Ladies only, I have a personal question.



  • mrsRhughes
    mrsRhughes Posts: 122
    My problem isn't the cramps, but the fact that I get REALLY heavy periods ... just makes it super obnoxious/uncomfortable! I work out a ton and just try to do lower-impact activities. I run 5-8 miles usually 3-4 days a week, plus other cardio and weightlifting 3-4 days. When I have my period, I end up fast walking instead of running. And yes, yoga is good and I recommend EVERYONE add it to their workout routine - so good for your body to get a good stretch and it is so calming :) Good luck!
  • HFD68
    HFD68 Posts: 16
    Midol is my friend:laugh:
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Take some Ibuprofen or any other type of pain relief medication about an hour or two before you work out. Once they are gone, go for it. That's what I do.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    So, I have a question for Ladies working out on their TOM..

    What do you do when you're on it? Do you lessen your workout?

    I still continue my normal routine no matter what

    I get really bad cramps when I workout (Tae Bo) and it gets so bad I can only do 10 minutes of it or I'm on the ground in pain.
    I heard Yoga works.. but wasn't sure?

    If not, any suggestions? Share what you do?

    I continue to workout anyways and I drink lots and lots of water. If the pain is unbearable, just do what you can and continue again tomorrow.
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    I find my cramps improve with exercise. I usually do an hour on the treadmill 3x a week, and water aerobics 2x a week. Both help.
  • SunKissed1989
    SunKissed1989 Posts: 1,314 Member
    I work out as usual. I used to get REALLY bad cramps (so bad, I once found myself curled up in a ball in the middle of the kitchen ), then started going on the pill which made them a lot lighter and less painful. I still get rather tired and feel slightly uncomfortable now and again, but I find doing the yoga and muscle workouts on the wii fit help a lot. General movement is good for me which is why I try to keep going at my workouts :smile:
  • missemily1124
    I also cramp really bad so I just don't exercise when it's TOM. I also eat more during that time of the month. I don't lose during that week, but I'm able to maintain. If it hurts too much, maybe just go for a light walk. Still getting a bit of exercise without over exhurting.
  • my365challenge
    my365challenge Posts: 45 Member
    I have endometriosis so I get nasty cramps. I dont care what anyone says exercise does not help my cramps. If Im hurting that bad I take a day off. I figure it will wind up being 2 maybe 3 days a month tops so no big deal.

    Same here!! Found the only thing that helps is a natural supplement I found at the health food store. It's called Solaray Menstrual capsule. NOTHING has ever helped until now. With these, I don't want to stab myself in the stomach anymore. Good luck!
  • skinyZ
    skinyZ Posts: 89 Member
    i take strong painkillers
  • noirnatural
    noirnatural Posts: 310 Member
    I am usually in the bed during that time....but I noticed the better my diet and exercise are prior to that time, sometimes I can at least walk or do the elyptical(sp) .
  • NiSan12
    NiSan12 Posts: 374 Member
    When I have them, I still work out but not as hard because believe it or not exercise helps.
  • Tomatolover57
    Those days are over for me, but at least 3 days out of 7 day flow, I couldn't exercise. My flow was so heavy that I couldn't do anything. Walking, sitting, sleeping, etc was a major problem. I think the suggest to take care of yourself and rest and eat less calories on those days might be better solution. I feel for you and take care!
  • Jebbster007
    Jebbster007 Posts: 265 Member
    I know you said ladies only but as a happily married man, my darling wife swears by hot-packs. She lays on the couch, puts a hot pack on her lower tummy and swears its one of the few things that actually help with the cramping. Nothing else has been effective for her.
  • winninga
    winninga Posts: 77 Member
    I do my normal routine, except swimming.

    A tampon is a wonderful thing. Swim away...

    I was thinking the same thing! LOL! My TOM was this week, and the only thing different is I didn't do two of my long walks. I was way too tired at the end of the day, and ended up falling asleep. I still went swimming, though.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
  • bonnynblithe04
    bonnynblithe04 Posts: 123 Member
    Day 1 I do my regular routine, be it Turbo Jam, a walk, or whatever.

    Day 2 is a rest day -- I am too drained.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I usually just lounge around and be miserable, with my cramps. Curl up with a heating pad on my stomach even. This month I went ahead and exercised, I walked and did Zumba, then next day I walked, but then the next morning after that, I bad cramps, I tried to get up and moving and work though it, but I ended up throwing up from the pain. So then I got something to eat, and took some meds, then got sick again. I had to call into work, and I just rested. Then I walked a couple days, then did Zumba, then just did more walking the rest the time. Hopefully, next time I have one I won't have to use a sick day, fingers crossed.
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    I run and do Tae-Bo. I find that I run better because I know I feel like a bag of a** and I'm trying to compensate for my anticipated suck-tastic-ness
  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    If you're getting bad cramps - ever - it's probably a nutrient deficiency. I used to get cramps, but I hardly get any anymore. Even if you're already eating a good diet, adding some good supplements to it might help. Especially things like magnesium (our bodies don't store this mineral very effectively). And possibly B vitamins. I take a powerful multivitamin called Optivite PMT, and it's FABULOUS for women with cramps, PMS symptoms/anxiety stuff.

    I do not adjust my workout on my period.

    I'd recommend reading this book: Fertility, Cycles, and Nutrition by Marilyn M. Shannon. It's not just about fertility-related things, it covers a wide-range of female health issues.
  • KrystieNye
    KrystieNye Posts: 123 Member
    I had pretty bad cramps this morning, but I took an ibuprofen with breakfast and went for a long the time the walk was over, my cramps were gone. :) Also, make sure you're drinking plenty of water (that usually helps me a lot). The last thing you feel like doing during your TOM is working out, but it truly does make you feel better. If you feel like you can't get through a really tough workout, do something like going for a walk, swimming, going for a bike'll burn calories, and you'll feel much better when you're done!