Thinking about ditching my weightloss program...

So, I just recently went back to the weightloss clinic I had gone to years before and lost 25 lbs... that should have been my clue right there. Why did I gain the weight back and why go back to the same clinic. They have me on all these protein shakes/bars and different appettite/metabolic accelterators right now. But I am not really seeing a difference and I don't believe I am eating enough. I do so good for about three days and then I binge because I feel so hungry. I just paid $150 to extend until September... ugh... money I could have used on workout clothes or even healthy foods!! Do I stick it out and continue going (my hubby will say I am giving up or I told you so!! errr) or do I just count my calories - continue going to the gym doing cardio/strength training and not worry so much about the scale at this point?? UGH .... am I a moron or what?!?!?!?!


  • tenunderfour
    tenunderfour Posts: 429 Member
    There's no way to get that money back? or a partial refund?

    If it's not working and you are feeling hungry and having binge cycles..... then don't do it!! Forget the money. Move on! Track your calories, increase your activity. If you feel like you can only manage 3 days at a time on a deficit then that's ok! Just figure out what your maintenance calories should be and every 3rd day PLAN a maintenance day - where you eat higher calories and allow yourself the treats but *always* within maintenance calories - not surplus. It's not binging. This will slow your weight loss somewhat, but you might feel more empowered to continue if you don't feel so deprived. The key to all of this is planning though. Because if you just wing it then you are going to over-eat. It's human nature.
  • seamaiden1000
    seamaiden1000 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi! I can understand how frustrating this may be but sounds like you need to look deeper into the causes of your weight gain rather than curing the symptom (of weight gain). I have a friend who is in serious diabetes denial in that they do not take control of their diet but keep upping their insulin doses figuring 'what the hell!', not that I am suggesting that this is your problem or case!, and in doing some research into the whole insulin issue I happened to come across some very interesting insights about how it is important to understand insulin resistance creep over time and it's effect on cravings etc.

    I find the website pretty good generally. I started researching diabetes and insulin resistance then I followed the links to what diet is right for you. VERY educational as low carb high protein isn't for everyone! Much depends on your insulin function. If you are insulin resistant lower carb higher fat will give you the greatest weight loss on a calorie controlled diet. If however, you are insulin sensitive higher carb lower fat will give you the best results on a calorie controlled diet. So Atkins definitely not for everyone! Those with insulin problems seem to do best on Atkins. See link below :

    Also I discovered that metabolic syndrome can begin to develop years and decades (from your early twenties) before you can be diagnosed as having a problem with insulin and metabolism. All this has an effect on your diet choice now. For this reason I found Ruth's Story very interesting:

    After reading these articles and a few more I more than before can better assess what I need to be cultivating in terms of a life time plan with checks and balances. Hope this helps you get out of the ' same-old-same-old' routine you must be feeling.
  • seamaiden1000
    seamaiden1000 Posts: 76 Member
    Sorry, but Ruth's Story is on the following link:

    Reading her story threw a lot of light on how we handle our weight gain and cravings in an almost blind manner...
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    So, I just recently went back to the weightloss clinic I had gone to years before and lost 25 lbs... that should have been my clue right there. Why did I gain the weight back and why go back to the same clinic. They have me on all these protein shakes/bars and different appettite/metabolic accelterators right now. But I am not really seeing a difference and I don't believe I am eating enough. I do so good for about three days and then I binge because I feel so hungry. I just paid $150 to extend until September... ugh... money I could have used on workout clothes or even healthy foods!! Do I stick it out and continue going (my hubby will say I am giving up or I told you so!! errr) or do I just count my calories - continue going to the gym doing cardio/strength training and not worry so much about the scale at this point?? UGH .... am I a moron or what?!?!?!?!

    Does the clinic offer anything for that money besides bars/shakes? Could you tell them that the bars/shakes part of the plan is leaving you binge-y and you want to try to incorporate whole foods, especially to better prepare you for maintaining later? Maybe there is a plan B that is 'bars/shakes til dinner then eat a balanced dinner'. Not that I recommend bars/shakes (though calories are calories) but because I'm cheap and Sept. is right around the corner and the reason people do lose on bar/shake plans is because sometimes the regimentation is helpful at first. So maybe a hybrid approach?

    Or if you want to chuck it all, consider how little that money is in the big picture of your health. People pay more than that for a teeth cleaning or a dinner out.
  • tripletmom2004
    tripletmom2004 Posts: 168 Member
    the $150 does not include the protein shakes/bars or supplements. I have to buy those extra!! I am thinking of just going to a registered dietician.
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    If you can't get a refund you could continue with the clinic but also count your calories correctly. Just modify what they tell you as far as how much to eat. Figure your BMR and never eat under that number. Use that number as your calorie goal and eat back your exercise calories too. You can continue the protein shakes and bars if you need to just track them. That way you're not giving up and he can't say he told you so.
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    the $150 does not include the protein shakes/bars or supplements. I have to buy those extra!! I am thinking of just going to a registered dietician.

    So what are you paying for if they are not going to supply you with the items you need to succeed?
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    Doesn't sound like a good place. I agree with the sentiment that it seems that they are charging you for the privilege of being allowed to purchase their shakes and supplements.

    I don't like any plan that is dependent on special shakes, supplements, pre-packaged meals, etc. A big piece of long term success is changing our eating and exercise habits. If losing weight is dependent on using their products, once you stop you will likely go back to the eating habits that got you overweight in the first place, since you haven't learned to change them. And it sounds like that is what happened.

    Since starting here, I've made significant changes to my eating habits, largely in terms of portion size. Once I started measuring and weighing foods, I was amazed. But this is something I can continue once I reach my goal weight.

