Intermittent Fasting. Anyone tried it?



  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    Intermittent fasting does not affect whole-body glucose, lipid, or protein metabolism. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Nov 2009; 90: 1244-1251
  • utes09
    utes09 Posts: 561 Member
    Mose IFers use BCAA's pre-workout, or whey protein powder without anything added to it. So you are working out semi-fasted.

    **I forgot to link this to the one who said she gets light headed if she doesn't eat before working out.

    So if I had a scoop of my BCAA powder pre workout instead of an apple, etc that would be seen as a wiser choice?
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    I do it because it works for me. Period. I'm not going to try to sell anyone on this nor will I sit here and entertain the mindless drivel of those who could have continued on their merry way instead of participating in this thread. The OP asked if anyone has tried it. It's a yes or no question. He cited sound sources to support why he believes it works as well as quoted some useful information directly from the Leangains website for those who may be interested.

    For those who SUPPORT IF, and those who may be interested, here is a Wikipedia (I know, I know.. but it's a good read) article discussing some things regarding IF:

    Now, if you don't agree or it's not your thing, then please feel free to keep your two cents to yourself and keep moving. It's not working for you and that's okay, but no need for the butthurt. I don't do Weightwatchers because it doesn't work for me, but that doesn't mean that I have to simply deny the fact that it's worked for 10s of thousands of others. Just sayin'...

    Edited for a misspelled word :)
  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    Loving the IF zealotry here, but if you cant understand that IF is a form of meal frequency. i dont even know were to begin. I dont discredit IF at all, its a perfectly viable way of going about your business. But it is no better then what I do, or what someone else does.As long as calories and macros are met at the end of the day.

    I'm glad that you can continue to edit every single post you make, after I respond to your original statements...

    If you don't discredit IF then stop trying to start drama about it, move onto another thread. No one claimed it to be better than what you do, no one denied that it's about calories and macros, so your argument makes no sense. IF still involves eating all your calories and meeting all of your macro needs, it's just within an 8 hour period.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    Mose IFers use BCAA's pre-workout, or whey protein powder without anything added to it. So you are working out semi-fasted.

    **I forgot to link this to the one who said she gets light headed if she doesn't eat before working out.

    So if I had a scoop of my BCAA powder pre workout instead of an apple, etc that would be seen as a wiser choice?

    I think so... Leangains recommends 10grams.
  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    I do it because it works for me. Period. I'm not going to try to sell anyone on this nor will I sit here and entertain the mindless drivel of those who could have continued on their merry way instead of participating in this thread. The OP asked if anyone has tried it. It's a yes or no question. He sited sound sources to support why he believes it works as well as quoted some useful information directly from the Leangains website for those who may be interested.

    For those who SUPPORT IF, and those who may be interested, here is a Wikipedia (I know, I know.. but it's a good read) article discussing some things regarding IF:

    Now, if you don't agree or it's not your thing, then please feel free to keep your two cents to yourself and keep moving. It's not working for you and that's okay, but no need for the butthurt. I don't do Weightwatchers because it doesn't work for me, but that doesn't mean that I have to simply deny the fact that it's worked for 10s of thousands of others. Just sayin'...

    THANK YOU! :drinker:
  • ZivileZu
    ZivileZu Posts: 56 Member
    I used to do what @tequila09 does - the uddd. Have done it for a year and a half before I got married and was at my lowest weight ever and actually felt great energy and health wise. Trying to get back to it.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    I do it because it works for me. Period. I'm not going to try to sell anyone on this nor will I sit here and entertain the mindless drivel of those who could have continued on their merry way instead of participating in this thread. The OP asked if anyone has tried it. It's a yes or no question. He cited sound sources to support why he believes it works as well as quoted some useful information directly from the Leangains website for those who may be interested.

    For those who SUPPORT IF, and those who may be interested, here is a Wikipedia (I know, I know.. but it's a good read) article discussing some things regarding IF:

    Now, if you don't agree or it's not your thing, then please feel free to keep your two cents to yourself and keep moving. It's not working for you and that's okay, but no need for the butthurt. I don't do Weightwatchers because it doesn't work for me, but that doesn't mean that I have to simply deny the fact that it's worked for 10s of thousands of others. Just sayin'...

    Edited for a misspelled word :)
  • utes09
    utes09 Posts: 561 Member
    So pre workout meal aside (which would be about 15 minutes before workout if it's a drink) I would fall within the recommendations for women of 10 hours of eating since it would be 11:30-8:30 from breakfast to dinner?

    Sorry for my ignorance. I'm trying to learn.
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    I wish it worked for me. I started IF in February with high hopes (LG style). For the following four months I plateaued despite my caloric deficits amounting to what should have been .5 lb loss a week. I love having larger meals later in the day...but while I'm still focusing on fat loss, this approach was not successful for me. Once I started eating a light breakfast again a few weeks ago - the weight started dropping. Coincidence? I don't think so. I think IF is suitable for a variety of people and you won't know if it works for you until you try it. But I think there may be something to gender, weight, and goals to be accounted for here. Sadly - it didn't work for me for my intended purpose but was useful for recomping. Women's hormones are much more sensitive so all I'm saying is caveat emptor.
  • future_runner
    future_runner Posts: 136 Member
    Hmmm this sounds really interesting. I can't see it working for me right now, but I am at a unique and thankfully short phase of life-studying for the bar. I actually like the small meals now bc I'm pretty much sitting on my couch all day studying. But this sounds like it would have been perfect for me when I was still in school and working, and I will probably switch to this in August when I start working (fingers crossed!!) full time. Thanks for sharing!!

