Brand New

Hi everyone! First, congrats to everyone for wanting to be healthy!! I am brand new to this and I would love to know people are rooting for me. I am adjusting my diet to portion control and healthier choices. I am also adding daily exercise into my life. Two years ago I lost 40 pounds by working out six days a week for an hour a day and portion control so I know I can do it. I just know to do it again is going to be hard but it is possible. Another wrench in the plan is that I quit smoking a week and a half ago so it is being a little more difficult to control the portions I am eating. Again I am just here to get complete support and I will do the same.



  • thenataliej
    thenataliej Posts: 51 Member
    Hey Noelle and welcome. I am relatively new to this myself and looking for friends.
    Congrats on quitting smoking and you are going to do just great :happy:
  • ashlye08
    ashlye08 Posts: 22 Member
    Hello Ladies :) I love this site. trust me the food tracker whipped me into shape on the portion control lol. Just remember that you can do this. You are stronger than the nicotene!
  • kybow64
    kybow64 Posts: 4
    Hiya...its nice hearing you are getting back on the treadmill again and well done for giving up smoking. I gave up my self 18 months ago taking the wonder drug Champix. I did put on weight because of that and now have 23 pounds to lose. (I haven't put that on by stopping smoking!!) I will be going to the gym at least 3 times a week and have also decided to join more in exercise class. How do you keep fit? Anyway well done...hope your journey is a positive one. I am sure it will be. :smile: