drinking calories...



  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I just drink water. I'm of the mind that I'd rather eat my calories than drink them. Except when it comes to booze. Then there is an exception. :drinker:

    You took the words right out of my mouth. Although, those booze come pretty far apart these days. I'd rather save up for my fruity strong high calorie irish trashcans and go all out when I do. This happens every couple months. LoL

    so, no soda or juice or anything other drink that has calories in it for me!



    What is an Irish trashcan?
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I always assumed that was in reference to sugar-laden, empty calorie drinks that provide no other nutrition. Pop, mainly.

    Or fruit juice. Apple juice, for instance, provides no more nutrition, and more sugar, than 7up.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    You can get calcium from foods. And you really don't need to drink gatorade or the like, you can drink water.

    I can back the calcium thing, but Gatorade is full of electrolytes that water doesn't have.

    Most people, even runners, seldom need those electrolytes. Too many electrolytes will cause heart problems. If you're not having symptoms of electrolyte depletion, like muscle cramping, no replacement is needed.
  • WhiskeyCity
    WhiskeyCity Posts: 711 Member
    Bourbon helps my muscles heal.


    Back to OP: IMHO, "don't drink your calories" means non-diet Sodas, coffee drinks full of creamer and alcohol. If you just ran a 10k, I don't think anyone will give you any flak for chugging down a Gatoraide. Hell, you earned it, enjoy!

    Also, I budget my alcohol calories. I file it under "snack" and compensate for it. You can do that for sports drinks.
  • jpsgrl
    jpsgrl Posts: 32 Member
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 928 Member
    I just drink water. I'm of the mind that I'd rather eat my calories than drink them. Except when it comes to booze. Then there is an exception. :drinker:

    this. totally.
  • mikes99mail
    mikes99mail Posts: 318 Member
    if you want to replace electrolytes on a hot / sweaty day and dont want the calories, use zero-calorie tablets that go in water instead of gatorade which is full of sugar, there are several brands, I use Nuun.

    It's awesome for hangovers too...
  • LifeOnMars_
    LifeOnMars_ Posts: 720 Member
    Everytime I hear the word electrolytes I think of the movie Idiocracy...

    BRAWNDO.. The thirst mutilator...It's got what plants crave.
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    I drink calories because I want to!! :) I love having coffee with cream or creamer each day, enjoy milk, drink a G2 when lifting/working out some days, and even an occasional adult beverage. Its all about moderation!
  • kuhayetee
    kuhayetee Posts: 41
    thats what i drink!! i drink g2 and powerade after workouts.
  • kuhayetee
    kuhayetee Posts: 41
    cross country, 5 miles a day.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    You know whats dumb? When people say don't drink your calories. If you're a hardcore runner like me, you need powerade/gatorade so you can gain back electrolytes... :mad:
    plus how the heck are we going to get calcium (besides tablets) if we don't drink Orange juice or milk?
    so when people say don't drink calories, could you be a little more specific?!?