    Also.... Is a little squeeze of lemon or lime in water during fasting times ok or no?
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    I wish it worked for me. I started IF in February with high hopes (LG style). For the following four months I plateaued despite my caloric deficits amounting to what should have been .5 lb loss a week. I love having larger meals later in the day...but while I'm still focusing on fat loss, this approach was not successful for me. Once I started eating a light breakfast again a few weeks ago - the weight started dropping. Coincidence? I don't think so. I think IF is suitable for a variety of people and you won't know if it works for you until you try it. But I think there may be something to gender, weight, and goals to be accounted for here. Sadly - it didn't work for me for my intended purpose but was useful for recomping. Women's hormones are much more sensitive so all I'm saying is caveat emptor.

    I agree its not best for everyone.. I just LOVE the convenience of it right now. I am so happy u found something that works for u! :wink:
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    So pre workout meal aside (which would be about 15 minutes before workout if it's a drink) I would fall within the recommendations for women of 10 hours of eating since it would be 11:30-8:30 from breakfast to dinner?

    Sorry for my ignorance. I'm trying to learn.

    Looks right!
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    Hmmm this sounds really interesting. I can't see it working for me right now, but I am at a unique and thankfully short phase of life-studying for the bar. I actually like the small meals now bc I'm pretty much sitting on my couch all day studying. But this sounds like it would have been perfect for me when I was still in school and working, and I will probably switch to this in August when I start working (fingers crossed!!) full time. Thanks for sharing!!

    Also.... Is a little squeeze of lemon or lime in water during fasting times ok or no?

    The guy who wrote Eat Stop Eat says lemon is OK... Not sure about Leangains stance on it.
  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    Hmmm this sounds really interesting. I can't see it working for me right now, but I am at a unique and thankfully short phase of life-studying for the bar. I actually like the small meals now bc I'm pretty much sitting on my couch all day studying. But this sounds like it would have been perfect for me when I was still in school and working, and I will probably switch to this in August when I start working (fingers crossed!!) full time. Thanks for sharing!!

    Also.... Is a little squeeze of lemon or lime in water during fasting times ok or no?

    I don't think a squeeze of lemon or lime would matter, I've read that putting a bit of milk in coffee while in the fasted state isn't a big deal even though it technically breaks the fast.
  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    I wish it worked for me. I started IF in February with high hopes (LG style). For the following four months I plateaued despite my caloric deficits amounting to what should have been .5 lb loss a week. I love having larger meals later in the day...but while I'm still focusing on fat loss, this approach was not successful for me. Once I started eating a light breakfast again a few weeks ago - the weight started dropping. Coincidence? I don't think so. I think IF is suitable for a variety of people and you won't know if it works for you until you try it. But I think there may be something to gender, weight, and goals to be accounted for here. Sadly - it didn't work for me for my intended purpose but was useful for recomping. Women's hormones are much more sensitive so all I'm saying is caveat emptor.

    I'm sorry that you didn't see results from it, I'm sure it's just one of those things that doesn't work for everyone. If you hit another plateau while on your current plan of eating a light breakfast you can always try IF again and maybe you will see better results a second try.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    When I started all this a few months ago, I started diligently eating breakfast, eating small meals, etc. My body did change, but the scale was slow to move (did not matter much, but that's what happened). A few weeks ago, I went back to my old way of eating, which mostly involves skipping breakfast, so I do a sorta loose interpretation of IF whenever I feel like it, and now I appear to have lost a bunch of weight. For me, it's an easier, more natural way to eat, and apparently helps with weight loss.
  • J4n3t
    J4n3t Posts: 2
    Well I have heard of fasting and I have fasted before. Usually what I started 2 wks ago, is I fast through the morning from when I go to be till 12. Then I eat my lunch a salad and some fruit. After I get home between 4:30 and 5:00pm I eat, then I work out and after my workout around 9 or 10pm I start to get hungry, but I have some milk or 1/2 cup of cereal or 1 or 2 rice cakes. My question is if I do phase 2, which is have my biggest meal between 8 and 9, won't that just make me gain more weight. i have heard over and over don't eat past 7 or 8pm because that's when you gain the most weight. Can I get some feedback please.
  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    Well I have heard of fasting and I have fasted before. Usually what I started 2 wks ago, is I fast through the morning from when I go to be till 12. Then I eat my lunch a salad and some fruit. After I get home between 4:30 and 5:00pm I eat, then I work out and after my workout around 9 or 10pm I start to get hungry, but I have some milk or 1/2 cup of cereal or 1 or 2 rice cakes. My question is if I do phase 2, which is have my biggest meal between 8 and 9, won't that just make me gain more weight. i have heard over and over don't eat past 7 or 8pm because that's when you gain the most weight. Can I get some feedback please.

    Eating late and gaining weight from doing so is a myth that's been blown out of proportion. You can eat late at night and even before bed, it does not harm anything. A lot of people say that you shouldn't eat late at night because that's when most people binge and go over their calories for the day. The only way you can gain weight is to be in a caloric surplus, as long as you're not in a surplus it does not matter if you were to eat right before bed.
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    Well I have heard of fasting and I have fasted before. Usually what I started 2 wks ago, is I fast through the morning from when I go to be till 12. Then I eat my lunch a salad and some fruit. After I get home between 4:30 and 5:00pm I eat, then I work out and after my workout around 9 or 10pm I start to get hungry, but I have some milk or 1/2 cup of cereal or 1 or 2 rice cakes. My question is if I do phase 2, which is have my biggest meal between 8 and 9, won't that just make me gain more weight. i have heard over and over don't eat past 7 or 8pm because that's when you gain the most weight. Can I get some feedback please.

    I think, sometimes, the misconception is that we generally weigh more in the morning if we eat later at night. But, the truth is that this weight is not fat. This is just a weight that reflects water weight and the fact that what we ate the previous night has not been excreted.