How do u stop yourself from eating what u crave????



  • brokenwoman
    brokenwoman Posts: 25 Member
    Lots of water and will power and it helps that I don't have a way to the store or money to get anything right now.
    Try drinking lots of water and if you really do crave something really bad get a fruit or veggie and chew (nibble) on that for a bit
  • azziria
    azziria Posts: 33 Member
    Wait 15 minutes. If after the 15 minutes is up you still crave it, eat one reasonable-sized (i.e. not huge) piece. Take the time to savour and appreciate every mouthful, and then log it, move on without guilt and don't beat yourself up about it, because you obviously (for whatever reason) needed it.

    I often find that, especially if the reason I want to eat it is an emotional one, that 15 minute break takes away the need to eat it. And if it doesn't, then it gives me time to get some objectivity on the situation, acknowledge why I need the food and think a little about what to do to avoid the situation happening again.

    If the reason isn't emotional, then the 15 minutes gives me time to think about why I let myself get this hungry and maybe find something healthier to eat to satisfy the hunger, or at least make a plan to ensure that I don't end up in the same situation again.
  • mrob81
    mrob81 Posts: 36
    I don't. I just try to eat half of what I normally would have. I had bad results trying to completely eliminate certain things. I work out and eat healthy. Sometimes I may bust a move on a Big Mac and a large strawberry shake.
  • bbrat333
    bbrat333 Posts: 158 Member
    I have a large salad or whatever healthy meal then allow my self one serving of whatever it is. If you are already full you won't have such a desire to over indulge and the single serving will seem more satisfying without feeling that you are depriving yourself (which often leads to over indulging later).
  • melissa2807
    melissa2807 Posts: 35 Member
    This is a silly suggestion but it has worked for me before! Only works when you are at home though, good for those bored evenings where you would normally just eat because there's nothing else to do

    1. Get yourself a bottle of clear nail varnish and keep it handy (the cheaper the better - you want it slow drying lol!)
    2. When you crave something, tell yourself you can have it after you have painted your nails.
    3. Paint nails
    4. Wait for them to dry.... you can't open a packet/eat with wet nails!
    5. Still craving? Oh look it's time for a second coat!

    I found that by the time I had gone through all that the craving had generally passed. If I was still unable to get it out of my head I would just have a small portion! But it helps to separate the 'boredom' eating from the genuine cravings!

  • I'm like you, there are some things I crave, no matter what. I think that for me at least, once I got rid of all the processed sugars and bad food out of my body it was easier to not give into. Also, I think that once I start hitting the mini milestones I have set for myself, it will be easier too. Each little goal reminds me I can get to the big one. Focusing just on that is hard because its SUCH a BIG NUMBER!
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    Wait 15 minutes. If after the 15 minutes is up you still crave it, eat one reasonable-sized (i.e. not huge) piece. Take the time to savour and appreciate every mouthful, and then log it, move on without guilt and don't beat yourself up about it, because you obviously (for whatever reason) needed it.

    I often find that, especially if the reason I want to eat it is an emotional one, that 15 minute break takes away the need to eat it. And if it doesn't, then it gives me time to get some objectivity on the situation, acknowledge why I need the food and think a little about what to do to avoid the situation happening again.

    If the reason isn't emotional, then the 15 minutes gives me time to think about why I let myself get this hungry and maybe find something healthier to eat to satisfy the hunger, or at least make a plan to ensure that I don't end up in the same situation again.

    I do this but I wait an hour.
  • tarnbop
    tarnbop Posts: 53 Member
    This chart has really helped me....!
  • Kathy53925
    Kathy53925 Posts: 241 Member
    I agree with just give in and eat it. The thing is to have a small amount and eat it slowly. My husband and I have/had a bowl of ice cream almost every night. Since I started this 4 days ago, I thought I had to give it up forever. WRONG! I still had 500 calories to eat after my supper! I had a cup of it and it was great, and I am still 300 under. :)
  • This is what I read somewhere and it helped me.... It takes at least 3 weeks of cold turkey to get rid of any craving.

    The recommendation was to tackle a craving at a time. It has worked for me so far. I stopped eating crisps and savoury snacks such as peanuts and Bombay mix for 3 weeks. After that I did the same with sugar craving. They have not disappeared totally but are very manageable. I try to eat regularly enough so that i'm never so hungry that the cravings begin again.
  • spotuk
    spotuk Posts: 37 Member
    i don't buy it.
  • Elle_01
    Elle_01 Posts: 1
    For the past few days, to battle craving I have incorporated more protein and fat into my diet, sounds crazy but it works!
  • wilson436
    wilson436 Posts: 4
    I allow myself to have a bite or a portion with the promise that I will workout EXTRA.
  • MrsR0SE
    MrsR0SE Posts: 313 Member
    Some really good answers here :)
    I agree that it's a dangerous thing to make certain things 'forbidden', because they get more attractive then!
    Over time my taste for different foods has changed. I've tried to substitute almonds and other nuts/seeds for crisps, which were my biggest downfall and still tempt me. If I really want crisps though, I wouldn't beat myself up about it though, just make sure it's not every day and I stop at one packet!
    I agree about the water too, drinking lots of water makes me feel full.
    Weigh it up in your mind, why are you craving something, is it because you love the taste, or is it emotional or for another reason.
    Try going out for a run or exercising for half an hour first, I find it often suppress my appetite, and besides that having walked away from the cupboard/fridge for even 30 minutes can help your perspective. Just don't build it up so much that you have 10 biscuits instead of the one you originally wanted!
  • mariagabriella
    mariagabriella Posts: 267 Member
    I don't. I don't buy junk food though but if someone else has and I want some, I eat it. simple. I weigh it and track it.

    there is no need to deprive yourself of something you enjoy. depriving yourself of food you enjoy can lead to you binging and feeling ****.

    eating it in small quantities with good food won't make you feel terrible.

    edit: remember - "I want that, but I can't have it vs I can have that, but I don't want it"