Anyone else have an aversion to drinking water?

Have NEVER been a water drinker...all my life. Can't bring myself to drink water unless I am really hot or overheated after mowing the lawn or such. Even then I don't enjoy it. The only way I can drink water is with a significant amount of lemon/lime juice in it or with a few squirts of MiO so it tastes more like KoolAid. Anyone have any tips/tricks so that I can increase my water consumption but not alter its effect? BTW, I have managed to lose over 25 lbs without consuming much water at all.


  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Honestly I just had to make myself do it. I used to hate drinking water, would gag if I tried. I made myself drink it for two weeks and now I really notice if I haven't had it, I crave it.
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Non-caffeinated liquids. Period. Seriously, water doesn't lose its power to hydrate when you put a little Mio in it.

    I'd rather decrease my intake of artificial sweetners but I'm in the same boat as you. If there's a little flavoring in it, I'll drink buckets with no problem. If not, I'll lose interest and struggle to get in my minimum.

    Just stay well hydrated.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Me! I have such a hard time drinking water. I get so mad at myself because it's such an easy thing to do, and has such health benefits. I force myself to drink 12 ounces at a time. I don't sip it. I don't keep one bottle with me. I down a whole 12 oz bottle at one time. That's the only way I'll get it done.
  • kajpen
    kajpen Posts: 120 Member
    I squeeze lemon juice in mine... it's the only way I will drink it since I gave up fake sugars (and try to keep my total sugar intake to 5 grams per meal).

    I had a really hard time for the first week, but now it's all I want to drink. It's an odd sensation to actually LIKE water! But, I only really like it with the lemon juice. The lemon has the added benefit of helping to cleanse your organs too :-)
  • YankeesLvr52
    YankeesLvr52 Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks macpatti...I'll def give that a try...
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    I have a 20 oz bottle I try to keep filled - I end up downing a lot of it at once, though, too! Since I've cut out the majority of Diet Coke in my life it's easier as a replacement since I'm not drinking much of anything else..
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't have an aversion to water, but I also don't drink much plain water because I like unsweetened tea better. Any liquid will hydrate you. If you like to mix in juice or flavorings then mix them in!
  • YankeesLvr52
    YankeesLvr52 Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks kajpen...I can tolerate it with lemon or lime juice as I guess that's my solution if I don't want the artificial sweeteners sucralose and acesulfame potassium in MiO.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    I feel the same way, I have noticed I like it better chilled, w a splash of lemon. I think like food it just needs time to get over the mental block.
  • JenRLo
    JenRLo Posts: 95 Member
    Lots of ice and with a straw. I drink more when I use a straw. I'm guilty of Mio too. I should try switching to fresh fruit as flavoring. Diet Coke is my last aversion to give up. I gave up everything else! I need something bad in my life! LOL.
  • Krys_140
    Krys_140 Posts: 648 Member
    I can only drink water when it's cold. Refrigerator cold - not tap water "cool". And, I've read in a few places that adding some fruit (or vegetable - cucumber slices in water is incredibly refreshing) doesn't diminish its benefits, so I load it up!

    I've added cubes of frozen watermelon, slices of lime, lemon, orange, cucumber... I recommend them all as great ways to make water more interesting.

    And, if all else fails - I like the other poster's suggestion - just chug it! :drinker:
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    I don't like the taste of the water at work so all day I make and drink iced tea (decaffeinated) peach tea! It ad's flavor and I don't think it takes away anything since it decaffeinated but I could be wrong. At home I make sure to drink one glass of water when I get up in the morning, and a very large glass after working out.
  • chocoholicdiva
    chocoholicdiva Posts: 345 Member
    Where I come from this time of year you can really taste the chlorine in the water, hot, cold, doesn't matter unless there's something in the water to mask the taste. When I'm not having coffee or tea, I squirt some Mio into mine. I use Crystal Light when I have that around too and no Mio. They do the trick for me. So my answer for you is to do what you feel is best for you. If that doesn't float your boat, then don't. But if it sounds like a good answer to you, go for it!!! Can't hurt!!! :wink:
  • Alicat59
    Alicat59 Posts: 13 Member
    I used to hate it too. But I got one of the Brita pitchers and keep it in the fridge. As long as it's filtered and cold I'll drink it all day long.
  • olivia_sweeetie
    Add a tablespoon or so of lemon juice to it. Sounds gross, but it works wonders. It debloats you, aids with your bodys natural detox, and soo much more :)
  • 78brownie_wechanged
    I can only drink water when it's cold. Refrigerator cold - not tap water "cool". And, I've read in a few places that adding some fruit (or vegetable - cucumber slices in water is incredibly refreshing) doesn't diminish its benefits, so I load it up!

    I've added cubes of frozen watermelon, slices of lime, lemon, orange, cucumber... I recommend them all as great ways to make water more interesting.

    And, if all else fails - I like the other poster's suggestion - just chug it! :drinker:

    ^^ This
    ..and...I use lemon religiously with my water. I was never an anything drinker. I couldn't get eight servings of anything. Not a problem anymore. All I drink is water. Its been three weeks since I had a latte (may have to hide a body soon) and I don't know the last time I had juice, sweetened tea, or soda.
  • DBB07
    DBB07 Posts: 40
    Have NEVER been a water drinker...all my life. Can't bring myself to drink water unless I am really hot or overheated after mowing the lawn or such. Even then I don't enjoy it. The only way I can drink water is with a significant amount of lemon/lime juice in it or with a few squirts of MiO so it tastes more like KoolAid. Anyone have any tips/tricks so that I can increase my water consumption but not alter its effect? BTW, I have managed to lose over 25 lbs without consuming much water at all.

    I take a gallon of water, add 1 cup of lemon juice, 5 tablespoons of Stevia, and it's 0 calorie lemonade. I gulp it down like a kid with Kool-Aid.
  • CrazyTigerLilly73
    Well I drink green tea 3 times a day because of the boost it gives me. So if you mentally picture yourself drinking it with a big *kitten* smile on your face knowing your day is gonna be stress free and smooth because of drinking it you will encourage yourself to drink even more.
  • leighlyn
    leighlyn Posts: 60 Member
    I use mio!!!! like you i am terrible at getting the water in daily, mio has helped and for now thats what i am sticking too.
  • EveyRose
    EveyRose Posts: 74 Member
    I have to have the water super cold to be able to drink it and I hadn't thought about the cleansing power of lemon so i will have to start doing that! thank you!