Advice on how much exercise should I be doing??


I am a little new to this whole exercise thing and recently started the Cambridge Diet. During my first 2 weeks I have lost 15 1/2lb. I have been doing a little exercise 20 - 40 mins on the Wii Fit, or 10 mins of cardio using a fitness blender workout i found on you-tube, sometimes i even walk the 2.6 miles to work.

The thing is i eat on average 450 calories a day, drink 5-6 liters of water and herbal tea and I want to make sure i use this to change my mind not only my body. I have enjoyed working out I am just not sure how much I should be doing every day and what sort is best for me.

If anyone could advise it would be great, I am pretty unfit and 10 minutes of low impact cardio does leave me breathless, and I walk the 2.6 miles which is mainly hills in around 50 minutes.

Thanks everyone


  • antiwings
    antiwings Posts: 34
    Eat more! You might be loosing weight on that, but you arn't developing mussle! You're starving your self on 450 cals!
  • cravingskinnybody
    cravingskinnybody Posts: 109 Member
    you have to exercise atleast 30 mins everyday. if you can't exercise evey day then let it be 45 mins 4 times aweek.
  • wilson436
    wilson436 Posts: 4
    I think you need to eat more calories. It sound's like you maybe losing water and muscle.
  • Stazed
    Stazed Posts: 55 Member
    Please increase your calorie intake, 450 cals a day is not sustainable and shouldn't be a lifestyle
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    The thing is i eat on average 450 calories a day, drink 5-6 liters of water and herbal tea and I want to make sure i use this to change my mind not only my body. I have enjoyed working out I am just not sure how much I should be doing every day and what sort is best for me.

    This is the WORST way to change your mind or your body. The second you start eating normally (because you are eating less than a 2 year old) you will put your weight back on.

    You NEED to eat more. At least 1200 calories. With the little you're eating I wouldn't recommend any working out because you are already starving yourself of nutrients.
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    How do you survive on 450 calories? I take in over 2500. Geez. I'd starve to death. When I first started losing I was eating 1600-1900 a day.
    xASHYxSMASHYx Posts: 175 Member
    450 calories a day isn't enough to even maintain your bodily or brain functions let alone add exercise into that equation! I don't know what the Cambridge diet is, but any diet that has you eating that little of calories is crazy. And in the end it's just going to make it that much harder to lose weight because it will have wreaked havoc on your metabolism and your body.
  • wcasie
    wcasie Posts: 299 Member
  • Lilaboo79
    Lilaboo79 Posts: 5
    Thanks all :) I am doing this VLCD with the agreement of my Doctor. It is 3 replacement meals a day and you can only do it for a couple of weeks then you slowly step up the calories so I am not worried with the intake. Also if hungry still I do have a meal which is more than allowed of something like Tuna, boiled egg, lettuce, celery etc.

    The Cambridge is a VLCD but its only for people with extreme BMIs mines was 41 and i was 18.8 stone when I started I am now 17.7 so yes the first two weeks are high losses but now it should be 4-5lbs a week maximum.

    What I am concerned about more is the excess skin or not toning. So i have been looking for what i should really be doing without putting my body through too much at the same time. Once i step up my calories i want to increase the exercise so it stays off and make sure that tub of icecream never enters my house never mind my mouth :)

    Thanks again for all your advice and concerns
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Honey my BMI was 48 when I started. I did Jenny Craig (still do) and ate at 1800 calories a day and lost the same amount of weight that you did.

    If you're under a doctor's supervision while doing this I would ask them. I don't agree with VLCD (simply put they don't work long term) but your doctor is the one who went through a medical degree so ask them. If you're eating that little, working out is a bad, bad idea.

    Excess skin will happen. To avoid it the best option is to weight lift and use the cream. To be able to successfully weight lift you need to be eating the right amount of calories. You aren't eating enough, so I wouldn't recommend it.
  • Lilaboo79
    Lilaboo79 Posts: 5
    Thanks again :)
  • puckers82
    puckers82 Posts: 200 Member
    Part of the Cambridge diet is getting the doc to say your ok to do it. My mums on it at the moment and if you ask me its just throwing money away, same as lighterlife.

    My mum has already done it, lost lots of weight and looked great but she put it all back on. Its great for a quick answer but not for long term, not that ive seen anyway.

    As for the question you have asked ask your adviser they should know or look here on their website as theres a bit about exercise

    This is the Cambridge diet for anyone who doesnt know and is interested:
  • Lilaboo79
    Lilaboo79 Posts: 5
    Thanks Puckers, yeah i had this chart its a good guide, i didn't have a chance to really chat this week to my CDC, just wanted to see other peoples advice on exercises they found best. I have very little time to exercise due to work hours and so tend to do short burst, but wanted to see if i was doing the right amount for it being effective. Sorry your Mom put it all back on again :( I am determined not to slip into bad habits again, such as eating 2 portions or living off junk as it is easy.
  • Bardane
    Bardane Posts: 60 Member
    Hi I am new to the forums and came across this thread. I hadn't heard of the Cambidge Diet but checked it out. Just wanted to say I did something similar a few years ago. I did put the weight back on which is not the point of this comment though.

