

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Oh, and one more thing. A confession. :blushing: Today I am one pound heavier than my "ticker" states. On the other hand, if that's all the damage from two weeks away from home and out of routine, I feel lucky. Well, it's not just luck. I was careful about choices most of the time. At least it's not the three pounds up that I registered last week!

    Eat your greens, drink your water, get up and play. Dance in the kitchen! :happy:

  • ediesmommy
    ediesmommy Posts: 76
    Opps the above post was meant to be a response to ediesmommy...and I forgot to put her name there! That was for you ediesmommy


    Thanks!! I'm adjusting, but still keeping my eating under control. I never gave much thought to what I ate (before mfp), now I check out everything!!

    Thanks for the encouragement... I CAN do this!!
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Hello Ladies :happy:

    well I am back and happy to say I made it through a week of youth camp. :bigsmile: It was a lot of fun and a lot of work , but well worth the effort, One of the Ladies that work with me in the kitchen also was my walking buddy, we walked to the park office which was 1.5 miles up and down hills, so it seemed a lot harder to me. we also took a very steep hilly trail also 1.5 miles to a bridge that went over the lake! I took some photos and when I can learn how I will post them. it was not a easy trail for me and I was sweating , but I finshed it . lifting heavy pans and cooking and cleaning I feel that I work out hard and did not have any trouble sleeping at night up early befor anyone to start coffee and last to bed, I am happy to be home. Still I can't wait to do it all again next year. all the Kids have grown so much and I love seeing friends and kids from other churchs in our assemebly. I could tell you so many storys but they will have to waite. My eating was not the best and I gained 4 pounds , however I do believe that some of it is water so I will rewaigh myself in a day or two. hope you all had a great week as well:happy:

    Janemartin02 : It is fun helping with VBS , The kid are so cute , its a lot of work and so nice you could be a part of it , I'm sure your church was happy to have you there. sure hope your DH is feeling better soon!

    welcome Suzziee: you will find a lot of help and encoragement here! :wink:

    Kackie :Your get away to the beach:glasses: sounds wonderful, It helps sometimes to get away and unwine alittle every now and then. I love walking on the beach in the morning, it is so peaceful befor all the other people are up and it gets busy.

    4 thoseiluv : can I ask what is the DASH diet plan and is it low salt , I am interested because I have high BP also , I have to take meds for it.:ohwell: have a great cook out or B BAR-Q ! :smile:

    well hope you all have a wonderful eveing ! Ho, and our theme for camp this year is ( How Big is God) something to think about.
  • plfeery
    plfeery Posts: 16 Member
    I looked at 100 lunges a day?????? I can barely do 10 and I hurt for days. My goal is to exercise daily, just some. Suffer vertigo badly and have been dizzy most of may. Still losing weight but not getting in the exercise. Every time I want to exercise I seem to be dizzy. I set a goal for 20min a day but have failed. I am amazed at someone who could possibly do 100 lunges in a day.
  • plfeery
    plfeery Posts: 16 Member
    by the way new to this, how do you "join" this group or topic?
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    by the way new to this, how do you "join" this group or topic?

    You just did :bigsmile:
    Just posting here is joining
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Had a great get away to the beach. We rode bikes and flew our kite. It was all so romantic and we had a great time. Long walks on the beach too. The weather wasn't bad yesterday but it was rainy this morning so we came home with enough time to get the dogs from the Kennel. I hope you all have a super Sunday.

    Robin Bodi and Ritter.
  • fitz1191
    fitz1191 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello all had such a great weekend spent all of saturday with my #2 son and his family watched the 3 girls play outside I could just sit and watch them all day then took DIL garage saling we had a blast Funny how things work out she and I did not really get along for years not really sure why but she just did not want to be around us or let us have the girls then all of the sudden we are spending every saturday together and we see them all the time. All I can say is I will take it. Such a blessing then today we had a bbq for fathers day my Mom and brother came from Washington and my daughter and her family as well as my nephew and his family all cam I played with the littles till I was about ready to drop Made Michelles muffins and again big hit What a blessed life I have and the back is feeling better so going to have Chris come back this week and give it a shot Happy Weekend all
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:Today is Sasha’s fifth birthday. We sang to her this morning and gave both dogs some special treats purchased for the occasion. Jake and I are doing an Isagenix cleanse day so we’ve been relaxing and enjoying watching the US Open Golf Tournament.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all the new faces on this thread. I hope you will keep coming back and become part of the family. Don’t worry if you don’t remember names or if you can’t do as much exercise as others. We all started somewhere and one day at a time, taking baby steps we moved along to where we are now.

    :flowerforyou: Nobody starts with 100 lunges or running a 5K or lifting 35 pounds. Just start somewhere and never, never, never give up.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    [img][/img]2582523d4tcyuzy5m.gif [img][/img]2559661yoxeq9fisc.gif
  • ediesmommy
    ediesmommy Posts: 76
    I looked at 100 lunges a day?????? I can barely do 10 and I hurt for days. My goal is to exercise daily, just some. Suffer vertigo badly and have been dizzy most of may. Still losing weight but not getting in the exercise. Every time I want to exercise I seem to be dizzy. I set a goal for 20min a day but have failed. I am amazed at someone who could possibly do 100 lunges in a day.

