lose 10 pounds by Christmas



  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    Amc and iris - welcome!

    Smily- you are doing well! Great job getting in two workouts and it sounds like you are eating some yummy meals. I don't think it is bad to indulge in "unhealthy" things as long as it is not too often and you do so in moderation. Keep it up!
  • smileydays
    smileydays Posts: 37 Member
    Today was a great day for my workouts. I’m supposed to burn 160 calories per day and ended up burning 210. I am focused more on toning up rather than just dropping poundage so I do low-intensity workouts that workout my entire body. Although I do cardio probably 3x per week. I did a workout this morning that wasn’t too challenging (I burned 35 calories) and I felt that I let myself down. So, to compensate, I worked extra hard this afternoon, doing a workout tape and a physical challenge on the biggest loser for the Wii. My friend came over and the three of us (him, my boyfriend and I) all did a workout together. It really motivated me because I wanted to beat them both out (especially since they’re guys). I finished up my workout video while they cooked dinner.

    As for nutrition today, I was within my calories. Hooray!
    I ate ¾ cup Honey Nut Cheerios and a cup of 2% milk for breakfast and ended up having a late lunch, so I ate small. I had ½ turkey sandwich with spinach and swiss cheese. On the side, I ate some cucumber slices. For dinner, my best friend and my boyfriend made homemade turkey burgers that included bell peppers and cilantro. I ended up eating my burger with a bed of white rice (3/4 cup) instead of a bun. It was SUPER Yummy!

    Here is the recipe, if anyone wants it.
    20oz. Lean ground turkey (97 (or more)% fat free, Jennie-O’s is good)
    1 ¼ cup fresh cilantro
    1 cup bread crumbs
    8 tbsp mustard
    3 egg whites
    ½ tsp salt
    2 tsp black pepper
    2 tsp Italian seasoning (Only if you use unseasoned bread crumbs)
    ½ bell pepper
    1. Combine all ingredients and mix well.
    2. Make 9 small patties out of mixture.
    3. Place patties on well oiled grill over medium heat.
    4. Serve as desired (either with whole grain bun, salad, or rice). Enjoy!

    They also made homemade fries, so I indulged in those as well. They were too tasty to pass up. We’ll also probably have smores tonight, but it will be at a minimum (1-2 since I have to extra calories. =D)

    So all-in-all today was a good day. I hope you all had a good, healthy day and I hope it wasn't too hectic. I also hope that you enjoy the day tomorrow and work hard toward your goals!

    As for you all--
    Polliesgirl- I didn’t mean to sound like I was saying that you weren’t trying hard. Because at least you showed up after being sick. That shows some serious commitment. I meant that you should try hard (especially when you feel healthier) to try and torch those calories and feel more alive every day. I’m sorry if I offended you. I was just trying to motivate you to try hard next time. I always love being sore after workouts because it makes you feel good about what you have been up to. =]

    Mxburke- Good luck with your weight loss journey and welcome!!

    Skinnyjess- I hope that you stick with those workouts. Sometimes it’s really hard to be motivated and stick to those 6 workouts/week. Congrats for making it this far and welcome! =]

    Dragonfly74- Great job on the burn! I love that you’re committed to your workouts and workout program. I really should look into this P90 because everyone is saying how much weight they have lost and how much they’re feeling better. Is it expensive for the equipment? Also, thanks. I love working out in the mornings and before dinner. It makes me feel so great every day.

    Skinnyontheinside- Congrats on the weight loss and good luck with the new gym. I always loved working at the gym, but now I don’t have the money to afford a gym membership.

