
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Another smokey day in Colorado:cry:

    The fires are north and south of us and the smell of smoke is in the air again today. A new fire started on Friday (I think) just outside of Colorado Springs so with the big fire up north and a smaller one south of us the smell is like a campfire, which I would love if I was camping:ohwell: Surprising us yesterday was the fact that we could actually see the mountains, we haven't been able to see them for over a week due to the smoke, but alas they are no where in sight again today:grumble:

    DeeDee- that lady was fortunate that you were there and that she wasn't hurt. Deer & Elk running across streets and highways is always a problem here and it always makes me feel bad when they are killed:cry:

    Michele- send me the info, don't know when I would be able to follow through on it but it would be handy to have the information.

    Jackie- cute card:flowerforyou: those DIY projects really do have a way of stiffening up our bodies:ohwell:

    Kate- what a fun bike ride, ours are usually to and from our truck not to a restaurant...now that would be a fun bike ride:wink:

    jb- you keep up that exercise, there is nothing to stop you from reaching your goal...soooo close...YOU CAN DO IT:drinker:

    Kat- good idea to let your hubby deal with the HOA, I too get too emotional when there are issues that need dealing with...maybe a woman thing:huh: Congrats on fitting into those clothes in the closet:flowerforyou: I'm into about 1/2 of the clothes that I was wearing back in 2010, I just didn't realized that #10 would make that much of a difference:laugh: for some reason I thought I could wear them once I'd dropped at least #20...but guess not...will HAVE to reach the goal to do it right:wink:

    Nancy- your time away with hubby sounds like you really enjoyed yourself. Glad you got the hug before your son disapeared...teenagers have a way of doing that. Teaching 7th grade:flowerforyou: you get the star of sainthood for that:flowerforyou: Oh I so wish I was at home long enough to do all those project that take time ie deep leaning, sorting out stuff, picture sorting, etc... only having weekends just isn't enough time to start on of those as you have to make another mess before you can clean it up:huh:

    Jane- your PT sounds like you are determined...and that's a good thing:flowerforyou:

    Kackie- isn't it amazing our out of touch you feel when you don't have your internet:grumble:

    Deborah- great job on planning the food for your BBQ:drinker:

    plfeery- Welcome:flowerforyou: so sorry to hear that you are experiencing vertigo. I have meniere's and have the vertigo about 2 or 3 times a year:sick: it's always a good feeling when the world stops spinning and you can move normally again. 19 minutes on a rower is quite a bit:happy:

    Robin-glad the beach and the walks on it were wonderful:flowerforyou:

    Jen- isn't it amazing how much we miss them when they are gone and when they come home it's so wonderful and noisey...then when they leave again the quiet is so wonderful:wink: we experience it everytime the kids come to visit and we wonder how we ever lived with all that activity and noise all the time:tongue:

    Irishgirl, connie, luckyinlove, emnel, ediesmommy, suzziee,- Welcome:flowerforyou:

    The weekend was so busy that I didn't get to do near what I wanted to. Saturday was spent helping Son #3 & DIL move (they bought pizza for lunch...I tried to be good) and the evening was at a BBQ at Son #2 & DIL where I was not quite as good (had a brownie but made sure it was small). Sunday we went back to Son #3's and they took us out to dinner for Chinese Food to celebrate Father's Day ( since it was Father's Day hubby got to choose where to eat and his favorite is Chinese). So last night I had a salad for dinner and a lot of water to wash out the sodium of the weekend.

    I'm back at work where my meals are planned for the week, that's the good part. The fact that I'm at work is the bad part as I really would rather be at home:ohwell:

    Everyone have a good day, log the food, drink the water and let's keep moving.:drinker:

  • makalinger
    makalinger Posts: 15 Member
    :blushing: Hello everyone, I'm returning after a few months of hmmm and since I have the summer off I've decided this was the perfect time to get back to it and work like heck to get more fit. I think it's going to take a village so I'd appreciate some support and look forward to supporting others:flowerforyou:
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Happy Monday to everyone!

    Happy indeed ....:happy: we put the lounge back together this morning!! It looks soooo different. I keep walking in and out just to see it!!
    Putting the blind up was to put it mildly ....:grumble: irritating ......we finished the room late last night and shampooed the carpet. Then at 11.30pm tried to put up the blind. "Tried" being the operative word.
    :sad: Feeling really exhausted and by that time ready to throw my dummy out of the pram and stop playing .....I helped DH put the blind up. No luck ...he too was very tired and had put the fitments :noway: upside down!! So we left it 'til this morning. Lo and behold .....the"Make do "gremlin appeared!! :grumble: The fitments were the right way up but the blocks were too low and you could see them below the blind top. "That'll be Ok" quipped DH ...but I knew it would irk me every time I looked at the window!! ....:bigsmile: They're down and up properly now!!