    Have you tried a recumbent stationary bike? You aren't "perched" up high like on a regular bike... it may help. That way you can still be active, but not in danger!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Kat - the house next door to me is for sale <hint, hint> And the cost of living isn't as high as it is in CA. We have a pretty laid back HOA. Biggest problem is that you can't get as much healthy food here in NC as you can in CA. On the bright side, tho -- no In And Out Burger. Of course, Vince doesn't see that as a bright side....lol Do you know that 2-1/2 years ago we had a snowstorm that collapsed this gazebo we had over our table on the deck. That Christmas my son and another guy took it down. I moved it off the deck onto the grassy area. JUST NOW Vince is contacting the garbage company to see if it can be recycled and where to take it since it's all aluminum. It's only taken him 2-1/2 years. I'm willing to bet that if your dh wants something done, it gets done asap. When we moved to this house, Vince wanted to build a 2 car detached garage. We were here for two years and it got built. When we bought this house I wanted an inground pool. JUST NOW it's getting put in, and only because I've been hounding Vince for it and had everyone else asking him about it.

    Did an hour of training games on the Wii today. Tomorrow yoga and then the extremepump class. I understand that a new grocery store is opening, so I'll check it out. I need a few things, and they might have them since the store is pretty new. They also have sweet potatoes on sale for 67 cents

    kackie - I know what you mean by feeling "out of it" when you don't have Internet. We didn't have it at the condo, and then last year Ken brought his MiFi from work so we had access all day long. After he left, took us one day and we bought a MiFi to use down there. It's worth it in the long run.

    Vince wants me to help him cut down some trees today since it's pretty nice. That reminds me, I want to get my large water bottle out of the pantry so I can take it outside with me. Update: I used the one insulated cup that I have. It's the same size (34oz) and I'd really prefer the insulated one so I put the other in recycling

    Deb - thanks for the kind words about my posts. Honestly, I have a short attention span so that's why I need to change up my exercises. I have to exercise first thing in the morning or it just doesn't happen for me. Fortunately, Vince likes to sleep late (9:00) so I can usually get in exercise at home before he gets up or else I leave if I'm going to the Y or someplace else many times before he gets up. I started out exercising 2 days/week, then 3, then 4, now I usually do 5. The weekends are usually active recovery days (yoga, balance games, training games, pilates). Congrats on the weight loss! Awesome! I don't think I could run a 5K. Walk it, now that's something I could do. Good luck to you. To me, yoga is almost all stretching. I like Rodney Yee's videos (which reminds me, I haven't done his "yoga Burn" DVD in a while, gotta get that one out.)

    Vince and I were outside cutting down lots of the weeds that had grown by the power lines. We didn't know it, but we are responsible for taking care of this land. Honestly, I thought we were and I mentioned it to Vince a few times. As usual, he didn't do anything about it (oops, sorry, he did buy this weed eater thing) until the HOA mentioned it. Supposedly we have until July 1 to get it taken care of, but honestly, they are so laid back, as long as they see that we are working on it, they'll give us more time. So I'm not concerned. I'm just glad that it's getting done. Don't know what'll happen to the rest of the land by the power lines that isn't our property. We don't plan to maintain it.

    Nancy - that's wonderful that you can go to the aquafit class now! I tell you, one bad thing about the farmer's markets is that I'm running out of room in my freezer! Strawberries aren't in season now and I only have about 2 more containers, maybe one. But on the bright side, blueberries will be in soon!

    ediesmom - I check out everything, too. Sometimes I wonder if I'm not a bit obsessive about it. But I guess there are worse things you can obsess about.

    DASH = Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, so, yes, it is low sodium.

    I made these granola bars, I think they're quite good, honestly. They did need to be refrigerated, tho before I cut them up. When they were still warm, I did mark where the cuts should be so after they cooled, they were much easier to cut.

    Then I made a meatloaf for later in the week. Pretty moist, there were a few things that I wanted to use up so I made this recipe. If I didn't have those things that I wanted to use up, I probably would have made another recipe.

    Well, here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Well I thought I would be back on track...but with kids home I admit to lack of control!! LOL! Well took DS:sad: to airport this am for a 5:30 am flight...left home at 3:15...so needless to say a very lazy day! Had a great 10 days with him:smooched: but am not hating the quiet tonight...how does that work...miss them but like the peace??? Anyway back to business tomorrow, exercise and strict logging. I think I am going to try staying within (under) 1400 calories for food regardless of what my exercise is and see how that works for me...the net numbers don't seem to be working for me.:grumble:

    Welcome to all who have found us:flowerforyou: ...I love this group...support, humor, info and venting!! Speaking of which...hubby 's taking their time...mine is king in that Dept..my siblings take bets on projects in our house...after 25+yrs..I just go with it because it always looks great at the end!:laugh:

    The day is catching up with me..have a great night all..:flowerforyou: :love: hugs and prayers for those who need them and high fives for all of us for logging, posting or just reading!
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Well I am not logging my food, considered it a cheat day/ Spending time with my grandkids and eating with them is so much healthier for my soul than calorie counting.

