Does anyone eat whatever they want just within calories?



  • floridafifi
    I try to do that but it doesnt always work that way. I end up eating more so i try not to eat what I love. I'll save it for a cheat day.
  • loki3981
    loki3981 Posts: 249 Member
    As a great person on here suggested and I know follow - 80/20. 80% great, 20% not great. Works well for me.
  • Vince_1964
    Vince_1964 Posts: 359 Member
    For the most part ... I do make conscious decisions not to eat certain foods. Like last week, I was at a working dinner, ate the sandwiches we ordered (but removed one slice of the bread on a triple-decker club) and did not eat the cookies that came with it. I looked up the calories online for Jason's Deli cookies - they were about 300 calories a piece. So I decided that on my 1600-calorie per day plan, a cookie was not worth almost 20% of my daily intake. So, yes, I eat what I want - I haven't eliminated beer, wine, etc - but I am much more aware of the choices I make.
  • wk9t
    wk9t Posts: 237 Member
    I've lost 59 lbs eating whatever I want. I stay under on calories and I go to the gym 3 - 4 days a week.
  • ryanmax99
    ryanmax99 Posts: 1 Member
    I eat what I want but stay within my calories.If I want more to eat,I go out and exercise to burn some calories.Have lost 62 pounds in 7 months.
  • darylinny
    darylinny Posts: 146
    I sort of mix the two - I do try and eat more healthily than before overall, but if I want a treat then I will have one if it fits into my calories.

    I find it is better if you eat healthier foods as they're usually lower in calories so you feel fuller and can eat more. I can eat three full meals a day and have several snacks and still stay within 1250 calories as long as I'm careful about what I'm eating.

    Also as someone else said, I don't drink my calories anymore, I stick to water. I tried to work out which foods I really loved so that I could fit them into my daily calories, but I try and avoid "wasted" calories now - calories that I was consuming for the sake of it without even considering that something else might be a better choice.


    I mix as well, if you deny yourself something you'll only binge later on. In the begining I totally restricted what I ate, after I reach a certain point I started to reintroduce food that I loved (properly portioned now) but always overate. I wouldn't totally eat 1200 calories of junk in a day and think that was okay, but I don't eat 1200 calories of "fuel food" either. There's a balance that can be achieved....and hitting the gym for an extra 30 minutes a day doesn't hurt either. :wink:
  • tinamaan1976
    tinamaan1976 Posts: 31 Member
    i have stopped eating sweets which i didnt eat much sweets anyway but my weakness was bread.
    i stopped eaiting bread and lost half a stone in 2 weeks...

    i eat other carbs like rice,potatoes but watching for example if i had carbs for lunch will not for dinner or the other way around. Our bodies do need a bit of carbs anyway...

    i have bought low cal biscuits so i eat if i really want to or cereal bars...

    for some reason i have more of a sweet tooth since i have started with this diet than before...

    hope this helped!!
  • SilkyHotspur
    SilkyHotspur Posts: 233 Member
    So I wonder for those who continue to eat unhealthy choices; as long as it is under their calorie goal will have continued success not only here but in keeping that weight off for life? I'm sorry but if you don't make some sort of change in the type of food you eat; you are setting yourself up for failure later.

    ^Well said!

    ^^I agree

    This report shows why it's important to make better food choices
    So wrong on many levels.

    Care to elaborate more than just 5 words?

    Technically you can eat whatever you want, under your calories, and lose weight. But is that your goal...i would say only party, the goal is to lose weight and be healthier. If you eat carrots every day, and nothing but carrots, you'd lose weight, but wouldn't be healthy. And it sets you up for failure in the future, as you really have not gained any self control over the food you eat.

    For me, nothing is off-limits, if I want beer and burgers, i'll eat them, chocolate, bread, etc.. The overused term is "moderation", and when I say moderation, I don't mean one beer, one burger and half the fries every day, or a couple times a week....i may have a burger once a month...if that.
  • lisasays
    lisasays Posts: 142 Member
    NO! There are so many health risks if you eat whatever you want (well, if you are like me and what you "want" to eat are chips and chocolate). I am eating as whole as possible right now and vegan and trying to not only lose weight and get fit, but to get as healthy as possible. I actually prefer whole foods now because I have been eating them for so long. Processed makes me feel like crap! Doesn't mean I wont occasionally have some dark chocolate or coconut ice cream or chips, but those are treats.
    My goal is a long, healthy life, not just a thin body.
  • tanyaslosingit
    tanyaslosingit Posts: 178 Member
    Yes, though "whatever I want" has actually changed since beginning my weight-loss campaign! I now make healthier choices and those choices will continue to evolve as time goes on! In the beginning, there was a lot more dairy and refined sugar in my diet; but now more fruits and vegetables.
  • nickiw68
    nickiw68 Posts: 71
    Yep, I eat what I want but try to stay within my calorie allowance. I do try and watch a bit what I eat, but if I fancy something fattening, then I have it.....!!! I use my exercise to burn off the weight!

