Always going over sugar for the day

CleMike5 Posts: 12 Member
How does one stay under 45 grams of sugar a day with eating normal fruit servings. I always go over without eating anything unhealthy. Does fruit not count? An apple is 27 grams of sugar which is already over half of my daily goal.


  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 637 Member
    I have the same problem. Except to me it means I can't add in a treat like a Lara Bar because I can't do fruit and something else.
  • notRapunsel
    I have the same trouble! I eat lots of fruit, so basically I just ignore it. :P
  • vltaylor35
    vltaylor35 Posts: 72
    same as above. i have gone way over on sugar every single day since starting MFP because i eat 3 or 4 pieces of fruit a day. but it doesnt seem to be hindering my weightloss so im ignoring it too!
  • elle18287
    elle18287 Posts: 267 Member
    I ignore it as well :).
  • littleladyme
    I know what you mean. I go over everyday too, but I sort of excuse it if the majority of the sugar is from fruit. Refined sugars do no good for the body, but in fruit, the complex carbohydrates and other nutrients are so important that I see it as outweighing the natural sugars present in, say, an apple.
  • trainguy917
    trainguy917 Posts: 366 Member
    Fruit is still sugar. Tropical fruits like oranges and papayas are loaded with sugar. I have to limit my fruit intake to lose.
  • rmaxlynn
    rmaxlynn Posts: 26 Member
    The sugar standards are crazy on MFP. I eat next to no sugar except in the fruit I eat. Two pieces of fruit can put me over for the day. I know I'm supposed to eat fruit, so I ignore it. I just make sure that the other food I eat has 4 grams of sugar or less per serving and has no unhealthy crap. If I do that, then I consider that I'm doing well.
  • Rapunzelmom
    Rapunzelmom Posts: 6 Member
    While I enjoy the tracking mechanism, I disagree with their calorie distribution greatly. It seems as if Myrfitnesspal would just have us all eating white bread and white rice with their exorbitant distribution for carbohydrates, with a lower than reccommended fiber minimum, and a recommendation for sugar which is almost impossible to stay under even for those of us who eat zero added sugar, and a protein recommendation which is too low for satiety or muscle building.
    What basically I have different goals than that which are laid out for me. I keep my carbohydrates under 100 grams, my protein as close to 100 grams as possible, and aim for 25 grams of fiber. . . And the amount of carbohydrates which comes from fruit is irrelevant to me. Of course i cannot eat an excessive amount of fruit because my cabohydrates will go over 100.
  • mjsunshine16
    mjsunshine16 Posts: 251 Member
    Fruit is still sugar. Tropical fruits like oranges and papayas are loaded with sugar. I have to limit my fruit intake to lose.

    I limit my fruit intake but still may be over by 3 or 4grams. Definitely have to be alert to your fruit intake
  • jaqs03
    jaqs03 Posts: 1
    I have the same problem! So, I looked up the information on google and found this article on CNN:

    You should try to limit yourself to fruit and switch to some veggies! Carrots, peas, whatever!
  • aspen_matthews
    I pay attention to the quality of my carb/sugar choices, not the actual number of grams. I try to limit added/processed stuff.
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    Sugar is a part of carbs are really doesn't need to be watched seperately unless you have medical reasons to monitor is carefully. I don't even have my sugar appear, I watch my carbs as to not go over instead!
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I stopped tracking my sugar and I started tracking my fiber instead. Losing more by not worrying about sugar. I almost never drink soda or eat sweets, so I'm not worried about it.
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    If my sugar comes from natural sources (ie fruit, honey).. I don't worry about it.
  • RenaHope
    RenaHope Posts: 80
    Glad I'm not alone, haha. I'm new to this and was noticing that after logging just a couple foods I was already over my sugar limit for the day... curse living in the south, maybe all the sweet tea has really been getting to me! Lol
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Hitting your calories? Hitting your protein? Then don't worry about sugar.
  • CleMike5
    CleMike5 Posts: 12 Member
    While I enjoy the tracking mechanism, I disagree with their calorie distribution greatly. It seems as if Myrfitnesspal would just have us all eating white bread and white rice with their exorbitant distribution for carbohydrates, with a lower than reccommended fiber minimum, and a recommendation for sugar which is almost impossible to stay under even for those of us who eat zero added sugar, and a protein recommendation which is too low for satiety or muscle building.
    What basically I have different goals than that which are laid out for me. I keep my carbohydrates under 100 grams, my protein as close to 100 grams as possible, and aim for 25 grams of fiber. . . And the amount of carbohydrates which comes from fruit is irrelevant to me. Of course i cannot eat an excessive amount of fruit because my cabohydrates will go over 100.

    I have set my own goals and currently doing 30% carbs 40% protein and 30% fat and I set my sugar to 45grams. I read somewhere that 40-50 grams a day is a healthy amount of sugar. But as everyone else has said i've been ignoring it too, but just curious as to if fruit actually affects weight loss that much with the sugar in it.
  • picassoadagio
    picassoadagio Posts: 407 Member
    You will always go over with fruit. I try to limit myself to 1-2 pieces of fruit a day. Otherwise, I don't worry about it. If your sugar is coming from natural sources then you're fine. It's when you eat the processed crap you need to worry.
  • CleMike5
    CleMike5 Posts: 12 Member
    Hitting your calories? Hitting your protein? Then don't worry about sugar.
    Hey if that's how it works then i'm all for it lol. Just trying to get down to 9-10% body fat right now
  • ArtemisMoon
    ArtemisMoon Posts: 144
    Yeah, the sugar on here is crazy. I eat a cup low sugar cereal, 1/2 cup milk, and a cup of cherries or another fruit each day which is usually enough to slam it. So yeah I don't put much stock in MFPs limits.