Bodymedia Fit or Fitbit?

I'm looking into getting one and can't decide. What are the differences?


  • MeliciousGibson
    I'm not sure of the differences - but I went online to look for the BodyMedia Fit but forgot what it was called. I ended up buying a FitBit and I absolutely LOVE the thing!

    Their customer service is FANTASTIC (better than any company I've ever dealt with before).

    Then again, I know nothing about the BodyMedia Fit. I'd love to know the differences, myself!
  • moxiecowgirl
    moxiecowgirl Posts: 291 Member
    I hadn't heard of the Bodymedia, so I had to google it, but I have a Fitbit and it's just about my favorite thing ever right now. It looks like they both pretty much do the same thing, but the major difference I noticed right off is that the Fitbit is much lower-profile. If not having visible hardware is an issue for you like it is for me, then I would go with the Fitbit.
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    i was reading a review in Wired magazine about them. I have a FitBit so I was intrigued. I think the BodyMedia is a better tool with more flexibility.
  • rachmass1
    rachmass1 Posts: 470 Member
    Yes, that Wired article does make the BMF sound a lot better than the FB. I have a FB and like that it is invisble whereas the BMF is not, but might look into the BMF for accuracies sake.
  • wolveslovemee
    wolveslovemee Posts: 156 Member
    I have the Bodymedia Fit. I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT. Seriously its an amazing tool. It just gives you SO many different stats and how and where you have burned the most. Plus I love the sleep stats it gives you. My choice is Bodymedia.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I LOVE my BodyMedia! It has more sensors built in than a FitBit, so I felt better about its accuracy. I've been using mine since March, and it's been so helpful with tracking my actual TDEE.

    Edited to add... I actually wear my BodyMedia tucked into the side band of my bra when I want to keep it invisible. The numbers have always tracked almost identically for me, whether it's on the armband or tucked into my bra. This might be a possible solution for anyone who wants to keep their tracking device hidden.
  • menard2530
    menard2530 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm not sure of the differences - but I went online to look for the BodyMedia Fit but forgot what it was called. I ended up buying a FitBit and I absolutely LOVE the thing!

    Their customer service is FANTASTIC (better than any company I've ever dealt with before).

    Then again, I know nothing about the BodyMedia Fit. I'd love to know the differences, myself!

    I know nothing of the BodyMedia Fit either, and DO have a FitBit - totally agree - great product and AMAZING customer service :)
  • cupcakesnomore
    I don't know much about the Fitbit but I have the BMF and love it. I know you can see it but I'd rather people comment on my arm band than my fat butt. :P I sync it up to my iPhone and get to the moment data. It tracks calories burned, sleep, steps, etc. Only thing I don't like is the crappy food database but I just transfer my daily calories/fat/sodium/fiber/protein from here onto the BMF website. I would recommend it to anyone.
  • IslandDer
    IslandDer Posts: 27
  • sunnyrunner77
    sunnyrunner77 Posts: 47 Member
    I can't speak for the BodyMedia, but I've had my FitBit for a year and a half and I LOVE IT. It's completely non-obtrusive, gives me the accuracy and information that I need for what I'm doing, and their customer service is second to none.
  • Wilson929
    Wilson929 Posts: 100
    I have the Fitbit and LOVE it. It also tracks your sleep pattern. I have a friend that has the Bodymedia. The calories burned seem to be pretty close. The Fitbit is much smaller and no one knows I have it on. The Bodymedia is worn around your arm. My friend says the only time that gets annoying is when needing to dress up and go to like a wedding or wearing a tight sleeved shirt.
    Fitbit uploads all your data directly to MFP which I don't believe the Bodymedia does. Fitbits softwear is also a free web based service, the Bodymedia is a monthly charge I believe.
    That's my two cents. :smile:
  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    A friend of mine had the Bodybug (not sure if it's the same as the Bodymedia?) and she hated it. She said the arm band was uncomfortable and the software was confusing. Again, not sure if it's the same product.

    I have a Fitbit and I love it! It tracks your steps, flights of stairs, miles, calories burned, activity level, and sleep. There are graphs on the website that break each of those things down, as well as your weight and other categories. I haven't explored the website that much, so I'm not sure of all the features, but I know there are a ton. You can also earn badges.

    The Fitbit also syncs with MFP, so you'll get a calorie adjustment (like the exercise calories you get on this site) if you burn over what your activity level and calories are set at.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    Fitbit is a one time charge unless you really want to get deep into your stats. BodyMedia charges a monthly fee.

    Fitbit is tiny and I wear mine on my bra as I even sleep in a bra and it is on me at all times, unless I sit down for a bit to charge it.

    I never want to live without my fitbit again, as long as I live. I love it and I am so addicted!

    Oh and it links to MFP and trades info so you really don;t have to log twice. Did I mention it's tiny and no one knows you have it on?
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    fitbit ;D
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    I got the body media when I joined the advanced package of Jenny Craig. It's pretty good. It serves it's purpose. The only problem is finding places to wear it in the summer, and the fact that I got a rash from mine. Fitbit is so small, you can clip it or wear it anywhere. Plus, it has more to it than the body media. Just my opinions. Oh, and when my trial time was up with body media, they wanted me to start paying a monthly fee for me to use it.

  • crrc78
    crrc78 Posts: 207 Member
    LOOOOOVE my FitBit! It's been really great and so easily integrates with MFP.
    I agree that their customer service is beyond incredible.
  • mrsvatitagain
    mrsvatitagain Posts: 275 Member
    Bodymedia cost twice as much and you have a montly membership to use all those neat gadgets and tools. Body media looks and seems identical to a BoddyBugg that was made popular on the Bigest Loser show cept its a different color. The BoddyBugg also requires a montlhy subsrcitption where the FitBit does not. I don't own any of the devices, just what I have read as I contemplate purchase as well.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    The BM gives you more stats but is big and it would be obvious to you and other you were wearing it, fitbit is very discreet, it tells you steps taken, distance walks, flights of stairs climbed, 24 hours calories burn, monitors sleep. The website you wirelessly sink it to is free, I believe you pay for the BM website. I love my fitbit. Very motivating! X
  • ladytxn
    ladytxn Posts: 97 Member
    Love Love LOVE my Fitbit! Great customer service AND it syncs with MFP!
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Yes, that Wired article does make the BMF sound a lot better than the FB. I have a FB and like that it is invisble whereas the BMF is not, but might look into the BMF for accuracies sake.

    I've had both and find the readings similar. The skin stuff on the BMF added nothing, for me. It couldn't detect anything more than the Fitbit. Maybe it works better for others. I'm not a sweat-er.

    I like the Fitbit much better.