


  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i like mine. i get to see how lazy i am ;)
  • propskat
    propskat Posts: 191 Member
    Not an Aussie, but I got mine on Ebay. I can't remember exactly what I paid for it, but it was about $10 less than the going price on other websites and I got free shipping.

    I like it a lot. I've had other pedometers in the past, and this one is just so much easier for me. I kind of agree with Goldfinger about it being a 'gadget', but we all need a gadget to play with, don't we? :laugh: The important distinction is that it uploads the data automatically. It is incredibly accurate, if I do 5 miles on the treadmill, my fitbit shows me 5 miles.

    However, it is not very accurate on the elliptical... if I do 5 miles there, it will register about 3.5.

    I am on my 2nd Virgin Health pedometer, and it is acting weird. We were given the 1st by my employess it failed and I purchased another one. If we get a certain amount of steps we get health care $. I refuse to buy another one. I guess I need to see if I can use my fitbit step in my Virgin Health miles program...I find the Virgin Health pedometer give me closer reading to the machines I use a the "Y" that what in on MFP. I really want a fit bit, just trying to find the bes price.

    I've heard you can find used ones, but just keep looking, you'll find a deal eventually!
  • propskat
    propskat Posts: 191 Member
    Those of you that have one, do you use it alone, or do you have one of those clippy things you attach it to?
    I recently met someone who got her fitbit for mother's day and she said 'it was recommended' to get this clippy thing (sorry I have no idea what it would be called), to keep from stressing the plastic from attaching and detaching the fitbit itself all the time. I guess you attach it to the device and only take it off to charge it. Then the stress is on the device, not the fitbit.
  • mskared
    mskared Posts: 6 Member
    I have a fitbit and curious how accurate it is. If I go by it, I'm not eating nearly enough. However, I just don't believe it.

    Just curious how others felt about the fitbit and how accurate it is.
  • jahall76
    jahall76 Posts: 328 Member
    Bump for more info. I'm looking into this as well. Thanks for all the great info so far!
  • ShellyShuey
    ShellyShuey Posts: 162
    I :heart: my fitbit! There is almost no learning curve...just clip it on and go about your day. Plug it into the charger and rack up the points! You can link it in to MFP and a few other sites. My favorite is, where you earn some fun rewards for racking up the active minutes. Pretty sweet!

    This ^^

    There's an MFP FitBit group as well.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Those of you that have one, do you use it alone, or do you have one of those clippy things you attach it to?
    I recently met someone who got her fitbit for mother's day and she said 'it was recommended' to get this clippy thing (sorry I have no idea what it would be called), to keep from stressing the plastic from attaching and detaching the fitbit itself all the time. I guess you attach it to the device and only take it off to charge it. Then the stress is on the device, not the fitbit.

    My first two both broke after about six months. They cracked at the seam and the plastic came off. I didn't use the clip that comes with it, I clipped it in between the cups of my bra. I am getting a new one today, and I think I'm going to stick with the clip this time, hoping it lasts longer.

    My husband was like "why are you buying another one, didn't you learn?". But I really miss my fitbit and it worked great, kept me on track and active. I think my bra was just too thick and after time the plastic wore out.
  • wayno007
    wayno007 Posts: 8 Member
    It's a high priced pedometer. You can save yourself some money by buying a nice pedometer for $30 or so. They will show the steps and calories just like the Fitbit and some even more accurate. The sleep part of the Fitbit is sort of worthless - not accurate really. It's pretty much an over-hyped gadget. I do have one and I'm rather sorry I bought it. Some people say it motivates them. If you walk or run a lot, that could be a selling point. But so can a lower priced pedometer. It doesn't track anything but steps and sometimes floors (ten stairs or more.) It misses sometimes.

    I much prefer the unobtrusive design of the fitbit over most of the less expensive pedometers. I use the belt clip, and feel comfortable wearing it with business casual at the office -- nothing extra in my pocket, and I still look professional.

    As for accuracy, none should be relied on as perfect, but just as a general guide to your overall activity. The fitbit fits the bill for me, and the sleep part works great. My wife and I both have one, and would replace them readily if they should ever die.
  • wayno007
    wayno007 Posts: 8 Member
    Those of you that have one, do you use it alone, or do you have one of those clippy things you attach it to?

    My wife and I always use our belt clips. I've seen others who don't, and tend to result in cracks at the joint.
  • Dave_H1
    Dave_H1 Posts: 4 Member
    Check on eBay. I bought 2 of them, 1 for me and 1 for my wife. I got them for $80 each, brand new in the box.
  • wayno007
    wayno007 Posts: 8 Member
    Check on eBay. I bought 2 of them, 1 for me and 1 for my wife. I got them for $80 each, brand new in the box.

    Same here, a classic for me, and an ultra for my wife.
  • propskat
    propskat Posts: 191 Member
    OK I feel really dumb now!! I have had this thing for like 2 months, and I didn't realize until just now that IT CAME WITH THE CLIP!!!!
    (Yes I am Blonde!)

    I guess I was so excited when I got it, that I didn't even finish looking in the box! :laugh: