


  • kimmyj74
    kimmyj74 Posts: 223 Member
    No one has told you WHY fiber is important.
    Fiber doesn't digest therfore it helps to pull everything together in the bowels and actually cleans the walls. Fluids (mainly water) is important too as fiber absorbs the water. This allows the stool to not be too hard or too loose and come out easier. The key is to introduce fiber slowly into the diet or you will get that bloating feeling. Stick with natual fiber instead of the powders etc. IMO.
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    Still waitin' on that poopin'!
  • ksylvan
    ksylvan Posts: 13

    I agree with this! Flaxseeds and chia seeds!
  • Funsoaps
    Funsoaps Posts: 514 Member
    put a teaspoon of mineral oil in a fruit smoothie. Done deal...and drink tons of water.

    bump for all ideas

    I have tried all the cereals mentioned. I have tried castor oil, metamucil tablets, cascara sagrada and everything anyone has ever suggested. I drink TONS OF water...and eat a lot of fiber. I. I am going to take a tsp of cocomut oil starting today. I know it is good for so many things. If that doesn't work...I only go about every 8-9 days and I know its not healthy for me, but seriously this is a real problem for me.Thanks for the info.

    My son had serious issues, it was two things; one he had food allergies so we found out what they were and eliminated them. But his system would back up longer than your 8 or 9 days. We tried mineral oil and fiber and stool things prescribed by the doctor, but the ONLY thing that ever seemed to work was digestive enzymes. Simple papaya by American Health digestive enzymes with every meal.
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    put a teaspoon of mineral oil in a fruit smoothie. Done deal...and drink tons of water.

    bump for all ideas

    I have tried all the cereals mentioned. I have tried castor oil, metamucil tablets, cascara sagrada and everything anyone has ever suggested. I drink TONS OF water...and eat a lot of fiber. I. I am going to take a tsp of cocomut oil starting today. I know it is good for so many things. If that doesn't work...I only go about every 8-9 days and I know its not healthy for me, but seriously this is a real problem for me.Thanks for the info.

    My son had serious issues, it was two things; one he had food allergies so we found out what they were and eliminated them. But his system would back up longer than your 8 or 9 days. We tried mineral oil and fiber and stool things prescribed by the doctor, but the ONLY thing that ever seemed to work was digestive enzymes. Simple papaya by American Health digestive enzymes with every meal.

    is it mild?
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I try to hit my fiber goal from regular food, but I'm not against fiber supplements. I currently poop every day at least once, sometimes more. Not too soft, not too hard, it's just right. Ah yes, there's nothing like a good dump to start the day. I used to have a severe case of volcanic assinosis until I lost a significant amount of weight. Some days it was molten magma and other days it was hard and dry asteroids. It's amazing how much just being able to poop right can improve your quality of life.
  • if you need help pooping take a laxative tea at night. you'll get a special present when you wake up.
  • xsqueakme85
    xsqueakme85 Posts: 91 Member
    LOL me too! Its such a relief to go!
  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    If your not eating any, start eating one prune a day, eat an apple a day and make sure you drink water regularly everyday. You may want to take a fiber suppliment.
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    Ideal pooping is 1-3 times a day. You do not need to poop for every meal you ate the day before... some things take more or less time to digest.

    Do you have something against eating high fiber REAL food? I hear Kashi and cereals and fiber one... try lentils or apples or prunes or coconut oil. The processed fiber supplements simply don't work for everyone and that may be why you feel bloated all the time.

    A serving of lentils and plenty of water should clear you out pretty good.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    If your not eating any, start eating one prune a day, eat an apple a day and make sure you drink water regularly everyday. You may want to take a fiber suppliment.
    An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
  • I go every other day at most, it's been less often since I'm on a diet and eating less. Back when I was eating like a fatty I would go 2 or 3 times a day. I guess less in less out?

    I tried taking fiber supplements and eating a few prunes every day. Then I figured out it was the whey protein making me feel bloated so I quit using it. Now I eat natural apple sauce daily and it seems to help my stomach.
  • AndMee
    AndMee Posts: 23
    I use to be a once every other day or two pooper, but when I started eating properly and exercising regularly I noticed I started pooping at least once a day and there were days where I will poop twice. You will know when you start eating properly because your poop will come out more cylinderical and not so much like little balls.

    Hope this helps.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I have no idea. I'm not regular at all.
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    Eat a few Fiber Plus bars and I promise you will never stop pooping.

    EDIT: Or farting, for that matter.
  • Mcmilligen
    Mcmilligen Posts: 332 Member
    I had a similar issue. But if you are sure you're getting enough fiber and water, then you may not be getting enough fats to help slide it through the system smoothly. I toast up some whole chia seeds (or skip the toasting if low on time) in a dry pan, and then sprinkle about 1 tbsp on top of my oatmeal in the morning. Works great!
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member

    I agree with this! Flaxseeds and chia seeds!

    This! Just make sure you introduce the flax into your diet slowly otherwise they can seriously bloat you (I learnt that the hard way the other day). And with chia you need to drink a tonne of water because they create a gel coating on themselves and so swell. You will need all the fluids you can get to make them and the flax pass through
  • nannabannana
    nannabannana Posts: 787

    I agree with this! Flaxseeds and chia seeds!

    Tks..I am going to try this starting today!
  • nbme
    nbme Posts: 8 Member
    I have IBS and am extremely irregular :0( Lemon water helps sometimes and a shot of organic apple cider vinegar before bed every night.
  • SunshineT83
    SunshineT83 Posts: 158 Member
    Every person is different, with that said if you are not having a "movement" at least once a day then you may want to reevaluate the amount of "binding" foods you eat. Bump up your fruit and veggie consumption, maybe pull back some on the dairy (or dare I say it meat) and you may feel "loads" better. :bigsmile:
    Also, be sure to drink, drink, drink your water that will help keep things moving as well.