Annoyed by People Commenting??



  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    No, I doubt that. I think people are just being very encouraging and supportive. I think it is nice to get a "pat on the back", when doing something well sometimes.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    No, not annoyed at all. Not fishing for it, but just smile and say 'thank you' is all I do.

    It could be worse, you know. My husband has lost 17 pounds since the beginning of April (he started at 217). One of his co-workers remarked yesterday "Really? I can't even tell".

    Be glad people notice.
  • no_stemz
    no_stemz Posts: 47
    I love hearing positive comments! If people that see me on a regular basis are noticing then to me that means I'm doing awesome. What annoys me is when people say, "but you don't need to lose weight..." or "you look fine just the way you are". I know they may mean well; but comments like that are not supportive.
  • JoeD1968
    JoeD1968 Posts: 167
    You can always turn your settings off for when you lose weight to be broadcast to mfp
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    Is it just me...or do you start to get slightly annoyed when people CONTINUOUSLY comment on the weight you've lost?? At first it was great...but now I can't help thinking...DID I LOOK THAT BAD BEFORE??? lol....just a little Friday venting...

    What an odd thing to say.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    It's meant as a compliment. But, some people might over do it simply because they are a little jealous that they don't have the motivation you do right now.
  • Neecy_Pooh
    Neecy_Pooh Posts: 122
    Is it just me...or do you start to get slightly annoyed when people CONTINUOUSLY comment on the weight you've lost?? At first it was great...but now I can't help thinking...DID I LOOK THAT BAD BEFORE??? lol....just a little Friday venting...

    I think it is absurd that you are complaining about this. If you don't want a compliment or a comment about losing weight, stop losing weight. Obviously your weight was an issue, otherwise you would not have made the choice to lose weight. You ask, did I really look that bad? Well, again, it is OBVIOUS that you look better NOW or thinner now....extra weight and fat doesn't look good on ANYONE. So just stop complaining and accept the compliments because this topic is truly ridiculous.
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    Really? This is what bothers you the most? People cant even give compliments anymore without offending someone.

    Seriously! People need to stop being so damned offended over every stupid thing.

    She didn't say she was offended - she said she found it slightly annoying.
  • ramius
    ramius Posts: 91
    You know what bothers me more than that ever will.. the fact that no one really told me in a nice way how big I was actually getting and now when I look back at my pictures I just think OMG becky -- Ooga Booga SOLO --

    So I'll take someone telling me anything about how much weight I've lost (still have a lot to go) or how I look good .. how skinny i've gotten etc.... don't care.. its all gravy and positive to me.. oh and if they were part of my friend group I also think.. .. boy I wish you would've said something to me -- which I was blind to.
  • Amanda_Rae_Rae
    I get self conscious when people comment on my weight loss around other people who are heavier than I am. I know it sounds weird, but I feel guilty also.
  • turnercherrie
    the commenting is a bit of a pain, but i hate it the most when they are stood with a cake in their hand asking how did you do it !!!

    someone even asked me if i was taking drugs to loose weight !!!! i was very offended, they have no idea how hard i have worked and how many of my evenings are spent in the gym.

    so thank you for saying i look nice, but if you want to follow it up with, are you taking weight loss drugs or asking me how they can loose weight, then please dont bother.

    when your ready to loose weight something clicks and you get off your butt and go for it, you dont stand around in the office kitchen eating your fifth cake of the day asking me how to do it

    arghhhh and relax :-)
  • MizCJ84
    MizCJ84 Posts: 335 Member
    No way! I love receiving comments about my weight loss because I've worked very hard to achieve these goals. Just be confident in who you are, who you were, and who you will be in the future.

