Anyone successful with Shakeology?



  • holliph
    holliph Posts: 88 Member
    It's nice to have people on here not trying to sell me things.....I know I'm very hurt, especially considering she didn't give a **** about my well being or weight loss goals when I didn't have money for her precious shake....haha I was blind! Ah well....maybe they'll be tasty.....I also rarely eat breakfast (bad I know) so maybe this can be my brekki :drinker:

    if she really CARED she would still be your friend regardless of who or how your purchased your shakeology...beachbody is supposed to be about SUPPORT! yes its nice if we make money along the way, but when it comes down to's supposed to be about helping the other person really achieve their goals & feel good about who they are...I know I feel great when I can help motivate my friends into doing better...and I don't sit and push them into something...if you do...if you don't thats your choice...but I will still support you on your journey to get healthier...cuz who is going to be hurt worse in the end? the one who decided they weren't worthy of being your friend.

    good luck with your journey
    and again..if you ever want recipes let me know...I have all kinds over 90 plus what I have been coming up with on my own & some fellow teammates...and I am a picky eater!
  • noirnatural
    noirnatural Posts: 310 Member
    No arguments please! I was just curious. The story behind this was even worse....for months and months my "friend", who was also a Beachbody coach, wanted me to buy it. She was extremely persistent. I never had the money for it up until a few days ago. So when I got online and ordered it (I was proud to be 'taking that big step' if you know what I mean) I told my friend and she was so excited!! Then when she asked if I had ordered it from her site I said no, that I didn't know how to do that.....her next text was "Oh Amber.....smh." Then on Facebook, "I am SO frustrated right now!!"

    Like, HELLO! OUCH. Talk about just being a number. When I mentioned that it's not right to ONLY support someone when it benefits the other person, she hit the wall and deleted me....

    So now, I feel like I really have been ****ed over -_-

    If you only did it for your friend cancel the order or send it back,
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    you will start to see significant results with shakeology IF you do use it as your 1 meal a day replacement...follow through with the rest of your correct eating...

    Do explain, holding calories and macros constant, but one meal plan has a ShakeO shake and the other does not. What will the differences be in body comp and weight loss between the two?
    you will find that shakeology has more vitamins than body by v plus other vitamins & nutrients that body by v doesnt even have...I can show you only do 1 shake a day where as body by v you have to do 2 a day to get results which means buying 2 bags a month from then vs the 1 bag from beachbody
    inflammation issues will decrease over time
    you WILL sleep better

    1) The vitamins in ShakeO are pretty crappy
    2) whitebreadloaf.jpg
  • _Bro
    _Bro Posts: 437 Member
    Shakeology will result in weight loss especially if you hop on the scale with your wallet before purchasing.
    Please re-weigh after with wallet... Magic, I tell you, magic
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Although Acg67 might come across as a smart *kitten* he's given tons of great information on many other shakeology/body by vi threads. Try doing a search for Shakeology on the discussion boards here and read some of the information. It isn't worth it.
  • AZDizzy
    AZDizzy Posts: 434 Member
    I drink it as a breakfast replacement and like it. I finally cancelled my autoship (I've got three bags) and will switch to something more cost efficient when I'm out.

    I make it with spinach, almond milk and blueberries for 270 calories or just with water when i'm traveling.

    Glad to be out of autoship and being contacted by tons of coaches though.
  • Gordie580
    Gordie580 Posts: 154 Member
    I love shakeology. I use chocolate to help cover my cravings for sweets, or my fav, reese peanut butter cups. I can make it to taste just like without all the calories. I really do like it and use it alot.
  • Quiing
    Quiing Posts: 261 Member
    In the past I used Shakeology (to maintain my beachbody coach standing, I'm no longer a coach though). It was good to me as a multivitamin and provided probiotics that improved my intestinal health. I loved mixing the chocolate with almond milk and peanut butter to make it an adequate meal replacement because by itself its too low in calories to replace anything and left me so hungry later.

    I did the Shakeology Cleanse twice, both times I lost 5-7 pounds in those three day periods. Mind you those were desperation moves and I was STARVING OUT OF MY MIND (eating under 1000 cals a day doing this)...

    So needless to day, it will be beneficial to you as far as supplying vitamins and such which is of course important to health and wellness, but remember it's not a miracle shake. As long as you workout regularly and maintain good eating habits along with adding this shake to your diet, you will see results.
  • kimnsc
    kimnsc Posts: 560 Member
    I tried it and lost nothing but a lot of cash.....Now I eat nutritious food combined with exercise and the weight is falling off...
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    Again, if you can afford it AND enjoy the taste....go for it !!! It'll make your sweet tooth calm and happy !
  • scmgoblue
    scmgoblue Posts: 3
    I have lost 30 lbs. doing P90X and logging my calories on MFP, It is crazy how many Beachbody coaches are trying to get me to sign up with them......and telling me I should consider being a coach. I hate pyramid schemes!
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    Well, a 140$ mistake isn't really that bad. Plus, the shakes are still calories, macros and vitamins in some quantity, so drink them and move on :p

    Even if it turns out you absolutely love the taste, learning how to make something like that for 1/4 the price yourself will turn out to be much more valuable to your journey in the long run.

    But yeah, everyone telling you that you need to spend cash to lose weight is trying to benefit from it. "Eat less, move more" in itself doesn't cost a thing, but then again, that's not really something the 90B$ dieting industry would like you to believe too much :p
  • enivedlliw
    Absolutely! You don't need magic potions, just do the heavy lifting: calories in/calories out. That's it and that's all...
  • sammyjowedeking
    This girl is with Beachbody and uses shakeology BUT she also works her bum off....!/pages/Goodbye-Fat-Hello-Muscle/106129429449779

    I personally think it is just a glorified shake. Yes it will help as a meal replacement and works like any other shake and they even have a 3 day cleanse that works...

    I personally make my own shake..

    And I add germ, and oatmeal oats. SO yummy and it makes a big portion.
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    I wish we could have talked earlier. i could have gotten you a giant discount. I used Shakeology last year. It helped in terms of keeping my cravings under contol. helped me with me slim my tummy. I just recently started drinking it again. if you have any questions just private message me!


  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
  • xyril
    xyril Posts: 80 Member
    Funny how this topic comes up today. I just agreed to buy the challenge pack through a long time friend. I figured, with the amount I spend out trying to 'eat healthy" this comes out a lot cheaper. I have no idea how this will work for me, or even if it will do anything but make me upset. but you'll never know until you try. If I don't like it, I'll just send it back.
  • UpsideMeagan
    UpsideMeagan Posts: 67 Member
    It's nice to have people on here not trying to sell me things.....I know I'm very hurt, especially considering she didn't give a **** about my well being or weight loss goals when I didn't have money for her precious shake....haha I was blind! Ah well....maybe they'll be tasty.....I also rarely eat breakfast (bad I know) so maybe this can be my brekki :drinker:

    A hard lesson learned, for sure. At least you can use the Shakeology so you're not technically "wasting" your money.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    What I find interesting is that if you search to see if its a scam you get to websites selling the product - an interesting marketing technique

    google : Shakeology scam
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    I can't believe how willing people are to put their brains on hold for the desparate belief that there is a magic potion... and how willing they are to shell out cash.

    Add the shake to diet and exercise and WOW LOOK HOW GREAT THE SHAKE WORKS!