    So, I would suggest ditching your clinic. If you can't get your money back, then it's gone, but don't continue to use something that isn't going to help you be successful just because you paid for it. The money is already paid, it shouldn't be part of your decision. Follow the guidelines on here, and watch your calorie totals.

    I've got a bunch of thoughts on my blog on what things have worked and helped me along the way, and what things didn't seem to help if you'd like to take a look.

    Good luck.
  • tripletmom2004
    tripletmom2004 Posts: 168 Member
    stupid weekly weigh ins and consultations... I know stupid stupid me!!!
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    the $150 does not include the protein shakes/bars or supplements. I have to buy those extra!! I am thinking of just going to a registered dietician.

    I think I'd lose these then. 3 months of them must cost a fortune anyway. Do this with real food, definitely, if you feel you can. Anyone can, really. If you like the appetite suppressants/metabolic supplements, continue with those. Some people believe they help, I guess, and sounds like you've already paid. I doubt they'll hurt.

    I don't know if you really need a registered dietician but a lot of people like that way, too. Do you like to read? There are great books out there on healthy eating. The math about losing weight is here and elsewhere (if you can wade through the misinformation and just use the MFP plan).

    Unfortunately no matter who we pay it comes down to us finding the discipline to track our intake in some form and to stay on plan or tweak things as needed, not give up when things don't seem to work. Mostly it's patience and self-discipline and being willing to learn to eat a new way.
  • BibbersT6
    BibbersT6 Posts: 2
    Matthew 22:36-40- Jesus gives two great commandments: (1) Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind; (2) Love our neighbor as yourself — there is no third command to love yourself. Jesus is saying, “as you already love yourself” — “as” is used in the same way in Eph 5:25,28,33 indicating a state of current existence, not a command. Jesus knows we already love ourselves and thereby commands us to love others with this same commitment.

    Sounds like you need to start here. LOVE YOURSELF - I think you need to stop with the negative comments you tell yourself. Scraping the whole weight loss effort because this isn't working doesn't sound like a good idea to me.
    Seek God and His will for your life. "For I know the plans I have for you"

    Good luck and stop beating yourself up.

    Let your face shine on your servant. Save me in your unfailing Love. Ps 31:16
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    Matthew 22:36-40- Jesus gives two great commandments: (1) Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind; (2) Love our neighbor as yourself — there is no third command to love yourself. Jesus is saying, “as you already love yourself” — “as” is used in the same way in Eph 5:25,28,33 indicating a state of current existence, not a command. Jesus knows we already love ourselves and thereby commands us to love others with this same commitment.

    Sounds like you need to start here. LOVE YOURSELF - I think you need to stop with the negative comments you tell yourself. Scraping the whole weight loss effort because this isn't working doesn't sound like a good idea to me.
    Seek God and His will for your life. "For I know the plans I have for you"

    Good luck and stop beating yourself up.

    Let your face shine on your servant. Save me in your unfailing Love. Ps 31:16

    Are you kidding me? Look I have no problem with religion. Just wanna point that out first. But this topic has nothing to do with religion and I don't think it's appropriate for you to preach at her. Nothing she has said indicates that she doesn't love herself or is beating herself up. Just that she feels like she made a bad decision and is trying to figure out whether or not she should quit the program that she has already paid for. It drives me nuts for people to start quoting bible verses for every thing. And before anyone starts, I believe and love my God. My father in law is a preacher as well. I just don't like people shoving it down others throats is all.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    had to edit with an Amen to ^this, so the wrong place to preach

    some of us need a plan or some outside help, I use a gym associated with a hospital that runs a healthy lifestyles program. I have a Dr. who specializes in weight loss, a nutritionist and a fitness trainer, who guide my progress but there was no program fee just any insurance co-pays that might apply or in the case of my fitness trainer who's not covered a visit fee. I can't say I would be interested in paying just to weigh in and have a consult and I sure would be leery of a program that pushed or required me to buy specific products because my goal is to have something sustainable and who wants to live off supplements forever. There is a reason the diet industry is such a big business and that's because we sometimes think we have to pay for results but even if you need a team to get you started like I did you'll find a good program strives to give you the skills and knowledge to do it on your own.
  • RuthieCass
    RuthieCass Posts: 247 Member
    Save yourself the money and get a consult with a good nutritionist instead (assuming you have to spend more money on this program).

    The severe restriction and bingeing cycle does not sound good at all. This seems to indicate that the program does not provide you with enough calories on a daily basis. And then your mind/body rebels and you binge. Plus, as you've said, you lost weight before and put it back on. It's better to educate yourself on making good food choices that your can live with when you are no longer on the "diet." Woman cannot live on shakes alone!
  • tripletmom2004
    tripletmom2004 Posts: 168 Member
    I made the call and told them I would not be coming back and to please refund me the money for the extension. I have not heard back but I hope they do. I will spend the money on a good HRM!!! I feel so much better like a weight has been lifted... now maybe I will actually be able to eat and lose weight!!!
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    Good for you girl!
  • You seem like an intelligent woman. Dump the program, educate yourself on proper nutrition, portion control, weight/cardio training then make this your lifelong habit. You CAN do it!!!!
  • tripletmom2004
    tripletmom2004 Posts: 168 Member
    Update. They have to check with billing to see if they can refund the money. She said she isn't sure since "they don't like people putting losing weight off". Ugh I will call the place myself!!!
  • Hang in there! I was doing the exact same thing.It was'nt till I figured out that it was the sugars I was eatting that kept me binging on my diet. I was cutting back on fats big time and was'nt loseing any weight I felt depressed and would run to everything sugary. I switched to sugar free and quit watching my fats so much and now im doing great!!! and my cravings for sweets has almost disapeared! I think getting the sugars out of my system was huge for me! keep trying you'll find the right path for you :)
  • Boomer1946
    Boomer1946 Posts: 124