    Joa827- Great job on the 5 miles! Wow! How long have you been running? Man, I don’t even think I could make it past 1. Mmm… Scheduling weekly indulgence days are such a good idea! I should think about doing the same. Also, thanks for the encouragement. I always look forward to reading what people have to say to me. It’s like a pick-me-up every day. =]
  • smileydays
    smileydays Posts: 37 Member
    Ps... If you want the nutrition facts on those burgers (w/o buns, just the burger) search for Cindy Scott and Anthony Turkey Burger on MFP and you will find it!
    Have a great day and night! =]
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    joa827 - actually i've never tried spinning I find that a bit intimidating too and am pretty sure i'd not make it the full hour lol... a girl tried to get me to go once saying it was a beginners class, and i went, and the teach didn't show. i took that as a sign from the devine! LOL :laugh:

    smiley: :noway: no worries I wasn't offended I just thought you had misinterpreted what I meant :smile: alls good here thanks for the push/encouragement, it's always appreciated here:bigsmile:

    everyone else (sorry it's 2 am and i need sleep!) you're all doing fab I am proud of us all :flowerforyou:
    keep up the good hard work, it will so be worth it!

    I am so close to 20 lbs down - 1.6 lbs away to be exact :tongue: and so close to ONEderland, that I can ALMOST taste it, I don't think I'll be flubbing up too much this weekend :bigsmile: LOL

    whoop! whoop!

    night all, have a fantabulous weekend! :drinker:
  • Hi ALL! I'd love to join you for the 10 pound Christmass loss...I just "recommited" in the last few week myself and need to be more accountable...

    I havent strayed tfrom exercise or healthy eating too far, but far enough to know that I am on a dangerous road into Holiday season without things being in check, if you know what I mean! :devil:
    I just have felt lazy and uninspired....so, with that being said, I have deiced to cut the crap and get it back!

    Current Wt: 130....would be happy if I made it to 122 or 125 even...I always bet stuck at this point..I just love good food too much :tongue:

    I am going to be doing a P90x/X+/Insanity blend....I am also looking for another routine for after this...I LOVE kickboxing, and capoeira suggestions out there? (I cant join a gym, so its all home equipment and DVD's for me....)

    OK, time to work out, but its going to be a pleasure to your support and be supportive for you :bigsmile:

    Chat later!
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    OOooohhh, reading about all your exercise is making me tired !! I'm doing good to get in a walk every day. Haven't been able to get physically motivated since I got back from vacation. Too much time away from my routine I guess. :yawn: :yawn:

    I have been watching my food intake and doing very well, except for the last 2 days. Our anniversary was Thursday and we had our favorite cake....red velvet. Had a big piece Thursday, and Friday as well. I'll be glad when it's gone so I won't be tempted. However, I've been eating so little during the day I guess the cake hasn't been too bad. I actually lost 2 lbs this week. :drinker: :drinker:

    I weigh 140 as of today. So that means if I lose one more lb I will actually be in the 130's !! It's been 3 yrs since I've been in the 130's. :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Happy weekend to you all and let's stay motivated !!
  • Thanks for the warm welcome!

    I am so impressed by some of your work outs! I feel like a slacker with my daily walk :blushing:

    I had a good week and so far and cannot wait to get into the 150s

    Have a good weekend :flowerforyou:
  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    Smiley- Doesn't it feel good to out work others during the same workout! That is why it is so great to workout with other people, a little friendly competition! You sure are cooking some yummy things! I wish I had the time/motivation to actually follow a recipe now and then :) Keep up the good work!

    Pollies- Sorry, I must have mistaken you for someone else thinking you did spinning. Keep pushing and you will be in the 100s in no time! You are doing such a great job. Keep doing what you are doing you are going to feel so GOOD when you get to the 100s and lose 20 pounds. Those are two great accomplishments! I love it when I get into a new tens place! Can't wait to get into the 150s

    Fitshark- Welcome! I know it is hard during the holidays! Just do everything in moderation, it is okay to have 1 cookie just don't try EVERY cookie choose one that looks super delish! Good luck on your weightloss journey! We're all here to support one another!

    Sheila- Don't down play your walk! That is great! As long as you are doing your best you are doing great! I know it is hard to get back into working out and eating healthy after a vacation. That is the way I feel any time I step off the wagon. Just decide on a day that you are going to jump full speed back into it and do it. Walks are great stress relievers and at least you are not sitting on the couch! Happy anniversary! I would be glad when the cake is gone too! I always want to eat it when it is the house too!

    ancmamcm- Don't feel like a slacker with your walk! Walks are a great thing! Everyone is doing their best and so are you! At least you are out there walking and not sitting around eating bonbons! Hope you reach the 150s real soon! That is what I am aiming for as well! Currently 165 and going for a 155 goal by Christmas and then 145 overall! We can do it!

