Does anyone eat whatever they want just within calories?



  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    I balance it, partly it's what I want, and partly making better decisions overall with everything I eat. If I plan to eat lasagna in the evening, I eat salad or generally much lighter foods during the day, exercise, etc, that kind of thing.
  • luv2bpampered
    luv2bpampered Posts: 4 Member
    I'm under a dietician's care and this is what she has me on. I lose the weight very slowly, but it's working, and the best way to permanent weight loss is slow. I believe that doing it this way, I won't gain it back because I don't feel deprived, and I can still enjoy social outings, etc.
  • tinydancer4
    tinydancer4 Posts: 114 Member
    I sort of mix the two - I do try and eat more healthily than before overall, but if I want a treat then I will have one if it fits into my calories.

    I find it is better if you eat healthier foods as they're usually lower in calories so you feel fuller and can eat more. I can eat three full meals a day and have several snacks and still stay within 1250 calories as long as I'm careful about what I'm eating.

    Also as someone else said, I don't drink my calories anymore, I stick to water. I tried to work out which foods I really loved so that I could fit them into my daily calories, but I try and avoid "wasted" calories now - calories that I was consuming for the sake of it without even considering that something else might be a better choice.
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 968 Member
    I know I would probably lose more faster if I didn't do this but I eat whatever I want just stay under my calories is that ok? Does anyone else do this? I feel like if I don't eat what I want I give up early and easier.


    I tend to keep an eye on my carbs and fat intake aswell as keeping my calories low.
    This works best for me but everyone is different. x
  • 70moretogo
    70moretogo Posts: 25
    I monitor my caloric intake as well as what types of foods I am consuming. I keep a balance between proteins, carbohydrates, and etc. because I want not only to be fit but healthy as well. This, I have found, is more of a priority since I reached over forty. My skin, body, and pretty much everything else reacts a great deal quicker to a poor diet then it did when I was 20. :happy:
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I don't. I try to make sure I hit under my carbs, fat, sodium and sugar macros. In saying that, no one is perfect and life does tend to get in the way.

    I just don't get how eating 1500 calories of chocolate is better for you than 1500 of nutrients your body really needs...
  • mmessinger0718
    mmessinger0718 Posts: 16 Member
    I eat what I want because I don't believe in depriving my body of anything ( what's the point of living if you not happy right? ) but I do notice that while I might eat something out of my normal meal times, it's much healthier now than it was even two months ago. I try to eat a lot of veggies throughout the day because they are lower in calories and very filling but if I want a cookie, I'm going to eat a cookie. Just try to stay within your calorie goals and make healthier choices for snacks. If you want chips, eat baked chips instead of the greasy (but oh so good) regular chips. If you are craving cookies - eat one instead of two. It's all about being happy with your life, but also making sure that you stay in good health.

    Feel free to add me if you would like. I try to keep the motivation going not only for myself, but for the people that have the same goals as me - Getting HEALTHY!!!!
  • Fathima0712
    Fathima0712 Posts: 177 Member
    yes...but i eat EVERYTHING in moderation.. instead of eating lots of cake and no healthy food...i eat what i want in smaller portions as snacks and have healthier meals..

    i have lost 11 pounds in 2.5 months doing this kinda eating and some moderate workout!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    People have probably already said this but...if it fits your macros!

    Second add on: make sure you are getting enough nutrient dense food. ei veggies and fruits.

    Mostly...READ THIS:

    No, seriously, READ IT.
  • allison0820
    allison0820 Posts: 323 Member
    for the most part that is what I do..... if I go out I have what I want... but at home I keep healthier options.. but still have chips that I log and if I eat too many I just have to cut back somewhere else within that day... or I just go over... I don't let going over be the end of everything for me... like everything else... it will be alright!
  • Sam3622
    Sam3622 Posts: 172 Member
    Mostly ....

    I look at labels and ask myself ... is this food really worth it ... is there some better alternative? There is food I will not give up ever (chocolate) .... but dark chocolate provides a stronger flavor ... for less sugar.

