Official 30 Day shred thread!



  • vyanadevi
    vyanadevi Posts: 134 Member
    I started this morning as well! I'm planning on doing 30DS every other day and running every other day.

    This ^^^^
  • Kris1997
    Kris1997 Posts: 241
    I am on day 2 level 3. I must say my upper body strength is still very lacking. I log mine here as 30 mins of circuit training. I plan on buying a Heart Rate Monitor a.s.a.p. Good Luck everybody.
  • MandyZacherl79
    MandyZacherl79 Posts: 31 Member
    I started back on this yesterday...When I did this in 09 I lost 45lbs with extra cardio and proper diet..This time around I'm looking to drop body fat and tone! I have not done this today as yesterday was a complete strenght training day and 30DS today I went to the track for an hour so I think I will be doing this every other day..
  • emmacdavis76
    emmacdavis76 Posts: 1 Member
    Going to try and give it ago.......started ripped in 30 but stopped and now can't get back into it so i'm going to give 30ds ago:noway:
  • Pheonix2012
    Pheonix2012 Posts: 61 Member
    Me too! I do day one, and sore for the next three days, so don't follow through! LMAO
  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    I'm on day 3 of level 1. Me and the hubby are doing it together. We plan on doing it every day for the 30days with a bit of jogging and walking thrown in for good measure lol. I've recorded my measurements and will be interested to see what it does for me. I'm eating at maintainence and logging it at 140cals for each session in level 1.
  • I did my third day of level 1 today, still sore from days one and two which I did Monday and Tuesday and took Wednesday off. I just ordered banish fat, boost metabolism to go along with shred. Does anyone do these two together? I can't wait to get it, I love cardio! There is a little bit of cardio in 30 day shred and those are actually my favorite parts so I think I'm going like this one.
  • I'm on day 3 of level 1. Me and the hubby are doing it together. We plan on doing it every day for the 30days with a bit of jogging and walking thrown in for good measure lol. I've recorded my measurements and will be interested to see what it does for me. I'm eating at maintainence and logging it at 140cals for each session in level 1.

    That's so cute that you and your hubby are doing it together! I asked mine to do it with me and he looked at me like I was an alien, lol. So I guess I'm on my own, with the exception of all you lovely ladies!
  • kelledin
    kelledin Posts: 11
    I started day one of level 2 today and my god it's definitely a lot harder! Good luck everyone! xx
  • kellico28
    kellico28 Posts: 7 Member
    I started last night! Very sore today, but sore = good!!! I need to take measurements so I can post my "after" results. Good luck to everyone!