Rushfit vs. TapouT XT - My review/opinion/observation.



  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Ohhhhh I am so glad you said that Sean about them struggling. They do that on Asylum and THAT'S when you feel like you're part of it. Even Shaun T was mumbling at one point how he kicked his own backside. lol I really like that!
    Sounds like they are both something I should invest in.

    I should also ask if you found any people in these programs 'annoying'. I don't do well with that.

    I think the big thing about Rushfit is that the instructor leading it didn't let GSP (Georges St. Pierre, the MMA fighting champion who is heavily featured here) do modified versions of any of the exercises. Whereas the other people in the studio were allowed to modify to continue on when they got fatigued, he wasn't. So when he reached a point where he would have to modify to continue, he just had to suck it up and keep going in a way that makes you feel good about yourself because fairly often it is in an area where you wouldn't have as much trouble.

    I didn't find either of them in any way annoying, although I did find the instructor for Rip 60 to be just a little bit annoying.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member

    I also very much like Eric's businesslike demeanor. It gives the whole video a more "professional" feel, like it was put together by someone who really knows his stuff.

    One thing I REALLY like about Rushfit is that you get to see as you progress through these programs that there are a few areas where GSP has a particularly hard time, even more than you probably do at home. And it's a nice confidence booster to see that there are some things you can do better than him. The isometric squats, for instance. He's all explaining the modifications and stuff and talking in a way that kind of makes it sound like he's half-jokingly making excuses for himself while you're sitting there thinking "yeaaaah right Georges, just suck it up and do it" lol. I like that.

    Yes I love that about these videos.. You see the "star" isnt perfect... Hes not showing you a few reps and then letting the models do the work... Hes doing the whole thing and showing you its actual tough to do.. even for him.. Eric corrects his stance and things all the time.. hes not perfect.. but hes giving his best.. and that's all we can ask of ourselves too.

    I'm not following his program, but i do a video at home whenever i have time. I did the explosive training one and my sides hurt for days after... that's when you know its working.. when you worked muscled you never used before..

    Also in his training guide he doesn't tell you to eat 1200 calories and get slim quick like others (ahem... Jillian and beach body) .. they use TDEE formulas to get people to fuel their bodies!

  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Thank you for taking the time to post this!

    I have only ever considered RushFit just because I'm a MASSIVE GSP fan (he's perfect lol) and quite frankly I hadn't heard of the other 2. I am so happy to hear that the workout is worthy of having GSP promote it/in it. I am going to file this one away until I'm at goal and looking to take my fitness to the next might be a bit much for me at this point.

    Again, thanks for the info!
  • hongruss
    hongruss Posts: 389 Member
    Not that I have a lot to add BUT I would say the only annoying part of RushFit for me, is the fact that the warm up & cooldown are exactly the same for every workout. They are technically sound, they just become a little repetitive, other than that I think the system is sound & a lot of fun & I have been singing its praises for the last three weeks. Previously I have completed P90X & X2 & I think they helped prepare me but I really like the "focus" of RushFit, in that I am not stopping to switch weights or grab a different piece of equipment. As for me I didn't like what I have read about TapouT(other sites) it seems to be a MMA P90X rip off with too much cardio emphasis, just my thoughts :)

  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Not that I have a lot to add BUT I would say the only annoying part of RushFit for me, is the fact that the warm up & cooldown are exactly the same for every workout. They are technically sound, they just become a little repetitive, other than that I think the system is sound & a lot of fun & I have been singing its praises for the last three weeks. Previously I have completed P90X & X2 & I think they helped prepare me but I really like the "focus" of RushFit, in that I am not stopping to switch weights or grab a different piece of equipment. As for me I didn't like what I have read about TapouT(other sites) it seems to be a MMA P90X rip off with too much cardio emphasis, just my thoughts :)


