5'6" ladies?



  • missouritexan
    I am 5'6 as well, started at 239 and would like to just get to 170. Have been as low as 145 before but looked anoxeric, I am big boned so looked scarecrowish without meat on the bone. Talked my older sister into trying my fitness pal and she is loving it. Just being aware of what you are eating and how exercise really can affect your caloric intake is amazing. Not looking to lose a lot of weight at once, just being slow and steady this time.:smile:
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I'm 5'6 and started at 239 in January, only lost 15 pounds throughout the year and just started MFP and have lost a pound so far, so now I'm at 213. My goal weight is 130 pounds. That's the best weight for me.
  • rocakes
    rocakes Posts: 44
    I'm 5'6 and currently at 158...I started at 162 about 5 days ago.. my goal weight is 140ish.. I've been at 190 at my highest and my lowest 148 I usually maintain around 154. I'm comfortable at that weight sort of... i'd like to lose about 15 more pounds.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    Hi, I'm 5ft 6in and currently 112lb. My highest was somewhere over 150 and my lowest was 107 around Christmas. I guess that was a bit low, but I'm hoping to hover around 109/8 between now and my summer holiday, as I suspect I'll eat for England on my first ever foreign hotel holiday! I just want room to enjoy when I get the chance.:drinker:
  • superrjo
    superrjo Posts: 112 Member
    5'6 and a bit, started at 150, down to 121 :) feel free to add me !
  • lula2515
    lula2515 Posts: 13 Member
    Ah you're all so awesome, thanks for replying! Its really lovely to see a couple of people who have achieved their goal weight and are looking amazing too. Lets all do it together!! X
  • sjc1978
    sjc1978 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi All

    Im a new starter as well Im 5'4" currently 155lb after losing 5lb last week Yay! however motivation is 0 as I always want things now so weight lose and toning never are fast enough! Also looking for inspiration and support.

    I want to lose about another 7/10lbs but real aim is to tone those wobbly bits, I have brought 30 day shred does anyone know if it works?

    I wish you all luck and hope to see some pic's that will keep me on track.

  • mandy031383
    mandy031383 Posts: 94 Member
    Hi, I am 5'6 Currently 163lbs. Started looseing weight in Mid-March at 191. I joined this site about 2 weeks ago because I am getting closer to my goal of 150 and need a little extra help. Love to have more friends add me if you like :)