How old were you when you had kids?



  • littledeak
    littledeak Posts: 17 Member
    Dear you do not have a child for your friends nor for your family. You have a child because you are ready to be a parent. Please don't forget that.

    I was 29 when my son was born. Both his dad and I had established careers, traveled the States and Europe. We bought our house and were comfortable with our income. . When we had our son we both felt we had done everything we wanted to do except have children. The birth of our son was wonderful
    I frequently say the best gift God gave our son was that I was 29 not 21. I wish you well.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    29, 33, 35, 39.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    18 and 21. The older was a surprise. I was barely 14 when i met my husband, otherwise things would have went differently. We have plans for when our kids are grown, as we will still be quite young when they are adults and (hopefully) moved out.
  • lexidell46
    lexidell46 Posts: 143
    I was 29 when I had my daughter and 30 when I had my son. I am so glad I waited. I had a lot of fun before then I think it made me a better parent. I could enjoy them more. I also had more patience.
  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 478 Member
    I had my first baby when I was 18, but he was stillborn. The next child I had was when I was 27. My youngest was born when I was 34. I am glad I waited to have the second and 3rd, because I had so much more to do before I was ready at all to be a Mom, and even then I am still not sure I was ready. I guess it just happens that way sometimes. Wait as long as you want to, and then, if you decide to have them, it is your choice. It's a huge leap and an even more huge responsibility.
  • RunsAround
    RunsAround Posts: 24 Member
    I had my first at 27 and my second at 29. These things are totally regional! I just read a statistic from the country where I live, that the average age in 2010 for birthing mothers was 31. It went on to state that the vast majority of children are born to children who are 30-34. The article was a focus on a family who was a teen mom. She was 18 when the child was born. In the country where I live, there were...wait for it...550 teenage mother births in 2010 in the entire country. That's nothing!

    Seriously, I enthusiastically recommend waiting. I certainly don't think I was too young, but in hindsight, if I were promised the exact same kids a couple years later, I would have gone for it. It's not that you can't pull it off. Many people do it and do it well all the time. But why not enjoy a bit of your youth more. Travel some more. Get to know your boyfriend some more. Get to know yourself some more. Yes, you can do all these things with kids, but it changes the dynamic in ways you can never fully expect. Having kids is hard, HARD, HARD work. They are cute and give you so many wonderful moments, but you work really hard for it.

    There's no rush. Really. I have plenty of friends who had their last child in their 40s.
  • missymuffet459
    I was 17 when I had my son, then 22 and 25 for my daughters.

    I say wait until it feels right to you. Kids are a huge responsibility. Don't let your friends pressure you. I say have fun while you are young. They will be home with babies and you can travel!!!!
  • bowiechick
    Never. I don't want kids, and my husband and I don't see the purpose in having them to be honest with you.

    I just witness a lot of people having kids because it's what's expected of them or peer pressure. Many people I know that have kids STILL aren't actually ready for them, but it's too late to change their minds now!

    I would say that people need just just be 100% sure first. It will change your life and if there are ANY doubts, don't do it. It wouldn't be good for you or the child.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    By all means, this is really a personal decision... If you know you are not ready yet, you have plenty of time. As for the answer to the question (yes, I know I am NOT a lady), I was 42... My wife was 35. Our daughter is our heart. She came out just fine and it was probably best that we did not do it earlier... But everybody is their own person.
  • jenbridges
    jenbridges Posts: 213 Member
    So this is probably personal but I'm curious as to if I'm the only one who is holding out! I'm twenty one. My boyfriend (future husband) is 22. My mom was 20 when she had me. She's an amazing mother. All of my friends are pregnant and/or having kids. Literally, everyone. I feel like I should NOT have a kid at 21! I feel like I am still a kid...but then there are those moments when my maternal clock starts ticking and I really want a baby.....(that only happens when I'm drunk....haha.)

    Seriously, ladies, how old were you when you had a kid, and was it worth it? If you could go back and wait would you? Or if you could go back and do it earlier would you? I have a job that I really love and it's my main focus.....I just feel like I'm kind of old fashioned and want to wait until we own a home, have a nicer car, make good money, settled down somewhere permanent, gone on vacations and partied without a kid....I feel like we just haven't lived enough yet, and having a kid would throw it all I wrong??

    (I know it's a matter of personal preference in the long run but I'm just curious :)

    I had my kids very young- starting at 22, 23, 25, 28. I would recommend waiting and living a bit first. however-- when you feel the ttime is right, don't say "we don't own a house yet" or "we don't make enough" (unless you really don't!) or something like that. there will always be a reason not to if you limit your thinking that way, and then it can become too late. this happened to some friends, and they have always regretted waiting too long.
  • ferrytrip
    ferrytrip Posts: 497 Member
    21 - The eldest is now 23, the youngest is 7. Had 9 kids total, 7 boys & 2 girls.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Dear you do not have a child for your friends nor for your family. You have a child because you are ready to be a parent. Please don't forget that.

    I was 29 when my son was born. Both his dad and I had established careers, traveled the States and Europe. We bought our house and were comfortable with our income. . When we had our son we both felt we had done everything we wanted to do except have children. The birth of our son was wonderful
    I frequently say the best gift God gave our son was that I was 29 not 21. I wish you well.

    ^^^^^^^^ Absolutely this^^^^^^^^^^^
  • carrotstick2012
    I was 19 and I wouldn't change it. That said, that was what was right for me but that doesn't mean it was right for someone else who may prefer to wait till later. All the things that people often like to do before children we did with our children.
  • Krizzo87
    Krizzo87 Posts: 14,186 Member
    My first daughter at 19, second at 22.
  • nessa786
    nessa786 Posts: 107 Member
    I was 24 when I had my son (1 month shy of 25). I was the last one of my close friends to have children. (All of my close friends already had at least 2 children each lol)
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    One child...I had just turned 35.
  • DesiL13
    DesiL13 Posts: 11
    I had my son a month before i tuned 19 and my little girl late this january,which was almost 5 months before my 21st b-day. I had mine really close together, but they get along and love one another... Can't beleive my son will be 2 the 7th of next month.
  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
    I was 15 when I had my daughter. It was hard, but I had a very supportive family. I graduated HS on time with high honors. I had my son when I was 21. I want to have another one by the time im 28.

    I would not change anything. It changed me for the better. If I had not had my daughter I would probablyu be dead or in jail,. not even joking.

    I feel the same I was 18 for 3 weeks when I had my daughter, and it has been hard... Very very hard... But I graduated hs on time and will be graduating from college with 2 bachelors degrees in a couple years. Had I not had my daughter there would have been no reason to change my ways and I too would probably be dead or in jail due to the crowd I was running with at the time!

    I lost twins this year, that was hard to get through.... But I can stand to wait a couple more years, and be married with my career under my belt before any more! I see a lot of my classmates jumping into things very quickly right now.
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,723 Member
    I was 35 when I had my son, Sammye Jeaux. He will be 20 years old tomorrow. He is the light of my life and I love him very much. Happy Birthday Son! I love you so much!
  • SpydrMnky27
    SpydrMnky27 Posts: 381 Member
    My first at 23 & my 2nd at 27. I don't think I would have ever been ready but it happened and I now I live for my kids. Not sure I would do it over at a later age. I like the thought of still being young when my kids graduate. The only things I really miss about life before becoming a mom is sleep, silence and a unscarred stomach.

    If you feel you aren't ready then WAIT. Don't rush to have kids. Seriously.