    As for me, not too much to report yet. Just wanted to check in and reply to others before I couldn't see your posts and it gets to be too many to reply to. I am off to do ab ripper x and legs and back. Maybe a short walk on the treadmill as well, not sure I need to do some cleaning and I have plans at 1 so I need to get on with my day. We'll see.

    Have a great Saturday everyone!

  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    Smiley- I have been running for over 5 years now. I love it! I started with shorter distances. I have run 2 marathons and 2 1/2 marathons. I like the 1/2 better the marathon is just insane, yet I would like to do another one! You could totally run! There was a time when I wasn't running and built up to a marathon. Just take it slow and add distance slowly and you will get there. It is like weight loss you want to lose 20 pounds and that seems so daunting but you take it one pound a week and before you know it you are down 20 pounds total!
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    LOL maybe someday I will be brave enough to try it again, for now I will stick to elliptical, Zumba, dvds, hopefully back into the pool soon, and the occasional attempt at a jow/wog?

    Dont do much of a workout on the weekend, prob go for a long walk with the beast,
    Im not off to the greatest start today it's noon and i didn't eat yet. mind you weekend i get up later and sleep later so i will still have a "breaky" "lunch" and "dinner" plus snacks. just all pushed later lol.

    have a great weekend everyone, im sure ill be back later :o) love this place!
  • Thanks for the welcome, maybe this time I can stick to my accountability plan better.

    I have to "re-schedule" my workouts and tracking habits; and really work on recording the food intake too. So thats my goal for the first week, to try to get my tracking done daily. I am good about gettiing the exercise done, and as for food, I try to map out what I have and will make for the week ahead of time...its just sticking to the serving size!

    TOday: 1on1 RoadWarrior; 2 mile wlk/jog
    Tomorrow: X+ Interavl, yardwork and a walk/jog

    May not have time on Sunday to check in, so have a great rest of your weekends! see ya during the week!

  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Today I completed day 41 with sculpt 3-4 and 1.25 miles on the treadmill. I burned 533 calories (35% fat), max HR 178 (96%), and avg HR 141 (76%). I got to it a little late today. I have not been feeling all that well and have been working on a cold or something. Scratchy throat, stuffed up runny nose and headache. But glad I got it done and felt pretty good while doing it.

    FitShark ~ are you on the BeachBody site? Do you log into WOWY? Seems like FitShark just sounds familar. Welcome!

    Have a nice weekend!

  • smileydays
    smileydays Posts: 37 Member
    Hey everybody,

    Today I weighed in. I was really nervous because I have been working hard and eating right. I just hoped that the scale wouldn't lie. So I stepped on... AND I LOST 3 POUNDS! I was ecstatic! I have always been overweight, and everytime I try to lose weight, I can NEVER seem to get it off. Now, I feel is the hardest I've tried and I feel very proud of my accomplishments. So, I was so happy, I felt I owed it to myself to go to a restaurant and splurge. So, I decided to go to Sweet Tomatoes (a salad bar). LOL! I picked the healthiest place ever to go splurge my calories. I probably consumed about 500 calories, since what I ate mostly was salad with light dressing. =] My boyfriend lost a pound, which is SO GOOD for him!! I am so happy for the both of us. Tonight, we are probably going to just eat leftovers. Although, I skipped

    As for exercise, we went hiking and I wore a weighted pack. Although, I feel I have pulled a muscle in my back. Does anyone know any good remedies to heal sore muscles? If so, PLEASE share! =D Probably burned about 200 calories.

    As for you guys,

    Polliesgirl- I hope you break to 100’s within 2 weeks! Just focus, and just keep trying hard. I’m sure you will do it! We all are behind you.