    You're right about TapouT XT. That's exactly my point that I've brought up numerous times about the schedule. The individual workouts are sound and great unto themselves, its just the schedule thats the problem. I highly recommend TapouT XT to anyone who has gained enough knowledge in their personal fitness evolution to be able to recognize its weaknesses and put together their own program using the individual workouts. But if this isn't you, and you need a calendar/schedule to hold your hand along the way, I'd say TapouT XT is not ideal for you.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    thanks for the review! I saw the tapoutxt commercial and it looked like a lot of fun, but after getting pumped for insanity:asylum (which i ended up hating) im leery of any hyped up program with a big brand name (i feel like asylum rode insanitys wave of popularity without having to make a good program). Im also glad to hear its ab-centered, ive done killer abs, cardio abs, tummy tuck, and ab ripper x and i always feel like they put too much focus on one part (all upper, all obliques, all lower) so you have to do 3 or more ab workouts for the whole midsection to "feel it". I think i may look more into tapoutxt now!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    thanks for the review! I saw the tapoutxt commercial and it looked like a lot of fun, but after getting pumped for insanity:asylum (which i ended up hating) im leery of any hyped up program with a big brand name (i feel like asylum rode insanitys wave of popularity without having to make a good program). Im also glad to hear its ab-centered, ive done killer abs, cardio abs, tummy tuck, and ab ripper x and i always feel like they put too much focus on one part (all upper, all obliques, all lower) so you have to do 3 or more ab workouts for the whole midsection to "feel it". I think i may look more into tapoutxt now!

    I think you'll like it a lot. Just remember you'll get the best results if you mix it up and don't follow the schedule to the letter. Make your own =) And don't worry about the 15 minute ab workout DVD. It's pointless with how much core intensive training you get just going through the normal workout.
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    Thanks for posting this I ordered RushFIt yesterday. I am a huge MMA fan and of course love GSP. I am looking forward to a change after Insanity and hope it can give me my final results and help me finally reach my goals! Thanks again for sharing!
  • Altruista75
    Altruista75 Posts: 409 Member
    Contingencypl - I'm not sure why you dislike the schedule for TapouT so much and keep telling everyone to do the workouts the way they want to. I personally haven't found anything wrong with it yet (but I'm only on week 3). I think it focuses on core one day, then upper body the next and then lower body after that, etc., etc. Just my opinion of course.
  • gymrat5885
    I am considering getting TAPOUT XT. My question to you guys is can I keep going to the gym for a weightlifting routine to maintain my size but use this video as a morning cardio workout?
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Contingencypl - I'm not sure why you dislike the schedule for TapouT so much and keep telling everyone to do the workouts the way they want to. I personally haven't found anything wrong with it yet (but I'm only on week 3). I think it focuses on core one day, then upper body the next and then lower body after that, etc., etc. Just my opinion of course.

    As someone who has studied exercise science (albeit not in a school setting) for years now, I have grown to learn more and more about how the addition of ab-specific workouts is, in most cases, overdone, because when the exercise itself is more of a compound movement than an isolation movement (meaning it integrates many muscle groups rather than focusing on one single muscle) that is sufficient core activation to merit a proper core workout. Most professional bodybuilders and powerlifters do not do any exercises that target the core specifically for this reason. When doing deadlifts, squats, overhead presses, and other compound movements, the core activation they get needed to power through those compound movements is all the core workout they need to get the ripped six packs they have in competition season. Very few ever do a single core-specific movement.

    P90X was justified in adding a dedicated ab workout after its strength training days because most of the workouts they did were isolation movements rather than compound movements. Due to its success, however, many other workout programs feel the need to copy its overall scheduling format, even though the style of workouts they revolve around (as in TapouT XT) does not call for that. Functional training revolves around functional movements, which integrate the core into the strength moves you do as well as other muscle groups. You're never isolating a single muscle group. You may not feel it being killed, but I can assure you it is being targeted sufficiently. Murdering yourself to where you can't move anymore does not necessarily imply a better workout.

