I cant STOP snacking on junk food!!! Help!!!!

I work in an office and im constantly snacking on chocolate and crisp, im the same at home aswell. HELP!


  • emhargs
    emhargs Posts: 63
    there is an easy solution for when you are at home - DO NOT BUY THE JUNK OR ALLOW IT IN YOUR HOUSE
  • emhargs
    emhargs Posts: 63
    there is an easy solution for when you are at home - DO NOT BUY THE JUNK OR ALLOW IT IN YOUR HOUSE - Then you can't snack on it. This is working for me.

    at work it will be harder - and it will involve discipline.... find some healthier alternatives and pack them in your lunchbox to take to work. this week for the first time ever, i snacked on celery sticks and cottage cheese - a very extreme healthy snack, but i was so proud of myself for putting in the effort. it doesn't have to be super healthy - just stay in your calorie guidelines for the day. if i feel like something salty, i eat low calorie rice crackers, gives me the same reward as chips. i have made 3 batches of low calorie banana and choc chip muffins this week. you don't have to deprive yourself - just make some better choices. if i can do it, anybody can. baby steps :-)
  • coullmom
    coullmom Posts: 133 Member
    At my work people bring in all kinds of cakes, chocolates, cookies, donuts etc.....I have just told myself that there is absolutely no nutritional value and that they are horrible....and so far so good!!! Try telling yourself that you don't like them and see how long you can resist. don't purchase them for your home, that is the hardest time to resist!!
  • groovyfirechick
    I have the same problem. I eat popcorn if I need a salty snack. I don't bring junk food to work and we have eliminated chips, cookies, donuts, etc from the house. Baby steps! You can do it!! :)
  • hockeyfan87
    hockeyfan87 Posts: 206 Member
    I also used to snack on junk food too, but I now snack on Special K Chip Crackers! :) They're sooo much healthier for you. 18 crackers=80cals and they taste great :) Maybe you could substitute these instead of your crisps :)
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    All I can advise is to remove the temptation. I am weak as can be. It's hard to resist when it's right there in front of me.
    If it were me, I'd clean my home of trashy foods. I can control that.
    As for work?
    I swear I'd quit. I don't know if that is a viable option for you, but I'd be looking for other opportunities.
    I just can't be around junk food and resist. The whole notion is absurd, yet there are some reformed pig-people who find junk foods gross.
    I sure envy such individuals. Best of luck!:flowerforyou:
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    dont take money / debit card to work! pack some healthy snacks / lunch and plan meals then you dont have any way to get junk
    and hopefully this will help you break the habit.
  • EstherZue
    EstherZue Posts: 39
    I had the same issue at work. Every day we have boxed of chocolates going around. To resist I take a lot of food with me to the office. I take 2 apples, I have a jar with dates, another one with nuts standing here, and I pack a whole lunch meal like a wrapped tortilla, or pasta salad or sth like that from the night before. As soon as I feel the smallest hunger pang I eat one of those things. When the chocolates make their round I am full and can resist.

    Honestly, I was such a choc-a-holic before I started MFP. I think I easily ate between 100-200g of chocolate related foods a day. If there wasn't any around I'd go cold turkey. Today its much different. In fact I just realised I have a box of chocolates sitting on my desk since morning and no desire to touch it. I will take it home and keep it unopened to bring for an unexpected invitation somewhere maybe. Trsut me, you taste changes the longer you keep up the routine of eating healthy. It becomes your new addiction.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
  • Ganners
    Ganners Posts: 24
    Oh wow i do exactly the same- its so hard not to enjoy yourself and i hate that i cant just eat what i want when i want! I actually get proper jealous when i see people eating things i want to eat all.the.time.

    Its always such a battle and i feel guilty whenever i do indulge in a treat. So, i guess its just nice to know that you're not alone in this....

  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    I agree with what everyone is telling you. When I got serious about my weight loss last fall, I got rid of all the junk. All of it. I then made sure I had lots of healthy snacks: fiber cereal/bars, low-fat cheese, almonds, fruit, veggies, etc. It broke the habit. Now the unhealthy stuff doesn't have the pull it used to.

    I also make sure I have plenty of healthy snacks at work, and I'll take a quick walk if I'm having trouble resisting.

    You can do it!
  • SanniHope
    SanniHope Posts: 23
    An easy solution is not to buy it and try to replace it with healthier food: fruit or yogurt for example ;)

    I sometimes go study at the university's library and not to go and buy junk at the machines I take with me a banana or some home made snack which is healthier and makes me spare money =)
  • herownkindofwonderfull
    herownkindofwonderfull Posts: 307 Member
    if you don't buy it, you can't eat it.

    as for work, it's about self control. healthy choices typically lead to more healthy choices. it's all about self discipline.
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    there is an easy solution for when you are at home - DO NOT BUY THE JUNK OR ALLOW IT IN YOUR HOUSE


    I am the same way. if it's there it's getting EATEN :tongue: At work we have a snack bar but I keep my healthy treats near me. As my dear old Dad used to say "You hang around a barber shop, your gonna get a haircut!"
  • charm_quark
    charm_quark Posts: 316 Member
    Fruits, fruits, fruits!
    This is my magical solution, for my choco-addiction.
    I eat huge amounts of fruits everyday, not wondering for their sugar or calories.
    I just had 600 grams of watermelon!
    My everyday snack are 1-2 bananas.
    I winter I made an oatmeal with bananas, apple, cinnamon and oats.
    In summer I have a wider variety. Strawberries, cherries, melon, watermelon, peaches, bananas, and whatever I find in market and seems delicious. NO JUICES... JUST EATING THEM! I carry them in my bag at work, at beach, at my parent's house (because they don't eat fruits) or wherever!!!! and that is what keeps me close to target, or at least I feel I ate healthy snacks.
  • CABA01
    CABA01 Posts: 33
    At work, look always, that your stomach ist full with healthy things, then it is easier, yes an as the others said already, for at home, buy only healthy snacks!
  • ainsleypeters
    ainsleypeters Posts: 21 Member
    I have tried this and it worked, i suppose im gonna have to do it again. Thanks.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Replace the junk food, chocolate and chips with carrots, celery, cauliflower, cucumbers, etc. That's what I did in my house, so now if me or my fiance want a snack, we turn to those veggies and have them with a little fat free ranch dip.
  • NewChristina
    NewChristina Posts: 250 Member
    I can relate. The desk job will sabotage your fitness goals. Like the others said, you have to commit. Bring water/flavored water to sip on. Try to give up the sweets entirely. If you are like me, a little bit of sweets will have you craving more and make your efforts that much harder. Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • rocakes
    rocakes Posts: 44
    I would start buying alternative snacks with you to work... i bring fruit, low fat cheese sticks, veggies, maybe a handful of almonds that helps me I also look at those things people bring into work and say its soooooooo NOT worth it. I know it's hard but you have to tell yourself you are better than that chocolate and you DO have to will power to NOT eat that junk.
    Good luck! and if its bothering again blog about it that's what we are all here for SUPPORT!