    I have made changes and will probably make more. If I try to make a 180° change .... I won't stick to it.

    A agree with this completely. I always shop around and see what brands do a better quality product than the one im looking at. I always try and buy things that are reasonably low in sugar and sat fat. I haven't given up chocolate either just eat in moderation and make sure i get all my nutrients into my diet before adding any extra "empty" calories when i fancy a treat.
  • bellyake3
    bellyake3 Posts: 135 Member denying myself anything..leads to binging secretly later.
  • Yes, I try to eat what I want but I stay within in a certain amount of calories. I have to admit I don't keep track. So, I need to do that.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    It's not just about quantity of calories, it's about quality of calories, if what you are going for is overall health. You've heard it before, and you'll hear it again: don't skip your fruits and veggies.

  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I do NOT!
    Sure, you can lose weight fine, but people who do this will never reach peak condition.
    I am not interested in mere weight loss but getting my body is tip top shape, and no matter what the snivelers say, we still are what we eat.
    That's reality.
  • shellsrenee01
    shellsrenee01 Posts: 357 Member
    This is why my food diary is private...I know I still eat "crap" food and am hoping to halt that habit soon. However, like others have said, I eat a LOT LESS of it than I used to. I try to make better decisions when I can and hopefully one day the better decisions will outnumber the "bad" ones.

    I did have a mini-food victory last night. I wanted some cookies but didn't have the calories for I went for a swim to burn about 500 calories. When I was finished, I no longer wanted the cookies. I had watermelon instead and banked about 400 calories. Yahoo! :bigsmile: The old me would have eaten the cookies and said screw the workout, lol.
  • brandiseagroves
    brandiseagroves Posts: 29 Member
    I also tend to eat what I want in much smaller portions. I do make healthy choices 95% of the time, but if I go out...or if I am on vacation, or at a movie...I tend to get whatever I want and share it, or box up half....whatever it takes not to ruin my entire weeks efforts. I do protein shakes for breakfast (still have my coffee)...then usually pretty good lunch....subway, or tuna....something not to high in calories, but also something that I want/like. I also usually do good for son, 7, loves baked chicken...seems like we have that a

    But....if I want chocolate, I have it...if I go to a resturant and I want pasta, or something fried....or dessert...yum...I have least a little of it, enough to satisfy the WANT....because lets face is a WANT, not a NEED. I have lost over 125, I often think to this food worth going back to the old it worth feeling the way I use to feel....the answer is ALWAYS NOOOOO!!! so, I allow treats in moderation...I never deprive myself of what I want, I just don't over do it.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    So I wonder for those who continue to eat unhealthy choices; as long as it is under their calorie goal will have continued success not only here but in keeping that weight off for life? I'm sorry but if you don't make some sort of change in the type of food you eat; you are setting yourself up for failure later.

    ^Well said!

    ^^I agree

    This report shows why it's important to make better food choices
    So wrong on many levels.

    Care to elaborate more than just 5 words?
  • loneworg
    loneworg Posts: 342 Member
    Hells yeah!
    edit to clarify: I do eat what I want but I am learning to make better food choices...its a process for me
  • The only thing I totally gave up is soda....even diet soda. After a month without it, I took a sip and was disgusted by the taste....loving that :)
    I do eat whatever I want but the foods that I want now are good choices. I experience wanting an apple so badly that I can taste it. Other foods I have that happen with are broccoli, watermelon, bananas, strawberries....that's my short list of absolute faves. When I do have something that some would consider "off limits" i.e. pizza, sweets...etc., I'm cautious about how much.
    That seems to be the overall answer here.
    I have noticed that if I tell myself that I can't have something, I end up wanting it that much more and then when I would finally give in, I go way way overboard whereas if I just allow myself a small serving of whatever it was, I would have been satisfied with that. Deprivation doesn't help, it totally hinders.
    Love me some Jorge Cruise, btw :)