I almost weigh as much as my boyfriend.



  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    Hey now, let's not let numbers get to us. I think aesthetics are more powerful than what the scale says. My husband is 6' and about 176 (though he fluctuates a bit) and I'm 5'2" and 182... Even when I was a size 6 I still weighed like 135-140. Weight is just a number! Remember that. It's how you feel about the way you look and feel that matters. And the boyfriend probably doesn't care what the scale says either if he knows what's good for him.:laugh:
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    Your boyfriend is 5'11 / 159? We're sure he's a man, right?

    lol this kind of, at 5'11 i feel like he should probably weigh more. my bf is 5'11 very muscular and weighs about 170/180

    but anyway the number doesn't reallyyyy matter as long as you like what you see in the mirror. but i'm kind of being a hypocrite because im 5'8 and my goal weight is to be 130 just because. sooo do whatever makes YOU happy, not for someone else.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Your boyfriend is 5'11 / 159? We're sure he's a man, right?

    I wouldn't date a man that's 200lb plus... he'd squish me. :(

    Wait. so you wouldn't date a guy that "looks" like he weighs more then you but you're sad that he weighs a similar amount? :huh:
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    Sounds like you're going to have to start feeding him better so you can get this behind you. But seriously don't worry about how much you weigh compared to someone else. Find what is good for you and work on that as a goal. 220 is a really good weight for me but has no bearing on what my wife weighs. (Better not. I'm 6' 2" and she's 5' 3")
    I haven't told him how much I weigh but i had him guess
    The cruel mind games that women play on men. *shakes head* Poor guy probably sweated for hours after that question hoping he said the right thing.

    No kidding, lol. I ask my husband those questions that have no right answer ALL the time. Watching him squirm to come up with an answer that's truthful yet won't land him in the doghouse is fun... JK
  • TheNewo
    TheNewo Posts: 239 Member
    Tell your boyfriend to gain some muscle mass :wink:
  • KettleBellHoe
    you look amazing and im kinda in the same situation except my boyfriend is just losing too much weight and were both like 130.
  • saracatherine89
    saracatherine89 Posts: 291 Member
    Don't let the numbers get to you! Men carry their weight differently than women do.
    A few months ago I weighed exactly the same as my boyfriend...and he's 6'9. I've lost about 35 and he's gained about 15 so now there's a nice lb gap. Use that as motivation to drop a few lbs, but like Tequila said, do it for YOU not for someone else :)
  • kaylarachellee
    kaylarachellee Posts: 201 Member
    Hey now, let's not let numbers get to us. I think aesthetics are more powerful than what the scale says. My husband is 6' and about 176 (though he fluctuates a bit) and I'm 5'2" and 182... Even when I was a size 6 I still weighed like 135-140. Weight is just a number! Remember that. It's how you feel about the way you look and feel that matters. And the boyfriend probably doesn't care what the scale says either if he knows what's good for him.:laugh:

    Right... I fit into size 4-8... depending on the brand.... but I weigh 153lb. 153lbs in the morning... but after working out, eating, and drinking 8 + cups of water... I weigh almost 160lb. So depressing. I was weighing my self every day.. now I am just once a week...
    But I shouldnt.. It just feels good when you lose weight.. but not seeing that as often any more.
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522
    I weigh more than my boyfriend.
    You'll live.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Weight is only a number that you know when you're looking at a scale. It doesn't mean anything. Not all guys weigh more than all girls. There are lots of factors... Musculature, bone density. I spent a lot of time heavier than my boyfriend... And I mean I LOOKED heavier than him. But it's not like people look at you standing side by side and say "wow she's almost as heavy as he is!"

    It really, completely, totally doesn't matter.

    And you must realize that your boyfriend has to be quite lean at 159lbs. Make him do some weight training and put some bulk on that body. :)
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Tell your BF to man up and hit the weights. I am 6 feet 185 and I feel great.

    If I lost 26 pounds the women would think I was sick!!!!
  • kaylarachellee
    kaylarachellee Posts: 201 Member
    Your boyfriend is 5'11 / 159? We're sure he's a man, right?

    I wouldn't date a man that's 200lb plus... he'd squish me. :(

    Wait. so you wouldn't date a guy that "looks" like he weighs more then you but you're sad that he weighs a similar amount? :huh:

    If he weighed 190lbs.. he would look bigger than me for sure.... :)
  • kaylarachellee
    kaylarachellee Posts: 201 Member
    Sounds like you're going to have to start feeding him better so you can get this behind you. But seriously don't worry about how much you weigh compared to someone else. Find what is good for you and work on that as a goal. 220 is a really good weight for me but has no bearing on what my wife weighs. (Better not. I'm 6' 2" and she's 5' 3")
    I haven't told him how much I weigh but i had him guess
    The cruel mind games that women play on men. *shakes head* Poor guy probably sweated for hours after that question hoping he said the right thing.

    No kidding, lol. I ask my husband those questions that have no right answer ALL the time. Watching him squirm to come up with an answer that's truthful yet won't land him in the doghouse is fun... JK

    hehe. ;)
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    PS: I will never understand why men and women in relationships need to share their weight with one another.
  • Salasel
    Salasel Posts: 69 Member
    WOW he is really skinny Im 5ft 8inches tall and my goal weight is a stacked 190 currently im at 235. 190 would also put me at 8 to 10 percent body fat. Personally if I were you I would stop worrying that you weigh as much as him you look great. He needs to put on some lean mass.
  • pinkcycleist
    I know what you mean its not something that you can say your proud of. (The tools section)on this site are very helpfull in figuring out your numbers if your trying to lose stay on your calorie track and working out is one of the best things you can do for your overall health it will give you energy and give you a confidence boost. Do things you enjoy! I get bored easy so I try everything.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Personally if I were you I would stop worrying that you weigh as much as him you look great.

    Yeah, not to be a jerk but I'm thinking your boyfriend should be the one to feel insecure next to YOU :P
  • Marlei5610
    Marlei5610 Posts: 16
    With measurements of 36-28-36, what are you worrying about? You sound near perfect to me. It's the tape measure that matters, nothing else (literally nothing else). It's irrelevant how much your boyfriend weighs in comparison (I'm shorter than my boyfriend and weigh more than him too).

    Please appreciate your nice figure while you have it. Hopefully, you won't say goodbye to your waist when you're 40 like I did! If I'm lucky I might get it back, but I'm not counting on it.
  • kaylarachellee
    kaylarachellee Posts: 201 Member
    With measurements of 36-28-36, what are you worrying about? You sound near perfect to me. It's the tape measure that matters, nothing else (literally nothing else). It's irrelevant how much your boyfriend weighs in comparison (I'm shorter than my boyfriend and weigh more than him too).

    Please appreciate your nice figure while you have it. Hopefully, you won't say goodbye to your waist when you're 40 like I did! If I'm lucky I might get it back, but I'm not counting on it.

    I'm hoping I turn out like my parents.. they are both super fit.. They do crossfit everyday, run marathons, summit mt. rainier. haha my mom weighs 110lb... and she's 5' 3". I thought my mom is suppose to weigh more than me. :(
  • kadins_momma07
    kadins_momma07 Posts: 328 Member
    I think you look amazing and don't need to worry about it!! So what if your number is close to your BF's? I think that alone scares you and you think it's wrong. But you look great and I definitely wouldn't say you need to lose more weight, I'd LOVE to be your size, FYI!!