    :drinker: Then we went out for the Mystery Dining assignment. I've logged the meal and now have just realised I've not put the strawberry sundae down. Enough damage done with just the meal taking all my calories!!! We had no breakfast either!!! as we just set to and tidied up the lounge.:embarassed: Oh dear we're out again on Thursday too. Never mind...I'll try and exercise more.

    Our wallpapering ...I've said "Our" as DH was seconded to help cut and paste!!! ..... was interrupted (VeryWelcomely) by a visit from #1 son & DIL + a very stroppy #1 teenage grandson, chirpy#1 grandaughter and sleepy twins!! Said grandaughter took over some wall paper pasting while said grandson stormed off home!! They came bearing gifts for DH's birthday and for Father's Day. Plus...a welcome sponge cake which disappeared in seconds.

    :heart: :heart: The twins (10 wks)are growing steadily but still under 8lb! They're feeding well and they're begining to smile which is so good to see. I must admit to be rather worried about their development, although haven't said so to mum and dad.Eye co ordination just doesn't seem to be there and as I haven't experience of small babies (not really prem though) I don't know what to expect. I just hope and pray they're OK.

    Anyway.... Im coming clean about not up dating my ticker on my return to MFP ...so have done it now. Still just below my original start but not quite as good as it seemed!! Must try harder!!!....:laugh: where have I heard that before???

    DH is at work and I must now do some ironing ....it seems that all my clothes have disappeared into the ironing basket!!! Wish we could have some nice weather to get out all those summer clothes!. :glasses:

    :flowerforyou: Jackie
  • lori666
    lori666 Posts: 3 Member
    I am ready to drop 20 lbs and I am over 50 so I am looking forward to reading what other woman my age are accomplishing.
    I do Zumba 3x a week and barre 1x a week. My goal is to continue the exercise and to log everything that I eat. Exercise is so much fun for me but I know it is portion and food choices that are hard for me.
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Happy Monday! :bigsmile: I kept to my plan for food today. Did not get my exercise in :grumble: other than 20 minute lunchtime walk but will tomorrow. This week I am trying to focus on keeping the actual food calories within my goal. I don't know why but when I click on the complete diary button it makes it easier to stop thinking about food...:noway: let's hope that continues!! My life has quieted down (for the moment) so not much else to share tonight.

    Hugs prayers and good wishes to all who are struggling:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: and high fives to all of us for moving, logging, posting and reading!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I am back but just temporarily. Have just changed internet providers, so was without internet for a few days. Don't we rely on it now. Anyway very busy. Daughters 21st this thursday, husbands 59th friday and we are all going on our first cruise. Just 3 days. Daughter did not want the big party. So much to organise just for 3 days away. I will need a holiday.
    Must fly will catch up with you all later.


    Jenni, in Sydney, Australia
  • fbandit14
    fbandit14 Posts: 61 Member
    50, am in!!!! June goals....workout at least 4 times a week. Keep fat and sodium down. 12 plus cups water a day
    Weigh only once every wo weeks!!
    Take measurements
    Glad to be in the club!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: another busy day and off to bed early----hubby keeps making 8 AM appointments for things and if I want to walk the dogs in the morning I have to get up really early to find the time.......I am so grateful for the early sunrise at this time of year.

    :bigsmile: went for a wonderful long walk with a friend in her new neighborhood today :bigsmile: she'll come to mine on Wednesday.

    :flowerforyou: Robin, you will have a fabulous time in Port Townsend.....beautiful town, great places to walk :bigsmile: :bigsmile: wish I were just a bit closer so I could see you.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where it continues to be cool
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Jen - what is it with hubbys taking their time. Vince really thinks things out. Like this pool install -- he's already made about 8 versions of the pump system. He wants to understand it. Me? I'm happy with knowing where the on/off switch is. We got the initial pool proposal picture, he's ALREADY made two revisions to it. But I must say, things do look good after he's done, he really thinks things thru.

    Sherry - you're so right, eating with the grandkids and spending time with them is so much more important! Glad you had a good time.

