how to slim down really fat arms ?

i'm 5'5, current weight 145 lbs. i have really fat arms and it looks awful. i want to lose about 30 pounds more, will the weight loss only help me lose fat from my arms ? i would be so grateful for any advice :) thank you :)


  • amy_marlene
    amy_marlene Posts: 178 Member
    anyone? :)
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    A lot of people can't do this but
    I took up horse cart driving!
    I could not believe the work out it gave my "wings"
  • rcpayton
    rcpayton Posts: 90
    I have found that push ups help quite a bit. You still have to combine arm exercises and weights with cardio to burn off the fat but the push ups help tone them up! Keep at it!
  • toulieb
    toulieb Posts: 8
    I have the same problem!!! I look soo top heavy bc of my arms, I refuse to wear short sleeves or tank style tops. My guess is losing weight while doing cardio and alot of weights? I dunno. Once I get to my goal weight, if I still have fat arms I am getting arm surgery, I am that unhappy. It's 95 here today and I have on an elbow length sweater bc of my fat arms :-(
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I've been specifically working on this and it's slow going. I'll be interested to see any short-cuts myself
  • catjrow3
    catjrow3 Posts: 532 Member
    You actually cannot spot reduce fat. You have to lose it all over. You can tone the muscles under the arms (triceps and such) and that will help them not hang when the fat is gone, but you have to lose it all over and hopefully when you start losing it will come from there too, but that could be the last spot it leaves as well :)
  • leannerob1984
    leannerob1984 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, you will generally lose the weight from all areas of your body but i find the best thing to help with my arms is strength training, i have noticed a vast improvement in my arms in the past few weeks, they look so more defined.
  • caoimh24
    caoimh24 Posts: 5
    Hi Amy, because it's hard to tell where you will lose first (and impossible to deliberately 'spot reduce'), I would suggest adding in some strength training to your exercise- you can't choose where you lose fat, but building muscle will probably help as it will tone your arms etc. I also read an interesting article recently that mentioned women often carry fat in their upper arms (bingo wings) because of low levels of testosterone and that taking a zinc supplement can help with fat in that area as it helps to metabolise excess oestregen. You could give that a go too, but I would say strength training will give you some results!
  • HotCuppaJo
    HotCuppaJo Posts: 476 Member
    Honestly, my I've gotten many compliments on my "muscular looking arms", and all I've done is continually move/pull them on the elliptical handles.... and when I power walk, I am moving them, as well (holding my cell phone and ipod, and switching hands... I get nervous out walking by myself, where I walk...but I don't have pockets. ). Anyway, oddly enough, people think I'm lifting, lol.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    This will make your arms stronger, it's tailored to any current fitness level, and it only takes a few days a week:

    And as a bonus, when you do finally lose the extra fat, your arms will not be flabby!
  • acpgranberg
    acpgranberg Posts: 137 Member
    I'm strength training too in an effort to get rid of my big arms. I'm using 7lb weights right now and looking to graduate up to 10lbs in two weeks. I feel your pain but I'm optimistic this is the way to go.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    you said it yourself you still have weight to lose which obviously some of it is on your arms. Keep up the cardio and strength training. You don't want to lose muscle mass with fat loss. It all takes time and overall fat loss will eventually cause a drop there! don't get discouraged!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    You have to lose the fat, but there is no way to control how/where you lose it. Eat right and be patient and it'll happen.
  • treetz1979
    treetz1979 Posts: 108 Member
    Although I knew there was no "spot fix" answer, I was glad to see this topic. I too have "bingo/old lady wings" and am frustrated! I will say that I have started to see some definition as I build the muscle. But because the fat isn't gone yet, I think they just look bigger for now.

    Frustrating but you have to keep at it I guess.
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    Others have already mentioned not being able to spot reduce. I certainly wish it was possible lol.
    Running has always helped me slim down fairly quick, add heavy lifting to that (or any good cardio) and it should help a ton.
  • hungrymarathongirl
    hungrymarathongirl Posts: 444 Member
    This will make your arms stronger, it's tailored to any current fitness level, and it only takes a few days a week:

    And as a bonus, when you do finally lose the extra fat, your arms will not be flabby!

    Definitely going to check this out! Thanks for posting.
  • jdsmom0104
    jdsmom0104 Posts: 236
    i have a fitness trainer tell me l carnitine helps with muscle... i'm no expert.. but i'm starting to get some definition in my upper arms, but still have the bat wing look a bit at the bottom :( i'm doing weight training a few days a week (incorporated in my boot camp workouts) and it seems to be helping with the flab... any other suggestions welcome!
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Spot reduction is almost non-existent, and that's the bad news.
    The good news is that strength training and over-all body fat reduction will get that flab off in time.
    Be patient. It's not a race.
  • robynj88
    robynj88 Posts: 104 Member
    Kettlebells and kettlebell workouts are really good for toning up all over. There's plenty of youtube tutorials that can help.
  • I know exactally how you feel...I have been back in the gym for 12 weeks now, 4-6 days a week, 1.5-2 hrs a day. Right now my main focus is my belly and my ARMS! I use every weight machine they have and then some, even do extras on them just to focus on the arms. I was measured yesterday, it was bitter sweet....I have lost a total of 12 inches, but NOT even a fraction of a inch in my arms. I was pleased of the total number, but disappointed in the arms. I will give it some more time, but if it don't start coming off, I too will have it cut off... I have dealt with this issue all my life and I'm not getting any younger. Good Luck!