what foods dont have protein in?



  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    The IOM study does not address weight loss/fat loss as I recall, does it?

    It does not. Per the abstract these are recommendations for "good health" and "nutritional needs".
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member

    I thought this was a good blog on protein intake.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member

    I thought this was a good blog on protein intake.

    I've used this one in discussions with friends and other fitness/health enthusiasts as well. I like that he discusses both sides of the coin from multiple goal perspectives.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    This is an incorrect and potentially dangerous statement.

    Oh please explain. I'd love to hear your reasoning.

    The protein recommendations on MFP match those set by the Institute of Medicine, which sets population based recommendations based on current medical science. Eating above these recommendations may be safe for many people, but for many others it can cause medical problems, some severe. While some lifestyles may benefit from more protein, the average person doesn't "need" more protien. Before eating outside medical recommendations it would be wise to check with your doctor or a licensed dietician, rather than listening to a potentially dangerous blanket statement on a www forum.

    From what I could find, the most recent report on the IOM website is from 2002. That is hardly current. The recommendation there is 0.8 g per kg of bodyweight of protein for adults, but no adverse effects are listed should one exceed the recommendation (given normal health markers).

    If you are going to make claims, please back up your claims with citation-- it lends validity.



    2002 is recent enough if there has since been no scientific evidence to refute the recommendation. Medical organizations don't willy nilly change recommendations every year. They change when there is suffiecient medical evidence to warrant a change.
  • tomhancock
    tomhancock Posts: 100 Member
    MFP is not gender specific, and does not take into account the amount of lean muscle mass you have. If you are a dude you need a lot more protein than they recommend just to maintain your current muscle tone. If you want any chance of building muscle at all while dieting, you need a LOT more protein than they recommend.

    I imagine even women are finding the protein setting on MFP to be very low. Unless you have a serious liver or kidney problem, you can eat a little under a gram of protein a day for every pound of lean muscle on your body. If you are working out at all, you should be eating at least that much.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    OP- The MFP values are (1) recommendations, not requirements, and (2) based on long term averages, not 24-hour periods. If you go over on protein today you will be fine (probably better). If you really want to get close to the recommended ratios here and you go over one day, just go a little under another day.

    People survived just fine before we had tools to count our macros. Probably 99.5% of people don't count or watch their levels at all. You won't shrivel up and die or cannibalize your muscle if you don't eat a certain level. Listen to your body. If you're craving a steak or spinach, eat that.
  • d4rkn3ss06
    d4rkn3ss06 Posts: 57
    This is an incorrect and potentially dangerous statement.

    Oh please explain. I'd love to hear your reasoning.

    The protein recommendations on MFP match those set by the Institute of Medicine, which sets population based recommendations based on current medical science. Eating above these recommendations may be safe for many people, but for many others it can cause medical problems, some severe. While some lifestyles may benefit from more protein, the average person doesn't "need" more protien. Before eating outside medical recommendations it would be wise to check with your doctor or a licensed dietician, rather than listening to a potentially dangerous blanket statement on a www forum.

    From what I could find, the most recent report on the IOM website is from 2002. That is hardly current. The recommendation there is 0.8 g per kg of bodyweight of protein for adults, but no adverse effects are listed should one exceed the recommendation (given normal health markers).

    If you are going to make claims, please back up your claims with citation-- it lends validity.



    2002 is recent enough if there has since been no scientific evidence to refute the recommendation. Medical organizations don't willy nilly change recommendations every year. They change when there is suffiecient medical evidence to warrant a change.

    I disagree with 2002 being recent enough! When ever ANYONE has to do research on a topic the sources must be with in the last 5 years to be considered recent anything older is seen as out of date. And unless you have kidney problems there is no reason to fear protein. MFP does set the protein levels too low and if you go over by some it really isn't a problem.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    This is an incorrect and potentially dangerous statement.

    Oh please explain. I'd love to hear your reasoning.

    The protein recommendations on MFP match those set by the Institute of Medicine, which sets population based recommendations based on current medical science. Eating above these recommendations may be safe for many people, but for many others it can cause medical problems, some severe. While some lifestyles may benefit from more protein, the average person doesn't "need" more protien. Before eating outside medical recommendations it would be wise to check with your doctor or a licensed dietician, rather than listening to a potentially dangerous blanket statement on a www forum.