    Marisa - I have to ask you, are you checking your body fat? How are your cloths fitting? Losing weight is great, but, to be honest, I think at some point our bodies get to where we can't lose any more weight, but we can redistribute things, and my bet is that that's what's happening to you. barbie had some good questions. Are you logging EVERYTHING? Sometimes our bodies need a change of exercise -- be it frequncy, intensity, sometimes time.

    Nancy - now don't go and get too worked up over the things you have to do today....lol

    Did 30 minutes of a Denise Austin yoga DVD then went to the extreme pump class. Afterwards, stopped at one food store, this was the first day they were opened. They really didn't change much at all from the store that was there before. The layout is the same, only now they're carrying their own products. To me, I was hoping for something different.

    Don't know what it is, but my eyes are burning something terrible.

    Jen - have fun on your cruise. Where are you going?

    Welcome everyone new!

    The guy who is going to install the pool is supposed to come here tomorrow. We'll give him all our final changes and then he can make up a contract. As soon as that is signed, we go on the list to be done.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Don't get discouraged my scale hasn't moved. But I have had many NSV. Clothes looser, inches lose. Mirror isn't near as mean to me, as it once was. Keep it up. Just go ahead rant and rave we are hear to listen.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Oh I forgot to tell you all it's a comedy cruise to no where. We leave Sydney Friday head out into the ocean and do a u turn and arrive back Monday. Our very first cruise and am so excited and just as nervous. Not sure if I have sea legs. But a good way to find out. My neighbour says we will love it and will come back and book a longer one. Summer one I hope. It's winter here so I don't think we will be spending much time on deck.
    Jenni, in Sydney Australia
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Tuesday, good news day from cool, cloudy Portland. What did I expect on this first day of summer, sunshine? :laugh: Not here. Not yet, anyway, but one can always hope. I haven't checked the weather report yet but we had rain yesterday and it looks about the same this morning.

    Oh are the gardens ever producing a spectacular amount of gorgeous greens :love: and I'm back to being a faithful Salad Sista. I've been picking butterhead lettuce, romaine, chard, spinach and kale on a regular basis, the sugar snap peas are producing heavily now, as well as beets, carrots, scallions, radishes, celery and cauliflower. Hubby harvested about 80 of our 200 garlic bulbs yesterday which are now drying in the garage. Yep, there's quite an odor in there, lol. I'll be braiding them as usual on the 4th of July,

    I'm still up a little bit from eating too much for the last couple of weeks (thus the Pig) :blushing: and have vowed this week to keep my cals in the 1250 range. This morning I have GOT to break the spell and go to the track for a real good workout!! I've been awfully busy, but terribly lazy in the exercise dept. which happens every spring and summer when I'm working my buns off in the garden. Unfortunately it's not the kind of work that gets the heart rate up. :ohwell:

    We all get frustrated from time to time, don't we. Well I'll tell ya, I've sure been having a little battle with myself over here and I'm growing very tired of it. :grumble: I feel myself falling into indifference :indifferent: and have to pull myself back up to reality. It's a struggle. Balance, baby, balance. Have to force myself to go burn it off. I know I'll feel lots better.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful first day of summer!

    :smile: jb
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    hello Ladies ,

    well it is back to work today and I walked in from the parking lot , I call the back 40 LOL instead of the parking garage. I plan on walking on my lunch brake as well.

    it is good to be home , but I love helping out at the camp and I think it was just the thing to get me out of the slump I was in. A kind of kick start to being more ative you might say.

    rjadams: your time at the beach sounds wonderful! I bet the dog where happy to see you!

    fitz: sounds like you had a busy weekend and yes you are truly blessed.

    Barboecat: Happy Birthday to Sash , is she the one in the photo?

    jen: I know what ya mean about missing the kids when they ar gone, and loving the peace when they leave. I always say happy to see them come and happy to see them go. realy kind of bitter sweet to see tham go. anyway a hight five to you also!

    jaks97: the soul is just as important as the body, a good balance is what it is all about. have fun with thouse grandkids.

    Jane; so happy to hear your DH is feeling better , have fun swiming !