    Fitshark- Welcome and I hope that you achieve all of your goals and aspirations. Good luck with your journey and I look forward to hearing from you again! Also, with the support of these people here on this forum, I hope you will have the motivation to reach your goal and work everyday to a healthier lifestyle. Also, good luck with the

    Sheilajane- Just keep those walks up and really try to push yourself during them. Trying hard is challenging, so just keep challenging yourself. Everyone does their routines different and you shouldn’t talk down your walk. Keep up the good work. Oh yeah, and congrats on the anniversary. Mine was on the 31st. How long have you guys been together?

    Amcmamcm- Good luck with your weight loss goals and same goes to you for the walks!

    Joa827- Yes! I love to workout with others, it gives me much more motivation! AND WOW! I didn’t know you were a marathon runner! That is an amazing achievement and I hope to one day be at that status. Congrats on the marathons. I want to compete in a Triathalon, but not yet. I am just training my body now, I don’t want to push too hard. But… I will. Someday! =] Also, thanks for the advice.

    Dragonfly74- You are such an inspiration for working so hard toward your goals every day! You inspire me to work harder everyday. I hope that you feel better and don’t get a cold. =[ Keep up the good work!

    Alright, I look forward to hearing from you all! <3
  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    Smley- Yay!!! So happy for you and your 3 pounds! That is awesome!!!! Stick with it and the scale will continue to go down.

    Bethe- sounds like a great workout. Hope you are over your cold fast, they are never any fun and always are a pain to workout with.

    Fitshark- tracking can be challenging. I have found tracking what you think you will eat the night before and then going back and add or subtracting as necessary the following night to be helpful to me. Good luck it really is eye opening!

    Polliesgirl- I wish I could sleep in on the week ends! I am always up by 7:30-8. I think it is because I am so used to getting up at 5:30 on weekdays my body just can't go that late. Not to mention I still go to bed at the late hour of 9 even on the week ends so I probably don't need too much more sleep than I am getting! Hope you got out for your long walk.

    As for me, I did legs/back (p90x) and ab ripper and 2 miles walking on an incline on the treadmill. I was within my calories for the day, however ate a lot of sugar today. I will be better about that tomorrow. Sometimes the weekends are hard for that since I get up a little later and basically just eat lunch and dinner and then have all the extra breakfast calories and end up eating sugary things to fill them. Probably not the best choice, need to get better about that. Anyway, Have a great Sunday enjoy your last day of the weekend.
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    Hope everyone is having a good weekend, took it easy today,
    took the dog for a nice walk, cooked up some lean ground beef with peppers for taco salad or wraps, and have a beef barley/veg soup going in the crock pot.

    beautiful day here, and the sun has melted the snow dusting we got a couple of days ago.

  • SkinnyJess
    SkinnyJess Posts: 123 Member
    Hello to all of you! Sorry it's been awhile since I have posted, but I have been busy. Even though I have been busy, I am happy to report that I have stayed within my calorie limit and got my 6th workout in yesterday. :happy: :happy: I am also really excited to announce that I ordered P90X yesterday. I am only 12 lbs from my goal, really in the best shape ever, and just want to tone up at this point. I think that will do the trick! :laugh: I don't mind my body the way it is right now and that is a nice feeling for a change! I just want to LOVE it and I know that toning up will help so much. To those of you who use it now or have used it in the past, any advice would be warmly welcomed and appreciated. :wink: I wish I had more of a loss to report, but my weight today was 147. (Down .5 lb.) Not huge but like I had said, I thought my body might not let me lose it as fast now that I am down to the end of it. P90X will hopefully change that though! Hope you are all doing well and so excited to have more time to get on here and get to know you all more.

    God bless,

    Jessica :flowerforyou:
  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    pg- glad you got out for a walk. Are you having the stew for lunches this week?

    Jessica- So glad you are liking your body! That is key accepting your body. I am doing p90x right now and really like it. I am on week 4. I generally follow the exercise plan but haven't really done the yoga and also do running (20 min of intervals) on all the weight days and do abs on the cardio days. So far I like it, it is challenging and I felt sore for the first 2 weeks after all the weight workouts by the third week I wasn't sore after them, good thing it is time to move on to a new sequence. I was really bad about the nutrition part in the beginning but now am watching my cals. I cannot handle watching all of my macros and ratios, to each their own I guess. I am just watching cals and seeing how that works.