    From what I could find, the most recent report on the IOM website is from 2002. That is hardly current. The recommendation there is 0.8 g per kg of bodyweight of protein for adults, but no adverse effects are listed should one exceed the recommendation (given normal health markers).

    If you are going to make claims, please back up your claims with citation-- it lends validity.



    2002 is recent enough if there has since been no scientific evidence to refute the recommendation. Medical organizations don't willy nilly change recommendations every year. They change when there is suffiecient medical evidence to warrant a change.

    I disagree with 2002 being recent enough! When ever ANYONE has to do research on a topic the sources must be with in the last 5 years to be considered recent anything older is seen as out of date. And unless you have kidney problems there is no reason to fear protein. MFP does set the protein levels too low and if you go over by some it really isn't a problem.

    That is ridiculous. Are you really suggesting that medical organizations should change nutrition recommendations based on nothing other than a date? So the conversation would be something like

    Dr. Y: "Dr. X, we need to change the protein recommendations."
    Dr. X: "Why?" Is there new prevailing medical evidence suggesting they are incorrect?"
    Dr. Y: "Well no, but those recommendations have been in place for 10 years."
    Dr. X: "OMG, how can that be? Let's change them immediately!"

    Thank God, science doesn't work that way.

    If you ammend you statement to say "If you have no known medical conditions, then going over the MFP recommendation it is unlikely to be a problem.", then it would be a correct statement.

    When is comes to nutrition and health, blanket statements are rarely true.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member

    If you ammend you statement to say "If you have no known medical conditions, then going over the MFP recommendation it is unlikely to be a problem.", then it would be a correct statement.

    When is comes to nutrition and health, blanket statements are rarely true.

    Personally, I don't have a problem approaching most of life's situations using the caveat "do [whatever] unless you have a reason not to." And it's not really anyone else's responsibility to find those reasons for not doing something other than my own. How much of the general population do you really think this is dangerous information for? Clearly no one here should treat what they see on a forum as medical advice, even if it's from a doctor--who I imagine would be in violation of some sort of law even if they gave medical advice over the inadequate medium of an online forum.

    Does this website not have some sort of disclaimer about consulting a physician before going on a diet? The objection, while technically correct seems like fault finding for no other purpose than being pejorative. It would be unhealthy to eat anything in excess with the amount that constitutes that excess varying by the substance and the individual.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member

    If you ammend you statement to say "If you have no known medical conditions, then going over the MFP recommendation it is unlikely to be a problem.", then it would be a correct statement.

    When is comes to nutrition and health, blanket statements are rarely true.

    Personally, I don't have a problem approaching most of life's situations using the caveat "do [whatever] unless you have a reason not to." And it's not really anyone else's responsibility to find those reasons for not doing something other than my own. How much of the general population do you really think this is dangerous information for? Clearly no one here should treat what they see on a forum as medical advice, even if it's from a doctor--who I imagine would be in violation of some sort of law even if they gave medical advice over the inadequate medium of an online forum.

    Does this website not have some sort of disclaimer about consulting a physician before going on a diet? The objection, while technically correct seems like fault finding for no other purpose than being pejorative. It would be unhealthy to eat anything in excess with the amount that constitutes that excess varying by the substance and the individual.

    No, I'm not being pejorative. I am simply trying to caution people away from dangerous blanket statements. Almost any post about protien on these forums is met with numerous posts saying that the MFP recommendation is too low. Not that it's too low if you are trying to gain muscle, or lifting weights, or have no medical ailments. Very rarely some mention pre-existing kidney ailments as a reason not to eat high protien, as if that is the only thing that could possibly cause problems. But it's more often just a blanket statement, that "it is too low". The natural inference woudl be "too low for everyone".

    Unfortunately when people read this type of thing often enough, they begin to believe it. Of course, they shouldn't take advice from the forums. But they do. And there are a LOT of MFP members with diabetes or insulin resistance or other disorders which could make eating too much protein dangerous. The likelihood is that the percent of the MFP population for which too much protein has the potential to cause harm may be larger than the percent of the overall population, since by nature of the site MFP probably has a larger percent of people with the very medical conditions for which it can be dangerous.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    Unfortunately when people read this type of thing often enough, they begin to believe it. Of course, they shouldn't take advice from the forums. But they do. And there are a LOT of MFP members with diabetes or insulin resistance or other disorders which could make eating too much protein dangerous. The likelihood is that the percent of the MFP population for which too much protein has the potential to cause harm may be larger than the percent of the overall population, since by nature of the site MFP probably has a larger percent of people with the very medical conditions for which it can be dangerous.

