'd be miss cranky pants at that low though. lol. I've been trying to keep my carbs around 150 or less. Just started that recently, need to make note of these foods, some things I hadn't thought of.
  • Jen_Jennings
    Jen_Jennings Posts: 124 Member
    Don't any of you worry about your cholesterol intake? 2 eggs puts us over our daily 'healthy' level. I'm too afraid to do it. My father died of a massive heart attack so I trie to watch my sodium and cholesterol as much as I can.
  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    Interestingly enough, blood pressure and cholesterol drop on Primal (I won't speak for all low carb diets) diets for most people. My husband's did, he was pre-diabetic and had high blood pressure, and now he has FANTASTIC levels. It's a great topic to research, check out www.marksdailyapple.com for all kinds of great information. There is a search bar where you can find articles about pretty much anything. I've read articles from Psychology Today about low carb, and how beneficial that can be for your mental wellness. Did you know that one of the first things that they do for some seizure sufferers is completely cut out carbs? It has also been used to help people who suffer from depression and bipolar. I can certainly understand being afraid for your cholesterol- I was! Do some research and then decide for yourself what you think :)
  • DebbieMc3
    DebbieMc3 Posts: 289 Member
    I've been very LC for 5 weeks keeping them under 50 grams. I've lost 12 lbs in that time. Once I got past the 2nd week, all of the "yuckies" went away. I do take patassium and magnesium suplements to prevent leg cramps.
    I was only planning on doing this for 1 month but I feel so good that I will keep it going.

    My husband has very high BP and triglycerides. Since going LC, his BP is perfect and is tryglicerides are down.

    I don't think it's for everyone but for me, all of my cravings have gone away. I have fibromyalgia and most of my inflamation is gone.
    I'm rarely hungry and feel good.

  • afcgirl
    afcgirl Posts: 31 Member
    I eat mostly salads, eggs, chicken, steak, protein smoothies with unsweetened almond milk and berries, and Atkins bars.

    My favoritie lc foods:

    Low carb chili
    Zucchini with low carb spaghetti sauce and mozzarella cheese
    Chicken with parmesan crust
    Steak fried in butter with A-1 Steak Sauce and parm crust
    Egg omelette made with cinnamon and whipping cream (tasted like pancakes)
  • missjelika
    missjelika Posts: 115 Member
    I'm going carb cycling.got it from a bodybuilding.com.
    I eat 50 net carbs( Don't count fiber) for three days and on the fourth day have a high carb day. One gram for each pound you weigh. Repeat cycle

    Lost 6 pounds in 5 days. I also love the fact that I look coward to high carb days and so its easier to stay low carb.
    The other thing is that I stay at 1200 cals on the three days and eat at maintenance on the fourth day.
  • strawberrie_milk
    strawberrie_milk Posts: 381 Member
    I was low carb for a while.. need to start doing it again!
  • mondesa
    mondesa Posts: 61 Member
    I started Atkins the end of Jan after hearing in needed abdominal surgery. Almost five months later according to my Dr's scale I am down 72 pounds. I have not stuck to the rules of atkins for the last month however i am still losing so I am happy.

    My Fav low carb meal is spagetti squash with alfredo sauce and baked chicken. I thought it sounds awful but i tried it and I am hooked
  • RayRay1500
    RayRay1500 Posts: 158 Member
    I started Atkins the end of Jan after hearing in needed abdominal surgery. Almost five months later according to my Dr's scale I am down 72 pounds. I have not stuck to the rules of atkins for the last month however i am still losing so I am happy.

    My Fav low carb meal is spagetti squash with alfredo sauce and baked chicken. I thought it sounds awful but i tried it and I am hooked

    Mondesa, Which brand of alfredo sauce do you use?
  • mondesa
    mondesa Posts: 61 Member
    I used the Ragu because that is what I had at the time. There are probably some that are better
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Don't any of you worry about your cholesterol intake? 2 eggs puts us over our daily 'healthy' level. I'm too afraid to do it. My father died of a massive heart attack so I trie to watch my sodium and cholesterol as much as I can.
    Nope, chickens don't eat cholesterol yet it's in their eggs and for the same reason I don't fret about cholesterol in my food. Over 60% of my calorie intake is from fats, my total cholesterol is 5.05 and I'm in the low risk zone of the charts.
  • JamCubeChi
    JamCubeChi Posts: 378 Member
    Bump to reivew later. What do you all do for breakfast foods besides eggs & sausages? I get tired of eating the same thing all the time.
  • Chokis
    Chokis Posts: 131
    To people that say it is hard to stay under 50 (or whatever other number) grams of carbs. Remember that you have to subtract fiber from your carb count. Most of the green veggies (well, anything non-starchy) have tons of fiber, so when you log them in your MFP diary, look at the Fiber and subtract it from your total carb count. So let's say you're eating 70 grams of carbs total, but 20 grams of them are fiber. Subtract it and you'll get only 50 grams of NET carbs. Fiber does not impact your blood sugar and has no caloric value.

    There is a way to change your settings to show NET CARBS. Ask me if you want to know how, I'll show you.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    This is helpful and interesting. I think i'd be miss cranky pants at that low though. lol. I've been trying to keep my carbs around 150 or less. Just started that recently, need to make note of these foods, some things I hadn't thought of.

    I've been low carb for a while now. My diary is open, I eat between 30-50 but remember that much of the veggie carbs are fiber and that doesn't count. The irritability goes away, I promise, and so does the cravings. The easiest way to get to low carb is to keep your foods simple to start, whole foods, no processed foods, and real veggies, fresh and frozen and don't overcook!! Canned almost always has added sodium and sometimes added sugar, plus they cook the nutrients out of them. The food industry would have you believe you need wheat and starch in your diet, but honestly, you don't, especially the way they process wheats and starches.

    Read the labels... look at your primary ingredients. In processed foods especially, I bet you see that the first ingredients are grains and sugars - look for hidden sugars, high fructose corn syrup etc. Those are all still sugars and they will knock your carb count out of the ball park! If you're diabetic, they will send your blood sugar levels wacko too!

    It's really not as difficult as it sounds.