LADIES: I have Cramps, help?



  • CarSidDar
    CarSidDar Posts: 118 Member
    alcohol :)
  • PixEm
    PixEm Posts: 190 Member
    If mine are really bad I usually curl up next to a heating pad right on my stomach or honestly have sex. It helps for some reason. Just do it in the shower.
  • uxbridgeheli
    When I was much younger the only thing that worked for me was going onto the combined pill.
    I went off of it for years and back on it now and have no issues at all.
    Not sure if you are in the US and these are as easy to come by and free???
    Really hope you feel better soon, there's nothing worse!
    H x
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Know exactly how you feel right now. Ugh! I have found that stretching helps. Warm bath and whining....a lot.
  • MsTanya77
    MsTanya77 Posts: 357 Member
    Heating pad helps me tremendously. Also starting taking meds about a week before you start, because that helps w/ the swelling and the pain. Also warm showers and baths help too. If they are really really bad, go the doctor to get checked out esp if they are debilitating.

    ALSO, your diet makes a huge difference. I cramp worse when I have been eating fatty, high-calorie foods. When I eat clean and healthy my cramps are always much milder.
  • beubanks64
    beubanks64 Posts: 6 Member
    Ok ladies, once you're fininshed having your babies, you can be finished with all of the pain & pesky unwanted monthly visitor.

    I had a cervical ablation about 8 years ago & havent had any pain or a period since! Woo-Whoo!! It's the best thing I've ever

    done & now I believe they do the procedure "in office".......check it out!!
  • binabee2wechanged
    This may sound insane but it truly does work...OK first off I never got cramps until I reached like 43. And not to get you all WILD...just wait till when you reach your 40s and sometimes you have the damn flow for weeks..For example you go 7 or 10 days and than 3 days later it is back!! But than you have times where you don't get it for months but your stomach reaches out like part of the dinner SO HERE IS SOMETHING THAT WILL HELP YOU...IT SOUNDS INSANE BUT WORKS...TAKE A BLOW DRYER ON LOW HEAT AND PLACE IT ABOUT 2 INCHES FROM THE CRAMPING AREA AND BEFORE YOU KNOW IT...THE CRAMP WILL PASS...THE HEAT HELPS CUZ IT LOOSENS WHAT COULD BE RESTRICTING AND CAUSING THE CRAMP... SORRY IF THIS IS SO EXPLICIT...LOL
  • Tammysueless
    Tammysueless Posts: 166
    I too have horrible cramps for about 2 - 3 days and have tried everything to get relief. The only thing ive found to help is Ibuprofen and lots of it! When its really bad i like to use a heating pad.
  • sleepyjean88
    sleepyjean88 Posts: 180 Member
    Feeling your pain right now so I have no real advise, sometimes I do try some exercise I'm not sure if it actually works or just takes my mind of the pain for a little while lol I'm just popping Ibuprofen and hoping for the week to go quickly, I'm more annoyed by the fact I've put all the weight back on that I lost this week!
  • jessicae1aine
    It's my understanding that increasing your iron intake can help. Can't say I've ever had to try it, but I've read that in a couple of different books, so yeah... hope you feel better!
  • anels449
    anels449 Posts: 3,187 Member
    I don't know what to tell you because Aunt Flo showed up for me on Tuesday night and has been kicking my *kitten* ever since. Got better yesterday but back in full force today. Have you tried a heating pad?

    PS - I swear it must of been a man that came up with the thought that exercise helps relieve PMS/Menstrual issues.

    Actually yes! I was going to say to do some yoga. It seems like whenever I get really bad cramps on my TOM, if I'm actually moving around and being active, they seem to subside and yoga gets to stretch everything and relaxes me.

    Same with what another said, having an orgasm...or five...for sure helps me too. If anything, it just helps me to relax and that seems to be the key with me at least. Good luck!