Free food in the office



  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    There is nothing wrong with bagels and cream cheese. Or donuts. In moderation. Eat it if it fits in with your calorie allowance for the day. Otherwise, either take your own breakfast/snack, eat a mint, chew gum, something to keep your mouth occupied.
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    Eat EVERYTHING they bring in....They will stop bringing stuff in when you are around.
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    I sit right next to the kitchen at work, there's always fruit, pretzels, and occasionally bad stuff like bagels and muffins. I just have a habit of drinking plenty of coffee and nibbling on small amounts of fruit (cherries, perhaps one apple). Because my habit is already coffee and tiny bits of fruit, I don't feel compelled to eat the 600 calorie chocolate chip muffin when it shows up.

    If it's a "party" with cake, and there's social eating, I take a slice, eat a few small bites, bring it back to my office and toss it.
  • izuniga22
    izuniga22 Posts: 3
    i am so weak to food, i dont think there is a way to avoid it. BUT if you indulge be sure you keep it limited and pencil it into the calorie count, might help limit consumption.
  • rhonnie66
    rhonnie66 Posts: 47 Member
    I TOTALLY understand, same here; vendors bring in stuff everyday and not healthy stuff either!! I chew LOTS of gum and drink LOTS of water!!!
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    Very difficult. I just try to eat a small portion. I make sure it is something I rarely eat (bagel & cream cheese, breakfast casserole, cake donut) etc...
  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    get some of the food so you dont look like you dont want it.. then go back to your desk and take a bite and then throw it away when no one is looking so you dont have to eat it all but still get the food
  • LennyInFlorida
    This is indeed very hard. The only way to combat this is to have all of your meals prepared and ready to eat while you are at work.
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 1,005 Member
    I envision would could possibly happen to that food while it sits there...flies land on it, people who aren't exceptionally sanitary touching every one before picking out the one they want etc.....a couple of visuals like that usually keep from temptation. Luckily we don't get much of it here. Where I used to work fresh baked scones were a staple, along with donuts....and the main reason I'm now on MFP!!! LOL
  • izuniga22
    izuniga22 Posts: 3
    i just learned blow comes in blumps :P
  • smithjennife
    This hits very close to home because my office brings in bagels, cream cheese and doughnuts every Friday. And then there's cake and ice cream periodically too!!

    I usually just take a very small portion. If everyone else sees that you are participating, they don't usually question how much you are having. Then I drink extra water and go for a walk. It seems to work for me. Best of luck!
  • Sherie13
    Sherie13 Posts: 250 Member
    It's very had to avoid and usually i lose that battle myself. Giving in is ok once in a while... Just log it and keep going.

    Now for actually help, first step is to get it out of your area. Just move it somewhere else. Having it close will make it harder to avoid. Second is keep snacks at work. I have oatmeal, nuts, and yogurt in addition to my snacks that I plan for the day. Third, if you feel tempted, get a cup of coffee, cup of tea, or a cup of water. Getting up gets you further from it and drinking might actually curb your appetite.

    If people give you a hard time, just say no thanks! They always have donuts in my office and "ice cream time" every afternoon. I just avoid going in those areas and remind myself what my goals are!
  • PixEm
    PixEm Posts: 190 Member
    OK, so this week at work has been trying. Monday, someone brought in Bagels & Cream Cheese. Wednesday, someone brought in doughnuts. Today, someone brought in Bagels & Cream Cheese again! To make it worse, my section of the small office we are in is usually the landing spot for all of the free food.

    So my question....what do you do to avoid the temptation of the free food in your offce?

    I just ignore that it is even there or I pick the healthier choices, fruit instead of bagels.
  • msudaisy28
    msudaisy28 Posts: 267 Member
    I pack my lunch and snacks for work every day except Fridays, and bring coffee in a travel mug. Here is how I decide what to do about free food at work:

    1. Is it a social thing, ie. is everyone gathering for coffee and snacks? If so, I'll at least go over with my mug. I might take my planned snack (a piece of fruit or whatever) if I haven't had it yet. That way I don't miss out on the social aspect and my hands are busy.

    2. Could I have bought whatever it is myself if I'd wanted some? If so, I usually pass. I could just go get a bagel or donut if I wanted one. It's not like I am passing on the bagels and donuts I could buy every day just because they cost money.

    If homemade or special treats are involved, I'll usually indulge in a sensible portion and do my best to fit it in to my plan. This may mean saving part of my lunch for another day, having a smaller portion of dinner, or going for a longer walk with my dog after work.

    I love the mentality of #2! I do the social thing - if there is a gathering of people (most recently a birthday party with a cookie cake that looked delicious!) I socialize with my coffee but don't indulge unless there is 1) room in my budget for the day - I usually leave room for some treats and 2) it is something special.

    I do have an advantage - I am 3 months into a new job and my coworkers don't know that I've been trying to be healthier and lose weight. Since they didn't know the "old" me who would always eat a free bagel, donut or cupcake this is simply how I am and don't questions my eating habits.
  • bobemmer
    bobemmer Posts: 16 Member
    Drink Water - Try to stay away from the food- I work in an emergency Room - Doctors and Nurses ALWAYS bring non health stuff to the break room - What is up with that? It has not been long but I drink tons of water and decaf trea anf thats it. i stay away from the "rtreats" -
  • bobemmer
    bobemmer Posts: 16 Member
    please ignore my poor typing skills:laugh:
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    you gotta have strong willpower. When I started working at my job 7 yrs ago, I weighed 126lbs. Our vendors brought bkfst every morning monday through friday. Something different everyday-tacos, donuts, kolaches, sweets- well, my will power was not strong enough because after 2-3 yrs of eating bkfst like that every morning I gained an easy 30 lbs! I got to 155 lbs and that was heaviest I have every been in all my life! Right now I have lost 20 of those lbs. I have another 10lbs to lose to get back where I was before. SO my advice to you, is maybe take a bite or two to veer off the cravings or just eat a healthy bkfst at your house before you get to work. good luck!
  • livies_mommy
    This is the problem I have constantly! At my job they are always either bringing in food, and not the veggies and fruit, but the chocolate, baked goods and the dreaded pasta! The worst for me has been when it's for our charity of the month, because then I get guilted into helping because well it's for a good cause. I did what a previous poster does and bring my snacks from home. If I do end up getting something I will log it and then work out that extra bit to make up for it.
  • fervc60
    fervc60 Posts: 70
    We have donuts every Friday here. I stay away from the food table. I literally walk the other direction to avoid it.
  • insightdean
    I have an idea for FREE food. So I see that there are 50 donuts on the table ready for the office people to eat. I turn to MFP and see how many calories one might be. Ah, only 400 calories. Do I want that with coffee and now I am limited to one donut for lunch or do I want something else? What the heck, I will have 1/2 a donut for 200 calories and an energy bar. Hmmmm I guess it is all right after all.

    But you might ask what about the other 49 donuts that remain? Let others take them - do not exceed the speed limit. Good luck in the office.