Wine, Wine, WINE!



  • lisawants2bskinny
    lisawants2bskinny Posts: 21 Member
    I also run an extra 20 minutes for a glass of wine. ha ha... I love a glass of wine after work on Fridays! I usually clean the house with some music on with my glass of wine. :)
  • guapogringo
    guapogringo Posts: 201
    I lost 40lbs and never gave up my wine! I did cut back A LOT, but never gave it up. So it is doable ladies!!!

    Ladies? what guys can't drink wine?? haha :)

    I would have to agree. I am kinda wine snob myself. Mostly into Napa Cabs. The red seems healthier to me than white. I stick to two glasses max during the week. Maybe an extra on the weekends. I have been getting lean sticking to this plan, eating right, and getting my workouts in. There is a lot I would sacrifice but not the vino. Moderation is the key. I also drink a lot of water when i drink wine as well.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I will never stop Wine-ing.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Stop? No way. Like others said, I just fit it into my cals.
  • jiddu17
    jiddu17 Posts: 187 Member
    Charles Shaw is my secret lover. I can drain 750mL on a Tuesday night watching cartoons. Doesn't matter to me.

    BUT, I save the wine for the weekends now and relax with a nice shot, er.... tumbler full of two ounces..... of tequila. IF you are a tequila person, it can be just as interesting to try the different varieties, for less calories with the same, um, warming effect. And yes, you can sip tequila. Though it may not have the same "heart benefits" as my favorite Merlot from Chuck, it's been fun to sample.
  • tdm2592
    tdm2592 Posts: 30
    I've lost over 50 without giving it up...I measure every time and always factor it into my calorie plan for the day.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    I have put an ban on alcohol during the week with the exception of Friday nights and the weekends. If I know I'm going to be drinking (like for example tomorrow night starts the summer concerts and I have a feeling I will be imbibing) I make sure that I put aside the calories so that I can have a glass (or five LOL) and enjoy it.

    I refuse to give up my wine. I'll cut back, cut down but give it up? Not a chance!
  • mo135
    mo135 Posts: 26 Member
    Ha ha, I have a drink problem.... last week I tried using the exercise bike while drinking a glass of red wine but its so tricky. Spills everywhere. You'd think they'd fit a wine glass holder onto the newer models of bike wouldn't you?!

    Perhaps try a sippie cup or a sports type water bottle?
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    I LOVE wine, but I've cut way back. Now my rule is I will only drink with 3 of my very best friends that is it. Otherwise I drink seltzer, soda water with lime, or kombucha in a wine glass.

    ETA: Oh and I do not drink during the week at all.
  • mo135
    mo135 Posts: 26 Member
    As someone who blogs about craft beer, and a lover of wine, (ThirstyWarrior on FB & Twitter) I figure pushing harder at Insantiy buys some caloric wiggle room. That and I'm cutting out the other junk. If Spartan warriors and the Roman Legion could be in great shape and still drink wine and beer (yes they had beer too), so can we! I am human, therefore I rationalize.
  • kylesmommy89
    kylesmommy89 Posts: 356 Member
    I loves my wine and I still drink it all the time. Sorry, no advice from this girl!
  • SelkieDiver
    SelkieDiver Posts: 260 Member
    I'm not good with moderation, so this time around I cut out wine at home. If I'm going out I'll still have a glass, 2 max, but at home nada. No until I get these final 10 off, then I should be able to fit it in during maintenance.
  • mmmyotwnz
    mmmyotwnz Posts: 119 Member
    I run an extra 10 minutes so I can have wine. Seriously.

    And I run hard.

    We are soul sisters.

    Love this! I am going out right now to find Skinny Girl Sangria!!

    BTW, the Skinny Girl White Cosmo is pretty good. After having my entire extended family(divorced parents w/their spouses and MIL + my own kids) with me on vacation for one week. I went thru a bottle or two. ;)
    I walked on the beach a lot to fit it in.
  • freezerburn2012
    freezerburn2012 Posts: 273 Member
    I love wine so much that I moved to wine country. :D
  • crystallambeth
    crystallambeth Posts: 12 Member
    I'm NOT giving up wine. I'm cutting back and fitting it into my calorie goals.

    THIS!! i dont think anyone i know would want me to cut my wine!! :)
  • Oh thank God, I'm not the only one. I just had two glasses...and those are big glasses....going to go for a walk/jog tonight to burn off. It motivates me to exercise this week, at least - gotta get in those miles if I wanna drink!
  • l3rob
    l3rob Posts: 28 Member
    I factor it in to my calories as well, but its hard to have just one glass. I try to exercise more to make up for it too! I tried the SkinnyGirl wine the other day and its not bad. I like red and white but for SkinnyGirl I preferred the white. (100 calories per 5oz)
  • Bilbobradshaw
    Bilbobradshaw Posts: 79 Member
    I'm NOT giving up wine. I'm cutting back and fitting it into my calorie goals.

  • reyopo
    reyopo Posts: 210 Member
    My boyfriend SELLS wine for an independent importer/distributor of incredible small-producer Italian, French, Spanish and Oregon wines...his knowledge and palette is amazing. He is in restaurants and stores pouring for somaliers and stewards all day, and comes home with at least 8 open bottles every night that are generally available to drink. I HAVE to resist...I get allergies to the sulfites, and feel crappy if I drink too much consistently. I have a glass or two with a special dinner, on a date night, or an occasion...but the rest of the time I've learned to enjoy just SMELLING it, and maybe taking a little taste. How crazy is that? I guess when something so good is so abundant and you've made a commitment to health, you learn how to resist. Not that I think wine (especially reds) in moderation is unhealthy at all...I personally just feel better if I keep it to a minimum.
  • JenniferDLP
    JenniferDLP Posts: 56 Member
    Drinking it as we speak!!! I haven't given it up, but I budget it in.