    Nancy: so funny you said you are re-arranging your kitchen cupboards, I re-arranged my family room last night while waching tv , I told myself that when I got home from camp , I would not spend so much time sitting at home because of how much I have to spend sitting at work. My DH did not know what to think, when he ask me about it , I told him that I had been thinking of doing it for a long time , but been putting it off. it did feel good when it was all done.

    plfeery : way to go! one step at a time.you have a great smile!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's gonna be another warm Tuesday,

    Jackie- I loved hearing about your wallpapering....my hubby and I say we do wallpaper and are proud to say that we are still married after it:blushing: The one time we did it, it took the whole wall before I got into how it was supposed to be done...hubby was one frustrated man:wink: You might check with Amanda about twins and weight & development as she too has grandtwins and I'm sure she would be willing to share stories with you:drinker:

    makalinger- Welcome back:flowerforyou: this is the place to return when you need that extra push.

    lori666- Glad to have you join us:flowerforyou: it sounds like you know the formula, exercise and portion control....we're here to give you encouragement.

    Jen- a little exercise is better than nothing at all:drinker: I'm sure that today will be better for you.

    Jenni- a comedy cruise:love: how fun that's a much better celebration than a party as far as I'm concerned. Have a good time:drinker: Hubby and I have been on one cruise and it was a short one too, and we loved it...we are hoping to one day be able to take a longer one...someday:ohwell:

    fbandit14- Welcome:flowerforyou: good goals. Keep coming back and let us know how you are doing.

    Michele- do hope that you get your pool while the weather is warm and that the install waiting list isn't too long:wink:

    jb-sounds to me like you just gave yourself the pep talk to conquer that last pound:wink: YOU CAN DO IT:flowerforyou:

    rp-glad that you are looking at your "break from work" as a kick start to being more active. I remember working at Summer Camps and if you go not being in any kind of shape, by the time you return home you are full of extra energy:drinker:


    I always know how to get my body back into a losing mode, and it's have veggies and fish for dinner. It's a good thing I love salmon and talipia as those are my fish of choice right now. With the weather being so warm I went to the basement last night to do my workout on the bike where it's cool. I was reviewing my June goals and so far I'm doing pretty good, probably the best I've ever done at keeping them up...so putting them on a spreadsheet that I can see all the time is just what I needed:wink: cause i really want it to look good at the end of the month.

    Everyone have a good day, don't forget to log your food, drink plenty of water and exercise however you can even if it's just a small amount.:drinker:

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Tremendous Tuesday!

    Plfeery – great job on the rowing machine. :smile: Start where you’re at and keep on going!

    Hi Laura, it sounds like you had a good time at various events with your sons over the weekend. Salad and lots of water…a recovery plan! :laugh:

    Welcome, makalinger. :drinker:

    Oh Jackie, you have worked so hard & now you get the rewards of a comfortable lounge to relax in. Sorry to hear about the ironing.

    Jen, you said “when I click on the diary button it makes it easier to stop thinking about food” – the same thing happens to me. :ohwell: It makes an “end” to the day.

    Jenni in Sydney, I hope your cruise was fantastic fun! :laugh: Full of good times & lots of laughs.

    JB, I have missed the Salad Sistas. Today I am going to the Grade 7 “graduation” lunch, but plan to eat before I go so I can control my meals. It will include greens from the Farmer’s Market and, perhaps, one or two of DH’s radishes if I can sneak them out of the garden.

    Ah, you should all come to visit just to appreciate the work I did yesterday. :laugh: I wander in and open the cupboard doors just to marvel at how tidy and organized everything is!

    Last night I made a “Persian Chicken” dish – it involved a sauce of pomegranate juice and ground walnuts. J’boy and DH both had seconds, so I count it as a success. Tonight I am going to experiment with tofu.

    The scale is moving in the right direction again, I am only .5 of a pound over my posted weight. I am on Laura’s recovery plan = salad and lots of water.

    Hasta pronto,


    Goals for June:
    At least 4 aqua fit classes - something new to shake up the routine. (:blushing: I have chickened out of this goal because I'd have to take off my walking cask and I am afraid I'll fall in the change room or pool deck.)
    24 hours of exercise including weight training - I'm half way there! :drinker:
    Get the routine chores done – no procrastination! Woops, suitcase from trip to Calgary still on the floor. :noway:
    Act the way I want to feel. Be kind.
  • kateblue72
    kateblue72 Posts: 113
    Happy Tuesday .... is it summer yet? We are calling this Junuary! Rained so hard last night the covered deck is soaked too! Managed to get out after work yesterday for a 'quick' 10km on the bike in the only sun I've seen for days.

    Wow, everyone has been busy. Done the wallpapering 'thing' and still have husband too!
    The 3 day cruise will be a blast! We did a 4 day with 2 of our kids a few years ago. Was our first cruise, and the short trip was a good way to see if we did have sea legs - enjoy the 21st birthday! Hoping to do the Alaska cruise one day.