    As for me, I did 6 miles on the treadmill this morning and a 40 minute walk this afternoon. My eating was way off today but I was within calorie range as I did those 6 miles and 40 minutes.

    Tomorrow is a rest day for me. I am going to try and stay within +300 calories because I cannot eat only 1200 and function with my daily life.

    Tomorrow is also weigh in, hoping for a 1-2 pound weight loss.

    Good luck everyone!
  • smileydays
    smileydays Posts: 37 Member
    Hey guys,

    Today, I started my day with a 45 minute all over workout. I also did my measurements today, and I've lost an inch off my waist and an inch off my chest. Hooray! =] After my workout, I ate a really yummy breakfast that consisted of 2 egg white, leftover turkey burger patty and 1/4 cup medium cheddar cheese. It was really yummy, but it didn't seem to fill me up. I ended up just drinking water and trying to get over my hunger. For lunch, I had a Macaroni and Cheese Lean Cuisine. I had it super late though (like around 4pm). Then, my boyfriend and I got our running shoes on and ran a mile. We did a mile in 14 minutes, but we had breaks in between. I felt so good after my run, but I was coughing like crazy and my lungs were on fire. But, after that, we cooked up this really tasty chicken breast (without the skin) and rice. It was SUPER tasty! After dinner, we went for another mile run. My lungs don't hurt now like they did. So that it good! But, we came in at the same time as last. After, My boyfriend went for another mile run and I was beat! My boyfriend is becoming more and more motivated to workout, and I really love it because it pushes me to try harder too.

    This week, my friend and I set up days to work out for MWF. So, tomorrow, Me and him and my boyfriend are probably going to do a Tae-Bo tape. You know, the old school ones. =]

    As for all of you,

    Joa827- Thanks so much for the encouragement. Also, you are doing so well sticking to your workouts. It looks like you are doing a great deal too! 6 miles! Woo-ee!! And I'm sure your weigh-in will show some serious results! Good luck to you!

    Polliesgirl- Mmm... your soup sounds good. I should make some too, since I love to cook and soup sounds good at this time of the year! Here in CA though, it hasn't been too cold. Luckily!

    Jessica- Let me know how P90X goes for you! It looks waay too intense for me right now. Also, great job on getting those workouts in! =]

    Well... I look forward to hearing from you all!
  • I want in. If I loose 10 by Dec 25 I will be a very happy camper
    9/09 SW 146
    10/09 150 :brokenheart:
    CW 146
    GW 120
    12/25 GW 136
    Can I join?
  • In hopes that I am in this challenge I have read every single post.
    I was in a slump during the first month, Sept through Oct. I tried so hard and I ended up gaining weight. It turns out my metabolism is slow due to many reasons. I have learned what to do and I think it will help along with a motivational group.

    I read on one of the posts 1,200 cal intake with +300 cal, what does that mean?

    My biggest problem: Intake of water. I did read another group that is chatting it up regarding water and got some interesting ideas. The best - lemon, ginger and cucumber pitcher. I will make it and see if it helps. I think that along with the slow metabolism water is my biggest issue. I need to drink.:drinker:

    Everyone here is better than any best friend. You are such great inspirations.

    Oh, another problem...Getting out and moving. I used to run 2 miles every morning, swim and go to the gym 3x/wk. I got married had two kids. I love food, that is why I used to work so hard, so that I could eat. I had my son at 28 & weighed 120 that first week. I had lost weight to conceive therefore the weight I gained was all baby. During my second child I gained 50 lbs. I didn't do anything about it and 20 lbs went away but I have been carrying around over 20 lbs.

    I have no support at home. The kids love to go out, but I feel that I am always too busy. While they are out I am cleaning the garage, sorting the laundry, blah, blah, blah. I read about everyone doing so much and being so active. I hope that I become motivated. I joined a yoga group but feel guilty for leaving everyone home:huh: go figure. I should feel good about doing something and should be encouraged.

    I will begin posting my meals, I stopped when I gained. BTW I starve when I do 1,200 cal. It is torture. Any tips on filling up on 1,200? I was eating only tofu and red peppers for a week:sick:

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