    If I continue to exercise then to a certain degree I can still eat what I want
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Yep. I eat better but I do not deny myself things I crave. If I did I would fail. That is the key to happy success!!!!
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    I think if you do what is easiest and makes most sense to you, you will in the long run start to make more healthy choices (and then again, maybe not). I know alot of people who cannot stomach vege's or fruit and they lose weight just fine.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    Not everyday. But I also don't crave crap everyday. If I do have a craving for something though and I know I'm gonna have calories left, I eat it. It's usually a Hershey bar.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I don't think it's really that OK to be honest. Yes, you can lose weight this way, BUT you are not properly nourishing your body, and MFP is not only about losing weight but about being healthy. There are so many ways you are putting your health at risk by just eating whatever you want, assuming its the same kind of foods that got you overweight in the first place....

    That being said, I am all for eating that yummy delicious junk food. Just in moderation. You really should start trying to teach yourself more healthful ways of eating, and in a short amount of time the better foods will actually start tasting better, and your body will start feeling better. For example, start by switching all your white breads to wheat and whole grain... Instead of whole milk go for skim. Instead of fruit juices eat real fruit.

    Try the website Healthy meals that absolutely taste delicious. For real. Even my kids love everything I make from there!!
  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    I do this. I do make healthier choices when counting calories, so I'm not hungry all the time, but I do make quite a few recipes that might not be quite so healthy for you. I compensate by fixing those on days I work out hard and burn mega calories.
  • GaidenJade
    GaidenJade Posts: 171
    I am not an expert and I am still new here. However, for me, I am trying to balance my life. I do choose healthier options when I can. Though once in a while I will have something naughty, as long as it fits in my cals. However, my ultimate goal is to continue to change my bad eating habits. It isn't ALL about losing weight for me, but allowing me to maintain a healthy weight and be strong. I can't stand being weak, or lazy.

    If you need to eat your normal food at first, then yes, stay within your cals. But I would suggest start to incorporate healthier choices as you go. Find fruits to replace empty sugars and cals. Instead of a candy bar, pick grapes, or strawberries. Whatever you like. This isn't about over night. This is about your LIFE. If I had to change right away, i would never be able to make it, which is why I have failed so many times before. Because I always heard. "NO! You can't have that."

    Well this is what I say. :tongue: I will do it MY way. And I'll get there..... and so will you. :flowerforyou:
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    So I wonder for those who continue to eat unhealthy choices; as long as it is under their calorie goal will have continued success not only here but in keeping that weight off for life? I'm sorry but if you don't make some sort of change in the type of food you eat; you are setting yourself up for failure later.

    ^Well said!

    ^^I agree

    This report shows why it's important to make better food choices
    So wrong on many levels.

    Care to elaborate more than just 5 words?

    Technically you can eat whatever you want, under your calories, and lose weight. But is that your goal...i would say only party, the goal is to lose weight and be healthier. If you eat carrots every day, and nothing but carrots, you'd lose weight, but wouldn't be healthy. And it sets you up for failure in the future, as you really have not gained any self control over the food you eat.

    For me, nothing is off-limits, if I want beer and burgers, i'll eat them, chocolate, bread, etc.. The overused term is "moderation", and when I say moderation, I don't mean one beer, one burger and half the fries every day, or a couple times a week....i may have a burger once a month...if that.

    That is exactly what I meant. My follow up later in the thread was that this was geared to those that choose to eat "junk" and not making any slight changes in their diet. Yes you will lose weight in a deficit, but for me this is about life; not swimsuit season or wearing a dress for a wedding. If you don't change some of your eating habits and choices and learn the value of moderation you will have issues keeping the weight off for a longer time. I guess it needs to be spelled out more clear to some.
  • JoeGa
    JoeGa Posts: 25
    I keep to low carb within the calories. Carbs are a diet killer for me....