anyone else with an eating disorder?



  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    Yes, unfortunately. Add me if you like.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    I am pretty sure I have one. I don't know which one...but I know that something is seriously wrong with my eating.

    I used to be a chubby/fat kid and recently I decided to lose weight. But the way I went about it was wrong (I was eating 1000 cal a day and working out 1-2 times daily) and now I'm completely obsessed with my weight and food and everything....I'm actually underweight and yet I still feel really fat. Because of the sport I'm in I should be eating around 3000 cal a day but sometimes I only eat 1500. A lot of people including my friends, parents and coaches have said things about it to me, but I have no idea how to stop it and I wish I had something I could tell you but I'm dealing with the same thing too :(

    seeing a doctor would be a great first step! good luck.
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    I have body dysmorphic disorder, and I occasionally struggle with past bulimia, I do not throw up, but I obsess about wanting to for hours sometimes.
  • laughingirl71
    laughingirl71 Posts: 51 Member
    oh my ladies and gents...the things we do that hurt ourselves. I honestly hope that one day we can all find health in both body and mind. I'm recovering bulimic, and have close family members with the same issues. My best thoughts are being sent to the universe for all of us. Be gracious to yourself, and be gracious to others as well. has been said, but please take the step of getting professional help.
  • Suffering from an ED for 10 years. Started off as anorexia as a teenager, then switched to binge eating around 19 years old- now im bulimia at 24 with restricting tendencies.
  • picklepoo
    picklepoo Posts: 9 Member
    I have been bulimic for 9 years. I mostly binge and purge, but often go through phases where I fast a lot. I was addicted to
    laxatives for a short time, but stopped taking them completely. I am always interested in talking to others with EDs. If anybody wishes to add me, feel free.
  • ucabucca
    ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
    I know where you are coming from and it is serious stuff. I have been there. I had a brain fog because I was eating so little that the grey matter was shrinking. I knew my muscles were shrinking but I didn't know how to begin to get control back. Body image is a big part of this disease and it can kill you easier than we want to admit because your organs are muscles but there is a point where they can't take the hits anymore and they will shut down. I was lucky I got into a great outpatient program where they helped me learn to eat again, take control and learn what were my triggers. I spent 3 months with them and have been home for almost a month and it has changed my life. There is no way I could have changed the path I was on alone. The first step is the hardest admitting you have a problem and allowing someone to help you. Talk to someone a doctor, pastor, or therapist can get you going in the right direction
  • I know for a straight fact I have one. I've recently lost an unhealthy amount of weight in nearly three months, going from 135 to 108. I overly obsess about what i eat, or what I plan to eat the next day. It takes up all my thoughts, and I hate it. I try to watch a movie, tv show, read, but it still creeps up on me. I have this bad habit of researching information on diets, tricks and tips, and recipes. I followed the "Atkins" diet to help me loose weight, so I was counting my carbs daily, keeping myself stuck on no more then 20 carbs, and no more then 1,000 calories a day. I got weaker, and more dizzy, numb and I have a lot of difficulty concentrating. It affected my family, and they now consider me "sick" . Last week, I finally took a stance and realized I needed to put an end to this. I don't wanna be this person that everyone needs to worry about, I don't want to be thinking about what i'm gonna be eating in the next two hours. It sucks, because I try so hard to get trough this, but no matter what it's began to take over me. I may not be dealing with an outrageous disorder, but I've surely developed one, and it's scaring me, and stopping me from being happy, and i want a change.

    If there's anyone out there, who's willing to be by my side, and I promise to be by your side, send me a message. I want support on this. Anyone.. really,
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I have a sleep eating disorder where I binge in my sleep or in partial consciousness and find the evidence later upon waking. Tough to regain control when you aren't all the way conscious. Sometimes I know I'm doing it and can't stop. Sometimes I (used to) wake up with my face nearly plunking into a salad serving sized bowl of mushy cereal... or with my hand up to the elbow in a family sized bag of lays potato chips and covered in crumbs.
  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    I cam't seem to get control of it mroe than 2-3 days at a time right now.

    Sweetie, why do you still have losing as your goal? *genuinely concerned*
  • I have problems with binge eating, started when i was young about 9, i'm now 27 and i still find each day a struggle i'm a normal weight for my height though im trying to lose a few pounds to look better
  • htmlgirl
    htmlgirl Posts: 314 Member
    I've been struggling with one since I was a teenager. My mother and both my sisters were/are overweight. Because of this I have had a fear of becoming this way. I was diagnosed with ed-nos about 5 years ago. I still struggle with it but it doesn't have the hold on my life it used to. I try to eat 1200 a day, sometimes I don't. I'm lucky I found this site because I had gained some weight and before I would try to starve myself to lose it. With this site, I figured out that I can still eat and lose weight. In my screwed up head, I thought that starving myself was the only way to do it. I'm not sure if I would still be considered to have that diagnosis because I'm not seeing a therapist or psychiatrist but I do know that I still struggle with some of the thoughts. Feel free to add me.
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I have purging type anorexia, alot of people know about it, and I'm pretty open about it because I find talking about it has really helped me in my recovery process. I'm 99lbs now, and while I feel I may look a little better with the added weight, it also makes me feel angry because I feel it's too much for my height:/ Anyway, anyone feel free to add me, I will try and support you as best I can:) Take care and good luck in all your journeys. Stay strong, you've come this far in the battle, keep going till the end xxx
  • miimaou
    miimaou Posts: 7
    Yes, of course. I've struggled with that type of thing for a long time now. But gladly it's gone away. I hope that things get better for you. You can add me if you want. I would love to support you. ^^
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    I consider myself a mostly recovered ED sufferer - I was underweight, size 0 petite (and still had to have my clothes taken in) and ate 2-3 little packets of crackers a day - Anorexia and Bulimia mixed - I purged after forced family-meals, and anytime I ate anywhere aside from at home, and the rest of the time just ate as little as possible - I finally 'beat' the destructive actions by the time I was 20, but it was a 6 year journey to get there.

    Since then I've managed get so 'normal' that I'm even trying to lose a little excess weight that built up in the past year, I'm actually kind of grateful to have gotten to the point that I'm losing weight the healthy way instead of the old way :) You all CAN do it. For some people it's mental, for some emotional, but being on this site and confronting food and all of the issues that come with it is a good first step. I wish you all tons of luck!
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Just started therapy/counseling yesterday for EDNOS. Definitely want to make a change, but I know it'll be a long road ahead. I wish all of you the best, and I know how hard it is!
  • Kristan_Forsey
    Kristan_Forsey Posts: 103 Member
    AT 5'5 and a half and 100llbs you are underweight for your height. You need to eat more, especially since you said you started at 105 then lost. 105 is still underweight for that height. You need to gain until you are a healthy weight for that height then maintain by eating your BMR calories (min your body needs to stay alive and carry out normal function).
  • Never been diagnosed so I'm not sure, but I think so... in a 'recovery' period right now, trying to fix my broken metabolism.
  • EmilyDuby
    EmilyDuby Posts: 67
    I have struggled with eating issues since I was 16 and now I work on doing my best to put that crazy energy that wants to control things into eating healthy as opposed to the obsession of losing weight.
  • Kebby83
    Kebby83 Posts: 232 Member
    I was bulimic as a teenager. Binge eater as a young adult withought purging. 29 years old and here I am.