    Son had to work today so did stay long enough to see him and wish him a happy father's day I am proud of the man he has become.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope everyone had a great week-end.Hubby is finally feeling better,got some prescription cough medicine.Thanks for all your concerns.
    Spent time with hubby and daughter.Went to the pool with Violet and daughter.My favorite form of exercise,swimming.esp.when it`s in the 80`s or 90`s.
    Love Barbie`s advice,just start,no one starts at 100 lunges.As long as you are doing something to change your bad habits and try to live more healthier lifestyle,that`s all that matters.
    Have a great night!!
    :drinker: we can do this!!!
  • marisaconti1
    marisaconti1 Posts: 7 Member
    I have the same problem that you are having. Hard work but the weight is not comming off. I went to the doctor last month for a complete exam and blood work, everythng came back negative. I have been eating lots of fruits and vegetables and lean meats.
    Still not losing weight. I am soooooo fustrated.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    I have the same problem that you are having. Hard work but the weight is not comming off. I went to the doctor last month for a complete exam and blood work, everythng came back negative. I have been eating lots of fruits and vegetables and lean meats.
    Still not losing weight. I am soooooo fustrated.


    :flowerforyou: Welcome, Marisa,
    There are many women on this thread facing the same frustration and they subscribe to the manta of "never, never, never give up"
    What kind of exercise are you doing? Can you add a bit more or change it up a bit? Are you super accurate about measuring your food? Are you logging everything you put in your mouth? I'm sure others will have some excellent suggestions or some reassuring thoughts.

    I hope you'll come back every day and tell us more about yourself and join in the discussions.

    :bigsmile: Barbie from NW Washington
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    the work challenge starts today. I must get 10,000 steps aday for the next 6 weeks to get the $100 gift cert. I can do this.

    DH and I are off on another B & B weekend this week. We will be in Port Townsend (*waves to Barbie*) I am so looking forward to it.

    Time to get walking.

    Have a magnificent Monday all.

    Robin, Bodi Boy and Ritter Bit. (not so much a bit anymore. He is getting so tall)
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Hi to all ~ I just restarted on MFP today. You know the old story ~ thought I could do it myself, read the books, spoke to friends, but the bottom line for me is tracking every day. It's the only way I have any success. Actually tried a few different sites to get a feel for their tracking system. Sparkpeople is far too busy for me, Lose It works nicely with syncing to my scale, but their database of foods is so limited. So, I'm crawling back (head held down in shame) to admit that this site is the one that's best for me.

    It's going to take me some time to get to know everyone, but I'm sure I'll eventually catch up enough to start posting regularly. Support is so important to this journey of ours! Thanks for having me back in the fold...

    Deborah :flowerforyou:

    Welcome Deborah!

    I too came crawling back after trying to do it myself:blushing: so you are in good company. Since Barbie has been on here for at least 4 years I guess I should have taken a cue from her because she continues to be successful:wink: and showing us how to maintain once the goal is met.


    PS...now I will have to read the rest of the posts to geta caught up from the weekend.
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Happy, happy, Monday :happy:

    Ediesmommy – yes, you can! :drinker:

    Rpphillip - glad to hear you made it through youth camp! Well done, and lucky for those children to have such a dedicated team to work for them. :flowerforyou:

    Welcome, plfeery. :happy:

    Barbie, you are so right: “just start somewhere…” I can’t believe what I am able to do now compared to a year ago when I started exercising at our gym – and that’s while wearing a walking cast on my left leg! :noway:

    Michelle, I’m inspired by your post – (as usual) and will thaw some ground and make a meatloaf. My boys like it in sandwiches. We are getting another 30 lbs of locally raised beef (organic and all that) delivered this week for summer BBQs, so I need to make room in the freezer.

    Marisa, Hi. Drinking lots of water works for me – on top of being honest about food and exercise, of course. Hope to hear from you again.

    Great excitement today, I am going to re-arrange my kitchen cupboards and listen to the European soccer championship games. Can you tell I am running out of things to do at home?:ohwell: Stay tuned…

    Hasta pronto,


    Goals for June:
    At least 4 aqua fit classes - something new to shake up the routine.
    24 hours of exercise including weight training – I’m at 10 hours 30 minutes!
    Get the routine chores done – no procrastination!
    Act the way I want to feel. Be kind.
  • plfeery
    plfeery Posts: 16 Member
    well, I got 19 min on a rower yesterday. This is the only exercise equipment I have right now. It made me dizzy but I made it thru. Will try again today. I am determined not to look like a 52+ yr old and get my health in better shape.