  • daniflems
    daniflems Posts: 69 Member
    Hahaha....again I love to see how negative most people are on the internet and always willing to judge...

    please don't get me wrong..I LOVE HEARING PEOPLE TELL ME I LOOK GREAT!....I think I should clarify when it is the SAME people who one guy that I see maybe once every two weeks says something about my weight loss EVERY time I see him....or people that I work with and see everyday. I suppose I feel that saying something once or twice is acceptable....anything more than that seems overkill....just my personal opinion which REMEMBER PEOPLE we are all entitled to. Please don't leave negative comments towards me...we should all know by now...if you don't have something nice to say don't say anything at all.
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    I also want to say there is a difference between complimenting and commenting. And depending on how either are being done both can be annoying. I knew a guy that couldn't give a compliment to save his soul. He would say something really sweet but would then qualify it with something awful that used to be relevant. So, in weight loss, I'm sure he'd have said something like, "You look so great now that you've lost so much weight. Before you were really fat." Even though it's true, the second statement makes the first one not feel as nice.

    As for commenting - when it's continuous, it's annoying. I work with a guy who always compliments my clothes or my jewelry if he likes it. Which is fine, until you've heard 15 comments in one day. "Hey Krissy - that's a great necklace." "Wow, just can't get over how great that necklace is." "That necklace sure does compliment your eyes." "Where did you get that necklace, it really is a great piece?" "You always have the best jewelry." "That necklace is super." and on and on...every time you see him. If the OP is experience anything similar I can see how it would get on her nerves.
  • bandenna
    bandenna Posts: 89 Member
    ohh why do you take it that way?


    wow...if you want to complain about getting a compliment...just wow

    change that attitude before it changes you!

    Complaining about getting a compliment. that is..... :noway: Not what having friends on MFP is all about. Having FITNESS PALS is meant to incourage you. But, if you don't want to be encouraged and motivated, I'll remember to not send you a friend request...
  • MalissaDC
    MalissaDC Posts: 123
    I do enjoy compliments:) I feel like it's nice to hear it because I've surely been working hard!

    But I do not like it when instead of saying--you look great how much have you lost? They say, "Wow how much did you weigh before?" ummmm that's none of your business big nose;)!
  • kadyjackson
    kadyjackson Posts: 11 Member
    ohh why do you take it that way?


    wow...if you want to complain about getting a compliment...just wow

    change that attitude before it changes you!

    I am with this guy....I love that people notice all my hard work, it is not easy to lose weight. And to be blunt about it if you are trying to lose a lot of weight then yea you probably did not look your "best" before you lost weight...It is the same thing as if you always wore sweats and t-shirts everyday then one day you dressed up in a cute dress, heals, makeup, the work...Everyone is going to complement you. You may still be a good looking person in sweats but in the dress you are an even better looking… same goes with weight loss. From my experience when you look better you feel better when you feel better you tend to have more confidence…Confidence is very attractive in all people (as long as it does not go over into arrogance) … People are not trying to be mean; they are just telling it like they see it.
    It is harsh but healthy=skinny and the world we live in skinny=beauty and there is nothing we are going to do to change that. But if I am Skinny to be healthy, I am not going to complain that people think I look good. When you are overweight you are more likely to get diseases and die from heart issues. So take it as a compliment that people notice that you are a healthy more confident individual.
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    ohh why do you take it that way?


    wow...if you want to complain about getting a compliment...just wow

    change that attitude before it changes you!

    Complaining about getting a compliment. that is..... :noway: Not what having friends on MFP is all about. Having FITNESS PALS is meant to incourage you. But, if you don't want to be encouraged and motivated, I'll remember to not send you a friend request...

    She's not talking about on here (from what I read), she's talking about in real life. And she's already clarified that she means the same people making the same comments over and over again. Comments - not necessarily compliments. I really don't see why people are jumping all over her for it. Hearing the same thing (ANY thing) from the same person over and over again is grating. I can understand why she finds it "slightly" (her word) annoying.
  • Zumbacutie
    Zumbacutie Posts: 9 Member
    That's an interesting take. I have lost over 50lbs before and never got tired of people celebrating that accomplishment with me. In fact, it gave me even more motivation to maintain and continue on.
    I'm sorry you would be annoyed by that. Instead of worrying about how bad you may or may not have looked in the past, it might be better for you to keep your focus on the present. Enjoy where you are now and leave your history where it is...
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    NOPE I never ever get tired of hearing it! YES "I" did look that bad before...that's exactly WHY I am busting my butt every day! :laugh:
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