    The worse thing about doing this type of thing is I ended up with gallstones from not eating enough, and the specialist said it is one of the commonest causes in of gallstones in women. The only good thing about this was actually the gallstones and surgery which triggered me to get healthier!
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    Exercise. That really helps. Drink a lot of water. The doctor told me my skin would tighten up and it has. Just make sure you exercise. I don't know if it makes much difference but I also eat a couple of oranges a day. I crave them. I don't really have much lose skin. A little on my belly but it's tightened up really good. I'm still going to get a bikini some time this summer. : )
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    Thanks Puckers, yeah i had this chart its a good guide, i didn't have a chance to really chat this week to my CDC, just wanted to see other peoples advice on exercises they found best. I have very little time to exercise due to work hours and so tend to do short burst, but wanted to see if i was doing the right amount for it being effective. Sorry your Mom put it all back on again :( I am determined not to slip into bad habits again, such as eating 2 portions or living off junk as it is easy.

    Walking was good for me at the beginning. Now I love running. I love the way my legs and my behind look. : ) I love being able to eat what I want.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    450 cals a day is idiocy unless you have gastric bypass.
    You wont lose much once your body figures things out and in the long run at 450 cals a day youll be on hormone replacement therapy in no time.
    Evaluate your situation and really see why you want to eat 450 cals a day.
    The average woman ages 25-40 and 5'2" tall should consume at least 1600 daily to lose weight.
    Youll be spinning your wheels in no time.
    Or...youll shrink to a fat but smaller version of yourself.

    I'm not trying to be mean but really take a good look at your diet and health.
    Research before jumping in and do it the right way.

    If you really want to do this correctly, check out Fat to Fit Radio.
    Under tools do the body fat calc.
    Then do the BMR tool.

    In the BMR tool put your current weight in goal weight to get TDEE.
    This is how many cals you expend in a day.
    Take 20% off the light activity number and set MFP to that.
    Enjoy your fat loss.

    PM me for questions.

    450 cals?!?!?!?
  • poulingail
    poulingail Posts: 110
    You have a good routine of exercise. Can you maintain it? I don't know the diet you speak of but I assume that low calorie count is just for a very short time. (or a typo?)
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    The Cambridge Diet
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    The Cambridge Diet is a weight management programme ranging from 440 to 1500 kcal/day. It is manufactured in the UK and complies with all current UK and EU legislation, guidance and directives.[1][2][3]

    The Cambridge Diet was rebranded as Cambridge Weight Plan in January 2010. The diet is available in more than 20 countries around the world. It is not affiliated to the US version of the diet - Cambridge Original and Cambridge Food for Life.
    Development and Reception

    The Cambridge Diet was developed in 1970 by Dr. Alan Howard at Cambridge University, England. It was launched as a commercial product in the United States in 1980. The Diet was very popular in America but was also the subject of some controversy.[4] It later came under scrutiny from regulators and health authorities after potential health concerns were raised.[5] In the UK, the Cambridge Diet was launched in 1984. In 1986 the Diet was reformulated to adhere to recommendations made by the Commission on Medical Aspects (COMA)[6]

    The core of the Diet in the UK is a very-low-calorie diet (VLCD), as low as 440 calories/day, combined with minerals, vitamins and fatty acids to reduce the loss of nutrients typical of low calorie restriction.

    The diet formula is intended to imitate the weight loss properties of starvation, while providing enough protein to protect lean tissue, the right level of carbohydrate to promote a mild ketosis and eliminate a sense of hunger, and the right levels of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and essential fatty acids to maintain good health. The meals are intended to combine all necessary food groups to satisfy a body’s nutritional needs, in order to allow a person to stop craving foods and overeating.

    In 2006 the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) published its guidance on obesity and acknowledged the use of VLCD’s such as the Cambridge Diet as one option for the management of obesity.[7]
    The number of times this diet has been challenged by several health advisory bodies should be warning sign enough, no? If not, please see bold and see that you may well lose weight but it's hardly going to be sustainable.
  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member are doing terrible damage to your body, hormones and BMR.
    You can lose your weight healthy, get your skin to shrink slowly with fat loss and keep all your hair and healthy skin in the process.
    A quick fix is no permanent fix, ask thousands of MFP'ers.

    If interested, check out a healthy, supportive and caring group, we welcome anyone that needs help: