HOT HOT HOT by the HOLIDAYS (yes, they're coming up)!



  • afl0405
    afl0405 Posts: 36 Member
    I would love to join! I need to lose 20 lbs!
  • Amazon81
    Amazon81 Posts: 1 Member
    I have a lot to lose but just taking it one step at a time! Love your motivation!! I am in!
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I'm in! I'd love to loose 50lbs by then... which is definitely do-able... if I stay motivated!
  • samasche1
    samasche1 Posts: 64 Member
    Fellow Turbo-Jammer! You're so inspiring!
  • kristinakingsley
    I want to be hot by the holidays!! I want to lose 39lbs by Christmas. I have lost 35 so far and with another 39 I will make it to ONEderland!!! I have been laxing in the exercise department lately making excuses that I am too busy. Gotta get back to it. I am going to swim, ride my bike and do Ripped in 30 3-4 days a week to start. I will make sure I make time in my schedule to do this. Also I will make sure I log everything daily again because I have been slacking with that. Can't wait to get HOT for the Holidays.
  • yspen42
    yspen42 Posts: 285 Member
    I'm in! I have got to do something...I am in a biggest loser competition at work (which has been going for 2 weeks) and I am off to a SLOW I need this to help me get it together!

  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    I'm so in. Told myself today I need to get serious for Halloween. I have 20 pounds to loss. Been working on my weekly plan this morning to make sure I have the food and exercise covered. No questions when It comes to what to eat and what workout to do. My big problem is life is getting in the way and I loss motivation. This will defiantly help. Thanks

    A little about me..... I was very active back in school, when I was 22 I was in an accident that took me a long time to get over the depression that came with it. Since then I joined a cycling/tri team and race on the weekends. I would love to get back to my low weight in 2008 at the height of my racing career, and start racing again.

    I love music and working out, but the few things that hold me back from reaching my goal is I'm a foodie and love to eat, and I'm a video game junkie. Always playing a game. I decided that I was going to try to learn how to make some of my favorite food health so I can still enjoy good food with out killing my diet.

    My Plan - weights 2x a week, ride my bike to work 2X a week, run 1/2 way to work once a week, mix bag on saturday (biking, hiking, running, swimming), active recovery on Sunday. The diet is a low carb diet.
  • Medtech2004
    Medtech2004 Posts: 55 Member
    Bump - will write more later when I am home and not working :wink:
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    HELLLO ALL! I am so excited that this thread is growing!!! :) Love it! I would love to write more, but busy day! I will have to catch everyone when I'm back on later tonight after my workouts! In the meantime I have two tips...

    1) If you are looking for new workouts, try the local library. Granted, some are better than others, but at my old city library I was able to get EVERY Jillian Micahels dvd, Every Biggest Loser dvd, Yoga, Pilates, Gaiam dvds, Tae Bo, The entire Yoga Booty Ballet series, ball workouts, even pregnancy dvds! The list goes on and on. Also, ask about creating a trading program with any of your friends in town! :) Or check out the local University! Seriously, no need to spend money on dvds that are out there for free, or again on youtube! I know for a fact Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and Ripped in 30 and some others are on there.

    2) I mentioned goals earlier, but let's make them come alive! Share Your Goals with us or others!

    “Talking about and sharing your goals with other people is a great way to hold yourself accountable for taking action. It will give you a greater purpose, as you’ll find that you want to follow-through on what you've told people, and it will help you create a support network. You may even find that other people have helpful suggestions based on their own experiences, expertise, or personal and professional networks.” –Matt McGorry, a certified fitness and performance specialist in New York City

    Have a great day, I WILL be on later! Track your food, drink water, exercise and GET HOT BY THE HOLIDAYS! :D
  • ddiana21
    ddiana21 Posts: 68 Member
    Hello!! My name is Diana and I am a mother of 3 children..I work as a teachrers aide with children with Autism.I have recently lost 20 pounds and feel great, but would love to lose 20 more. My biggest problem is making time and the weekends..I do horrible on the weekend..I work out about 3-4 times on the elliptical a week. Also I do the 30 ds about 4-5 times a week and just started c25k..
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Good evening everyone! Loving the workout plan of attacks that are being posted! Also, loving the introductions! :)

    I thought I would have more time this evening, but it appears that I only have a few brief moments. So tell me, how did it go today? Did you do a workout? Did you plan your meals for tomorrow? If you didn't do a workout today, are you doing one tomorrow?

    I killed my workouts today and while it was tough, I got through it by grunting and groaning! LOL Sometimes, you just gotta make sounds!

    I will be up early tomorrow so I can eat some quinoa, nuts and rice milk, do my Turbo Fire and Barre and then will shower before going off to get a facial/microdermobrasin. I am excited to have a facial (a birthday gift) as it's been a long time! Then when i get home, cleaning and putting together a new pilates/barre routine for a run through class on Thursday morning! :D

    Hence, I won't be on a lot tomorrow until the evening! But again, if you haven't introduced yourself- go ahead! Nobody will bite!

    Have a great night everyone! Make tomorrow a FANTASTIC DAY!!!!
  • abigailmariecs
    abigailmariecs Posts: 192 Member
    So yesterday was a bust in the exercise department. The kids slept in Yeah and oh noooooo. Yeah because that ment mama got to sleep in to, since my son was up half the night I was really happy. Oh nooooo because it was already 90 and just too hot to have a 9 mo old outside for 45 min plus while I rode my bike. I had every intention of doing a video off of YouTube but instead spend the day cleaning house. Diet is usually planned ahead at least in part, however, I am leaving on friday for a long weekend so I have been cleaning out the fridge of fresh fruits and veggies and not stocking back up so right now it is a little bit of whatever is left.
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    Yesterday, I did do a weight workout before I left for work, planned on doing a dvd after work, but I forgot to put away my mat and my dog ripped it to shreds so I went shopping instead. But that is OK, I get more weight plates for my weights, since it is time to increase the weights.

    As far as meals, I spend some time last night and made my self a salad for lunch today with a snack of veggies and hummus. I got it all packed in my lunch box so I just needed to grab that when I left for work this morning.

    I blocked out 1.5 hours for this evening so I can do a workout when I get home, maybe take dinner on a hike on south mountain to watch the sun set!
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    i'm in! Will you be adding us to a group? (its easier for me to find the thread if i know where to go looking for it!!)

  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i usually don't like the "hot for XXX" threads because they're posted just a few weeks before the goal, however here you recognize that if you want to look good by Christmas, you need to start working out now. good luck.
  • lovinlulu
    lovinlulu Posts: 65 Member
    I would love to join you as well. I have just lost my first 20 pounds and I have 20 more to go! It has taken me a year to lose 20, now that's slow and steady! I recently purchased Turbo Fire and I'm trying to love it :) i love running but I need to find something to work my upper body too!
  • Ruffles20
    Ruffles20 Posts: 88 Member
    Count me in, as well!!
  • KarenPopoff
    KarenPopoff Posts: 38 Member
    I have been on and off fitness pal for a couple of years. Had some success but never have kept it up. I have never joined a group. I need something now. I have been running for the last 8 days and trying to keep that committment. I just need to get my eating in check. I would like to lose 15lbs. That would put me at my wedding weight 10 years ago.
  • starzluv94
    starzluv94 Posts: 45 Member
    I have 100+ to lose. I would love to join you!
  • TMoni14
    TMoni14 Posts: 18 Member
    I would love to join you. I have 35 more lbs to go. I've already lost 30 and I've been making changes that I can stick to for a lifetime.