    Will you see results following the schedule? Sure you will. But you can see results that are just as good, if not better, if you closely analyze the strengths and weaknesses inherent in the overall scheduling format and where it unnecessarily borrowed from P90X. Why do extra work when you're not getting any better of workout? Sometimes it's a case of work smart, not hard. I do not do anything workout related without studying it extensively and learning the science behind it. More people should be this way too.
    I am considering getting TAPOUT XT. My question to you guys is can I keep going to the gym for a weightlifting routine to maintain my size but use this video as a morning cardio workout?

    Yes, you most certainly can! My suggestion would be to use a few specific DVDs from the series (specifically Cross Core Combat, Cardio, Ripped Conditioning, Plyo XT, Competition Core, Strike Training, and Muay Thai as cardio/core workouts on days when you don't do your heavy lifting. Do not do the other DVDs in the series when combining it with heavy lifting.
  • gymrat5885
    Awesome. I'm only looking to tone but maintain my size. I guess call it sculpting. :) I appreciate the insight. Thanx
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Did Rushfit's Abdominal Strength & Core Conditioning workout last night. Had to modify two of the moves they have you do for reasons involving my poor balance which was a little bit discouraging because the "modified" version didn't hit my muscles the way they needed to be hit. Anyway...

    I really liked this program. You actually did very little in the way of dedicated ab exercises, because they train their core the way real athletes do: Full body and compound exercises. So it's actually more of a total body workout than a "core" workout. Which translates to also being a great core workout. I love it.
  • amhancock
    amhancock Posts: 14 Member
    Also, another note of thanks. I'm looking for something to change things up. I've got Rushfit on hold at the library! Thanks again!
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    great info!!! Well done!!
  • MarcoRod
    MarcoRod Posts: 150 Member
    My thoughts on following the schedule are "why not?". For me, the workouts are tremendously fun and I'm going to workout anyway so I'm giving Tapout the benefit of the doubt. However, I am ADDING in an extra Abs workout a week.

    I am not knocking anyone else's regimen or opinion but when I take fitness / nutrition advice I ask someone with similar goals and physical build I am targeting.
  • blissteach
    I am trying to decide which one of these workouts to buy. I am an avid exerciser and fitness buff. Although I am off my game right now, I used to lift weights 3-4 times a week and do cardio--mostly running 2.5-3 miles at a time--4-5 times a week. Of course, this was in my better days!! I haven't been doing that lately and have gained over 20 lbs., which I am trying to get off. I have done Insanity and liked it. I would do that first thing in the morning, then also lift 3 times a week in the evening.

    So--based on this info about me, which program would you recommend? Thanks for suggestions!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I am trying to decide which one of these workouts to buy. I am an avid exerciser and fitness buff. Although I am off my game right now, I used to lift weights 3-4 times a week and do cardio--mostly running 2.5-3 miles at a time--4-5 times a week. Of course, this was in my better days!! I haven't been doing that lately and have gained over 20 lbs., which I am trying to get off. I have done Insanity and liked it. I would do that first thing in the morning, then also lift 3 times a week in the evening.

    So--based on this info about me, which program would you recommend? Thanks for suggestions!

    Definitely Rushfit. You sound like someone who wants to be able to add in your own exercise/cardio along with the workout program and the way TapouT XT is structured (according to the schedule, anyway) you can't do that without risking overtraining.
  • Debby0904
    Debby0904 Posts: 151 Member
    Well as much as they annoyed me, I did decide on TapouT XT. I'll go through the dvds once and decide how I should put it together that will work the best for me. Going through so many Beachbody programs this shouldn't be an issue. Thanks for the suggestions Sean and your insight.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Well as much as they annoyed me, I did decide on TapouT XT. I'll go through the dvds once and decide how I should put it together that will work the best for me. Going through so many Beachbody programs this shouldn't be an issue. Thanks for the suggestions Sean and your insight.

    I think you'll love it, and you'll get even better results out of it if you customize the schedule to something that suits your needs and conforms better to the science behind exercise =)