    Presumably people with any of those medical conditions would have a physician helping them with their nutrition. If they take blanket statements from a forum as universal truths--that I happen to believe have implied disclaimers given the context--over the advice of a doctor, then that's they're problem. If they don't know they have these medical conditions and they're going on weight loss programs without consulting a physician, then I lack a certain amount of sympathy for them; though, I suppose some of those people can't afford to see a physician, but they can apparently afford to access the internet and its various researching options if they're posting here.

    I have an appreciation for what you're saying because I generally have an appreciation for precision and accuracy. I guess I'm just over trying to keep people from making stupid decisions because they're too lazy to read stickies that are designed to keep them from making stupid decisions. Again I'm assuming such a disclaimer exists at all. If it doesn't, then fine.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Unfortunately when people read this type of thing often enough, they begin to believe it. Of course, they shouldn't take advice from the forums. But they do. And there are a LOT of MFP members with diabetes or insulin resistance or other disorders which could make eating too much protein dangerous. The likelihood is that the percent of the MFP population for which too much protein has the potential to cause harm may be larger than the percent of the overall population, since by nature of the site MFP probably has a larger percent of people with the very medical conditions for which it can be dangerous.

    Presumably people with any of those medical conditions would have a physician helping them with their nutrition. If they take blanket statements from a forum as universal truths--that I happen to believe have implied disclaimers given the context--over the advice of a doctor, then that's they're problem. If they don't know they have these medical conditions and they're going on weight loss programs without consulting a physician, then I lack a certain amount of sympathy for them; though, I suppose some of those people can't afford to see a physician, but they can apparently afford to access the internet and its various researching options if they're posting here.

    I have an appreciation for what you're saying because I generally have an appreciation for precision and accuracy. I guess I'm just over trying to keep people from making stupid decisions because they're too lazy to read stickies that are designed to keep them from making stupid decisions. Again I'm assuming such a disclaimer exists at all. If it doesn't, then fine.

    And I have not yet reached the point where I lack sympathy for those that don't always consult a physician when they should, even if they know they should. :ohwell:
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    And I have not yet reached the point where I lack sympathy for those that don't always consult a physician when they should, even if they know they should. :ohwell:

    Of course, having said what I've said, and reading as much Greek drama as I did in college, I realize I've probably tempted the Fates into giving me some sort of horrible medical condition that I could have prevented by seeing a doctor sooner. Paranoia and irony make for strange bed fellows.
  • cugglybear
    cugglybear Posts: 36 Member
    A protein question is exactly the one I came on to ask. I hope it doesn't cause an argument.

    I joined MFP a week ago and have been getting on ok except I am finding it hard to stay within the protein level suggested. I am over by between 3 and 6 per day. I am ok on the other things - carbs etc...

    Should I worry about the protein?
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    A protein question is exactly the one I came on to ask. I hope it doesn't cause an argument.

    I joined MFP a week ago and have been getting on ok except I am finding it hard to stay within the protein level suggested. I am over by between 3 and 6 per day. I am ok on the other things - carbs etc...

    Should I worry about the protein?

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    A protein question is exactly the one I came on to ask. I hope it doesn't cause an argument.

    I joined MFP a week ago and have been getting on ok except I am finding it hard to stay within the protein level suggested. I am over by between 3 and 6 per day. I am ok on the other things - carbs etc...

    Should I worry about the protein?

    No. If you have no known medical problems, then you likely don't need to worry about going over on protein. But unless you've been told by your doctor to limit protien 3 - 6 grams per day is highly unlikely to make any difference.
  • cugglybear
    cugglybear Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks both. I won't worry!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    This is an incorrect and potentially dangerous statement.

    Oh please explain. I'd love to hear your reasoning.

    The protein recommendations on MFP match those set by the Institute of Medicine, which sets population based recommendations based on current medical science. Eating above these recommendations may be safe for many people, but for many others it can cause medical problems, some severe. While some lifestyles may benefit from more protein, the average person doesn't "need" more protien. Before eating outside medical recommendations it would be wise to check with your doctor or a licensed dietician, rather than listening to a potentially dangerous blanket statement on a www forum.

