Does anyone input their food ahead of time?



  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    pretty much everyday!!!
  • MonkeyBars
    MonkeyBars Posts: 266 Member
    I do for restaurants and if I'm going to a cold buffet, otherwise peeps think I'm mad or guess I'm doing MFP!

    I also put things in if I'm going camping, or somewhere without a phone signal!

    Nothing worse then logging just kcals when I won't to understand the nutritional content!
  • Emmabulliemum
    Emmabulliemum Posts: 294 Member
    I try to plan ahead so that I can avoid those 'what shall I eat' moments and make bad choices. I input the day before and some times will try to do a whole week in advance so I know what I'm eating. the only meal I somethimes leave open is dinner but i plan my breakfast and lunches in advance all the time.
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 968 Member
    Hi there

    Most of the time I try to plan my meals ahead so tend to log in my breakfast and the lunch the night before as I tend to prepare them before going to bed.
    I like to do this so i can then see what calories i have left to play with for snacks and my evening meal :)

    Stacey x
  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    I find that I am more organised & less stressed if I track in advance. I can make sure I have taken the right thing out of the freezer to go with the veggies in the fridge & then I can see how much I have left over to snack on..........
  • fatgirlslim32
    fatgirlslim32 Posts: 31 Member
    I do it every night for the next day. Means that if there are cakes (eg) brought in to work, I can either say yes knowing I have the calories spare or no..because I don't! Rather than just eating it and THEN thinking 'S**t!! I need to do 4 hours of cardio now to burn that bad boy off!'.

    I am right at the start of losing weight (again :sigh: ) but it works for me.
  • faborina
    faborina Posts: 2
    Logging ahead of time helps me see how the day might pan out calorically speaking. Sometimes when I see it ahead of time I am motivated to change my original plan to switch to lower calorie foods, or to balance out my nutritional intake for the day.
  • LiliWray
    LiliWray Posts: 101 Member
    When I'm packing my lunch for work, I log it in ahead of time.
    I find it helpful because I get an idea of what I can allow myself for breakfast and dinner that day.
    Also, if I'm cooking something with lots of ingredients, it's easiest to log it in before I get into cooking and throw the packaging away. I can also see how many servings I'm cooking that way.
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    When I have work days I do, it helps me see where my calories will be at for dinner and can plan accordingly.
  • SamanthaAnnM
    SamanthaAnnM Posts: 143 Member
    Yeah, I usually decide what I'm going to eat a day in advance and log it. It keeps me motivated to stay on track, and if plans change or I decide to eat something different it's simple to switch it. It's very effective for me!
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 749 Member
    I always do right before I eat because I do not over eat what I put down
  • My trainer suggested I do this (although I have not yet) so that I can "play" with the macros and get them where I want for the day. It would definitely take out the guesswork.
  • cheyenuff
    cheyenuff Posts: 41 Member
    Yes. I plan my meals the night before and pack my lunch so I already know what I am going to have the next day.
  • kierstin1976
    kierstin1976 Posts: 123 Member
    I do it the night before because I need to eat several times a day because of low blood sugar. Wasting a lot of calories at one meal will be bad for me. I also want to make sure I get enough protein and carbs.
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    I will enter my food as well as my exercise ahead of time. It helps me plan better. I typically exercise at the end of the day, so if I wait to enter it, I've had many calories left over. Not always a bad thing, but over time, it can slow/halt weight loss. I almost always enter my lunch ahead of time as I bring my lunch and know exactly what's going in the lunch bag. This just helps me plan for snacks, supper etc.
  • 1SlimShaylee
    1SlimShaylee Posts: 204
    Every night before I go to bed i pre enter all of the food that I am going to have the next day. I start by inputting all of my protein, because that is the most important to me. From there I add in the side dishes for example if I am having a chicken breast at lunch I add in a side salad, with some nuts. If at dinner I entered ground turkey, I add spagetti sauce and noodles. If i have calories left and my macro's are in line, I add in a treat or 2.

    This really really helps me meet my calories and macro goal. Before, when I use to just eat and then enter it, I found myself eating the majority of my calories throughout the day, and I never had enough for a filling dinner. I ended up spending the evening starving, which led to binging. I think some might find me obbsessive or something, but for me it is just mentally easier to know all of my bases are covered.

    Good luck, and congrats so far on all you have accomplished! :heart:
  • ChappyEight
    ChappyEight Posts: 163 Member
    I do this nearly every day. Helps keep me in line.
  • GottaLoveRenee
    GottaLoveRenee Posts: 30 Member
    I do! Maybe not an entire day, but most of it. It gives me a healthy option / idea when the time comes to eat, and it helps me pack my lunch and snacks for the day. Being single, I save energy by cooking for more than one meal, leaving me to plan when I'll eat what portions. I may or may not eat what I've logged, so I can make the change on MFP. It is more likely that I'll stick with what I originally logged though.

    Learning how to set myself up for success.
  • jencooks
    jencooks Posts: 62 Member
    I don't do a whole day, but usually I put in my dinner early so that I can see what kind of calories I have left for the day. Occasionally I have to change the quantity, but I usually know within 100 cal. what I am eating for dinner. Now if I could just stop snacking at night..............