    Scale has been 'stuck' for me too this week ... but I also know that food intake has been a bit higher ... still not over my calories .... but if I hadn't exercised, I would be. Don't usually 'eat' my exercise cals, but have been hungry. So today is a new day all ... vow to exercise - have a 60 min circuit class at 1100! Get the scale out and check portion sizes ... I know they do tend to inch up. Send son home with the homemade cookies I made for his visit and Dad's day.... continue to drink water, and perhaps it would be a good time to re-check measurements ..... feeling pretty good in my jeans these days:smile: And I know that sometimes inches are better than pounds! And continue to drink water ... like everyone else trying to 'flush' out all the extras:drinker:

    To all the 'newbies' .... still consider myself one too, but this is a GREAT group and the mfp 'family' has been a big help in my success so far. Welcome, journal away and post as you can - that's what I try to do ... that way it keeps me on track. Good luck!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hey all!

    jb: Just had to make a quick reply to you. I do the same thing in the spring and summer because of my garden. Then I am extra tired and tend to eat more. I made myself a promise this year that I could not go into the garden until I had gone for a fast walk or other type of "real" exercise. I have found that now that I am in that habit, I get just as much work done in the garden and I have more energy too. I am far from perfect with my eating some days, but at least the scale is friendlier to me when I have gotten my heart rate up for a length of time. BONUS to this is also that the time spent in the garden tends to burn WAY more calories AFTER I've gotten my heart rate up first. Maybe that's some motivation for you. You have done an AWESOME job with your weight loss:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: WTG:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Take care everyone. Off with DH for lunch in town:bigsmile: Kackie
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    Hi all ......

    Hope you're all well and ....motivated!!

    Jenni in Sydney ........ You'll love cruising for sure!! Dh and booked our first cruise Barbados to UK for our ruby Anniversary March 2011 but once booked we couldn't wait so we went on a Baltic and Russia cruise Aug 2010!!. Best ever!!! Barbados was great and then we were really hooked!!! We went to Alaska and have not long been back from China and Asia. On that one we met up with some amazing Aussies who were doing a 62 day cruise!!! (Ours was 16)Wow! such a long time to be away!! I do hope you have a fantastic few days.

    Michele ...WTG on getting a pool. I'm sure all the work will be worth it ...especially if the sun shines. We had a slight glimmer here today ...then ...rain....again!!

    Nancy ....there are a few cupboards over here that could do with your organisation by the sound of it!! Such a great feeling to see everything neat. Mind you it doesn't seem to take long to get back to normal!!

    Kackie ...You've motivated me to go out for a walk NOW. The evening's still light and at the moment ...Shhh! no rain ...so I'm going to go!! Just around the block but hey !!....don't usually do that!

    :flowerforyou: Back later maybe
  • Skyecath
    Skyecath Posts: 33
    Working long hours plus then doing bookkeeping for DHs business in the evening so very tired plus we've got a visitor so busy busy. Not heard from DD for a few days, will tell you more when I've more time.

    I'm not logging my food ATM but staying in touch with you all will make it easier for me to get back on track next week after the dratted dentist visit. But b4 that, we are seeing some friends at the weekend that we haven't seen since December so looking forward to that.

    Cath x
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening everyone, it's been a few days since I posted.:grumble: I have been lurking, but just so busy with hubby and the grandkids to post.:blushing: Yesterday my son and his family took me out to dinner for my birthday. :wink: We went to Applebee's and I ordered the 500 calorie Baked chicken with roasted red potatoes, broccoli and baby carrots. It was very good and filling and the best part was I stayed within my calories for the day.:smile: Tonight when I got home from work I had baked tilapia, french style green beans and 1/2 cup potatoes with butter and parsley.:tongue: I might not be on for 3 or 4 days, my 4 year old grandson is having a Cardiac Catherization done Thursday in Wilmington (about a 2 hour drive) so I am packing tonight to be able to leave as soon as I get off work tomorrow. He will probably be in the hospital overnight and if all goes well I will go to Westminster from there (another 2 hour drive in the opposite direction from home.):yawn: Going to spend the night at my mothers and then drive 45 minutes to my brother's house for my niece's graduation party on Saturday.:happy: I am going to stop at the grocery store on the way there and get a nice salad to take with me.:happy: I hope everyone has a wonderful week. :heart: love ((((HUGS)))) and prayers, Rose :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: