Do you buy clothes in your "goal" size?

I've heard of some people doing this, but I just wondered how many did.

I find having goal clothing always helps me stay motivated, but at the same time, I've never actually bought an item of goal clothing.

When I was bigger, I just used my old clothes that no longer fit as my goal clothes that I wanted to fit into. Now I've surpassed all of those clothes.

My goal size is a UK 8 (US 4). I'm currently a UK 10/US 6 in jeans, and an 8 - 10 in tops, although predominantly a 10.

I've debating recently buying a pair of jeans that I really want in a size 8. I know there's no way in hell I'd get into them now, but I fully intend to be able to at some point. But, there's something holding me back from buying them. I can't decide if it's a naggle of 'but what if you don't lose any more weight' or just that I'm reluctant to spend money on something I can't currently wear.

What about everyone else? Does anyone else own clothes in their 'goal' size?


  • thin1dayplease
    thin1dayplease Posts: 291 Member
    I bought a new dress it was my normal size which I would usually buy and I could not fit into it. So I thought, I'm going to get back into this size so I kept it. Although, its not my ultimate goal, it's a little, mini goal for it to sit comfortably on me. Its certainly a motivation, as each time I get the zip up further I no I'm on the right track. :) It will feel even better when it's too big for me!!
  • hanneberries
    hanneberries Posts: 119 Member
    you know I went shopping recently and was thinking about this a lot. I think I'm going to do it once summer has ended, and a lot of the clothes are on sale? That way I'll have a goal article of clothing. Something that I want to be able to wear by the next summer, and if I fit into it before, well that's even better isn't it? I've also thought about getting a dress or two online to keep me motivated nad focused.

    But at the same time I'm worried there'll be a lot of disappointment when I try it on and it doesn't fit. So. I'm up in the air about it.

    I really like the idea of it, though.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    I would (and have) bought clothes that were closer to my goal weight. I have farther to go than you, though. I would buy something that is maybe 5-20 pounds from where I'm at now, because I can see really getting into it. At the same time, if you look at the clothes as a reward for when you have actually "earned" them, it might prompt you to be more dedicated so you can actually WEAR it.

    Just depends on how your mind will think about it. Will you be more determined to fit in those jeans if you have to wait to buy them until you can actually wear them? Another thought, if you buy them now, you have them. But if you wait til you actually can wear them, not only did you get your shopping rush but you can also think "Wow, here I am and I look so great in these, my goal jeans!". It puts the two positive experiences together and I think it would be a stronger feeling for you to do it that way.
  • localatte
    localatte Posts: 78 Member
    I have bought clothing, one size down, but never at goal weight. Actually, this has been a way I can see weight coming off, even if it''s not budging so much on the scale. If I could barely get a pair of jeans up my thighs, but now I can buckle them, I feel very good about it.

    As far as buying clothing for my goal weight, it would work for me, personally, because of 2 reasons:

    1. I've never been at my goal weight in my life. I've always been overweight, so I really don't even know what my body will look like, or will be shaped like at goal weight. So when I see pants or a dress I like, I'm not sure, even if I were thin, if it would be be flattering once I fit into it.

    2. My friend, who met her goal weight years ago, told me, the joy of hitting goal is that she could fit into so many different new clothing at stores, that she had so many options, and saved her money for that, rather than buying something that by the time she was at goal, she may have not liked anymore.
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    I did actually once try to do this, order a pair of shorts to try to fit in... but when I got them they were too big.
    So just went to a local store and bought a size "0" shorts, I can button them up but super-super tight on me, not a good look.
  • terri0527
    terri0527 Posts: 678 Member
    Uhh :noway:
    Every store I go into, their sizes are totally different from each other. By the time I actually get to goal weight, I might have changed my mind and want to go a little further. Why waste the time and money? Put it in a jar to spend when you are where you want to STAY! :happy:
  • redscylla
    redscylla Posts: 211 Member
    I find it a little depressing to have goal weight clothes. I can't wear them. They hang in my closet taunting me in the meantime. I have enough clothes at my "middle weight" that I figure once I'm wearing them I can start thinking about smaller clothes.
  • beccaboo0713
    I have thought about it but I don't know if I will ever be able to get into my goal size (2). I think my hips are just not size two material. It stops me from buying goal clothes.
  • Tuffjourney
    Tuffjourney Posts: 971
    No, not my goal size, but I do buy a size smaller to work towards. When I reach that, I do it again.
  • DivineRED1
    DivineRED1 Posts: 134 Member
    I do have a pair of size 6 pants that I found on clearance once. They are my goal size pants. Man they look small. LOL
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Many times. It excites me and makes me stay on track because I'm so excited to wear my clothes that at the moment are just a "waste" of money.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Oh, hell no. If it doesn't look good when I try it on, I forget it.

    I can take a zillion items into the dressing room IN MY REAL SIZE and have very few of them fit. Or if they do fit, they don't always fit RIGHT. I don't know exactly where any weight I lose is going to come from... my body shape is different than it was last time I was this thin.

    Being able to zip into a certain size isn't a goal for me. Looking frickin' fantastic in whatever size happens to fit and flatter is.
  • hanahlai
    hanahlai Posts: 281 Member
    I didn't, but I had tons of clothes when I was at my goal weight previously that I now fit back into. I am now in my goal size so I do buy it now, but not before I couldn't fit it.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I bought goal clothes yesterday :) I will not buy any clothes that are larger than them. My old shirts hang off me, my old pants need a belt. But when I can fit into my goal clothes every last one of them is going to be donated or thrown away(the bad ones) so that I will not have th option of returning to my old size
  • 2011EP
    2011EP Posts: 95 Member
    I've bought 3 pairs of expensive designer jeans to motivate me. Also bought two dresses in a us size 2 and xs. Because I'm really short and petite in general I don't think I'll be happy until I'm wearing one of the smallest sizes available.... But I think it's great motivation... Especially something a bit pricier that way you work to fit into it since you don't want to waste your money.
  • Cwilbanks12105
    Cwilbanks12105 Posts: 99 Member
    I don't have the money to buy things I cant wear lol but when I'm hitting the used stores if I find something super cute 1 size lower ill pick it up because ill be in it soon.
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    Never .. I used to be happy to find something that fits/hides all my jiggly bits... Now I don't have to purchase just because they fit, I buy when if fits properly so it flatters.

    Also in this economy I can't afford to.
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 886 Member
    I didn't at the beginning. I had bought a few pairs of pants when I found things real cheap on clearance. But, I am not near my goal weight and it being summer time, I didn't have anything that fit me. I bought clothes in my current size and 1 size down (which is my ultimate goal). I have enough summer clothes now, but I need more pants and tops.
  • jennynewbury
    jennynewbury Posts: 48 Member
    I bought my wedding dress three sizes too small as an incentive to fit into it :)
    I'd have liked to have lost a little more before the wedding (a week today!) but the dress does nicely fit!
    Next target...the bikini body for our trip over to the States for a belated honeymoon in September!
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    Yes. i was a UK 12 and bought most things in a UK 10- now I'm a UK 8. Luckliy I can sew and have a machine so I can take most things in.