    From what I could find, the most recent report on the IOM website is from 2002. That is hardly current. The recommendation there is 0.8 g per kg of bodyweight of protein for adults, but no adverse effects are listed should one exceed the recommendation (given normal health markers).

    If you are going to make claims, please back up your claims with citation-- it lends validity.



    2002 is recent enough if there has since been no scientific evidence to refute the recommendation. Medical organizations don't willy nilly change recommendations every year. They change when there is suffiecient medical evidence to warrant a change.

    I disagree with 2002 being recent enough! When ever ANYONE has to do research on a topic the sources must be with in the last 5 years to be considered recent anything older is seen as out of date. And unless you have kidney problems there is no reason to fear protein. MFP does set the protein levels too low and if you go over by some it really isn't a problem.

    That is ridiculous. Are you really suggesting that medical organizations should change nutrition recommendations based on nothing other than a date? So the conversation would be something like

    Dr. Y: "Dr. X, we need to change the protein recommendations."
    Dr. X: "Why?" Is there new prevailing medical evidence suggesting they are incorrect?"
    Dr. Y: "Well no, but those recommendations have been in place for 10 years."
    Dr. X: "OMG, how can that be? Let's change them immediately!"

    Thank God, science doesn't work that way.

    If you ammend you statement to say "If you have no known medical conditions, then going over the MFP recommendation it is unlikely to be a problem.", then it would be a correct statement.

    When is comes to nutrititon and health, blanket statements are rarely true.
    I agree. Many people have no Idea they even have a problem.
    The fact that people ask medical questions on a fitness site proves many have no idea what they are doing.
  • d4rkn3ss06
    d4rkn3ss06 Posts: 57
    This is an incorrect and potentially dangerous statement.

    Oh please explain. I'd love to hear your reasoning.

    The protein recommendations on MFP match those set by the Institute of Medicine, which sets population based recommendations based on current medical science. Eating above these recommendations may be safe for many people, but for many others it can cause medical problems, some severe. While some lifestyles may benefit from more protein, the average person doesn't "need" more protien. Before eating outside medical recommendations it would be wise to check with your doctor or a licensed dietician, rather than listening to a potentially dangerous blanket statement on a www forum.

    From what I could find, the most recent report on the IOM website is from 2002. That is hardly current. The recommendation there is 0.8 g per kg of bodyweight of protein for adults, but no adverse effects are listed should one exceed the recommendation (given normal health markers).

    If you are going to make claims, please back up your claims with citation-- it lends validity.



    2002 is recent enough if there has since been no scientific evidence to refute the recommendation. Medical organizations don't willy nilly change recommendations every year. They change when there is suffiecient medical evidence to warrant a change.

    I disagree with 2002 being recent enough! When ever ANYONE has to do research on a topic the sources must be with in the last 5 years to be considered recent anything older is seen as out of date. And unless you have kidney problems there is no reason to fear protein. MFP does set the protein levels too low and if you go over by some it really isn't a problem.

    That is ridiculous. Are you really suggesting that medical organizations should change nutrition recommendations based on nothing other than a date? So the conversation would be something like

    Dr. Y: "Dr. X, we need to change the protein recommendations."
    Dr. X: "Why?" Is there new prevailing medical evidence suggesting they are incorrect?"
    Dr. Y: "Well no, but those recommendations have been in place for 10 years."
    Dr. X: "OMG, how can that be? Let's change them immediately!"

    Thank God, science doesn't work that way.

    If you ammend you statement to say "If you have no known medical conditions, then going over the MFP recommendation it is unlikely to be a problem.", then it would be a correct statement.

    When is comes to nutrition and health, blanket statements are rarely true.

    First you have to learn to read! -___- I said it wasn't considered recent!! I never said it needed to be changed to to changed it but when you are doing research something that is more than 5 years old is no longer considered recent!!!! I never said science was just changed to be changed! Your being condescending with out understanding what was said! Which is funny!!! and for someone who dislikes blanket statements you used one with your first post on this thread! but i guess when they are convenient it is ok to use them!? :D haha
  • janemem
    janemem Posts: 575 Member
    MFP has my daily protein goal at 45g which I very rarely ever get anywhere near.
    I am 5'4" and 114lb.
    Is this protein goal too low and if so what should it be. As I said, I never even reach anywhere near 45g so I haven't a clue what to aim for now. Help!