What's in your trunk?



  • stephlake
    stephlake Posts: 105 Member
    Soccer chairs, umbrella, bag of donation clothes I have forgotten to drop off for about 2 months now. (Out of sight, out of mind!)
  • Bobbi_N
    Bobbi_N Posts: 49 Member
    My camera tripod
    A couple of empty plastic grocery bags
    Several McD's happy meal toys that have lived there for several years
  • baseball bat, tennis balls, tennis rackets.
  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    24 pack of poland spring water, old textbooks from school and my EX Box lol a collection everything my exes have ever given me.
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    Baseball bag, cleats and first aid kit.
  • ster81
    ster81 Posts: 249
    a bat, a pistol, and diet mountain dew.
  • Altarian
    Altarian Posts: 230 Member
    keep in mind my car use to be a corporate car for the Department of Ag.

    *Shelf ,with a red light above it instead of the normal trunk light, that is attached behind the back seat that can be pulled out to set a computer or supernatural hunting hear

    *Men's Health Weight Loss Guide that i swiped from my work when they tossed them in the trash

    *XXL grey pull over hoody, with a over sized hood that covers my face when i put it up,that has the old logo for the company i work for, Kum and Go.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    DaughterOfTheMostHighKing Posts: 1,436 Member
    jumper cables, beach mat ( I live in Hawaii), and ice cooler ( I like going to costco!)
  • Beana21
    Beana21 Posts: 91 Member
    An ab crunch chair that a coworker gave me a few weeks ago (keep forgetting it's in there. actually want to toss it now), a blanket for the beach, and a roadside safety kit.
  • Tanyawhite30
    Tanyawhite30 Posts: 473
    my ex husband...his mother and a 12 pack of beer
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Paper towel
    Bag of dirt
  • plumpncurvy
    plumpncurvy Posts: 68 Member
    fire starter sticks, a first aid kit and a fishing chair
  • gwengogreen1
    gwengogreen1 Posts: 194 Member
    A dead body. Couldn't resist saying that.
  • reneegee23
    reneegee23 Posts: 232 Member
  • Melanie_RS
    Melanie_RS Posts: 417 Member
    I have about 60 bags of puppy pee pads in unopened packages that need to be delivered to the local animal shelter.
    Some craft board from the craft store that I was too lazy to carry in.
    Burlap bags I was going to make something from...god only knows what at this point.
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    Air... Water... bugs... I don't have a trunk but thats whats in the box of my truck.
  • snw_
    snw_ Posts: 237 Member
    Two dead hookers and a shovel.

    i have some lye if you want to borrow some.
  • snw_
    snw_ Posts: 237 Member
    my roller derby skates
    huge first aid kit plus water
    a secondary bag packed with running shoes & clothes so i can run when i want/need to
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    Spare tire, bottled water, Metal pistol target
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    fix a flat, jack, spare, first aid kit, emergency kit, tent, bed rolls, hoodie,diaper bag, stroller
    ohps more than 3:flowerforyou: