135 and still fat? WTF.

okay so i've been creeping on peoples mfp accounts and there are TONS of you lovely ladies who are 130s, 140s, and even 150s that look WAY HOTTER than i do.

i dont understand! i know i was 115 before i got pregnant, but why the hell does it feel like i have to be 115 again not to hang over my pants....

i was scoping out the bikini pics and there were quite a few ladies who were in the 130's and they looked absolutely gorgeous, and i DO NOT look like that by any means....

i mean ive lost over 30 pounds, but i stlil feel like i should lose a ton more before i can look like that...

i dont understand.... i do the strength training and what not, but i am not toned in the belly at all... is it because it was from serious weight gain during the pregnancy or what the heck????

>.< i just wanna wear a tank top again without feeling super embarassed.


  • dominica_maria
    dominica_maria Posts: 33 Member
    I have this same problem!! I I'm 125 and still feel huge and then I see women in their bikinis like 30lbs more than me and they look amazing lol I'm like how does that work out?? I don't know what I'm doing wrong either! hopefully we both figure it out
  • Is it just simply stretched skin? I know how you guys feel though-- I have the hangover too... lol
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    Eat at a much smaller deficit and lift heavy to build muscle. Those ladies are in great shape since they have built muscle and lowered body fat.
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Weight in itself is not a measure of fitness. That's why so many on this site recommend you measure with a tape measure, not a scale.

    And remember, the diversity of this site also means that for every 'twin' you find, you will find 100 people who are different from you...
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    My body really changed when I started taking/teaching Bodypump. That was where the definition came from. I can rock a 4/6 when in the 150's. It really comes from having a dense body, which can be achieved by weights! :-)
  • amyowens08
    amyowens08 Posts: 107 Member
    The post-pregnancy belly pooch is incredibly hard to get rid of. My stretch marks guarantee that i will ALWAYS have some looseness on my belly...but growing a baby takes its toll on the belly region for many many women. Just keep working at it and be proud of how much you've accomplished!
  • DatEpicChick
    DatEpicChick Posts: 358 Member
    Thank you. Its just hard to feel like this, especially when i've worked really hard and now its summer and i still feel like i have so far to go.... >.>

    being 21 and feeling like this sucks, especially when my husband is as fit as they come.

    i definitely think i'm going to have to step it up, because its really getting old haha
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    okay so i've been creeping on peoples mfp accounts and there are TONS of you lovely ladies who are 130s, 140s, and even 150s that look WAY HOTTER than i do.

    i dont understand! i know i was 115 before i got pregnant, but why the hell does it feel like i have to be 115 again not to hang over my pants....

    i was scoping out the bikini pics and there were quite a few ladies who were in the 130's and they looked absolutely gorgeous, and i DO NOT look like that by any means....

    i mean ive lost over 30 pounds, but i stlil feel like i should lose a ton more before i can look like that...

    i dont understand.... i do the strength training and what not, but i am not toned in the belly at all... is it because it was from serious weight gain during the pregnancy or what the heck????

    >.< i just wanna wear a tank top again without feeling super embarassed.
    Sorry to hear that :( what I think your describing is the dreaded "skinny fat" where while you may be in the right range for your hight and what not, your bf% is still high. The way I understand to fix that problem is to start a strangth training routine :) good luck! And I hope this helps :)
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    You look terrific to me, if your pics are current. I'd never guess you'd lost weight or had a baby at all.
  • wolfehound22
    wolfehound22 Posts: 859 Member
    This response is why I always try and tel everyone don't pay attention to the scale, it does not matter. People weighing the exact same can look so different. This usually comes down to lean muscle. IF your eating more calories and doing weightlifting than you will have more lean muscle than someone who is eating very little, or not doing any lifiting. This of course varies from person to perosn, but this is why the scale is pointless.

    Here is an example, whenI was doing P90X I was beating myself up because I was having a hard time losign weight, and in fact was putting on some weight, I felt good, and thought I looked good, but the scale wasn't moving. Than I hurt my shoulder and quite workign out and my diet declined, This happened over a months time. I weighed myself, and lost 4 lbs, that being said I felt like crap, my pants were snugger and when I looked in the mirror I could notice a little more size in my waste. So even though the scale was telling me I weighed less, I actually felt worse about myself.

    NOw to correct your issue, I can't see your diet, and have no clue what your workout routine is, but I would add in some more weight lifting, and maybe up your calories, that way you build some lean muscle. Also quit focusing on the weight, and instead focue on your measurements.

    Hope this helps
  • Uhm excuse me but you are NOT fat. How tall are you? We are trained to think slightly underweight girls are a "healthy weight".

    Let me give you an example. Most people say Victoria's secret Models are sexy, healthy and fit.
    Victoria's Secret model's lives basically revolve around staying skinny always. They only eat protein shakes for 9 day before a show and don't eat or drink 12 hours before a show. Is this what women have to do to look sexy? No. That is just silly.

    We think we are supposed to have a perfectly flat belly, and thighs that don't touch, but in reality this is a body type that not many have naturally. The rest of us have to diet and exercise excessively to get there, and in my opinion that is not healthy.
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 638 Member
    When you want to go to a pool party and the majority of the girls are 120, then yes you look fat in your bikini.
  • DatEpicChick
    DatEpicChick Posts: 358 Member
    Uhm excuse me but you are NOT fat. How tall are you? We are trained to think slightly underweight girls are a "healthy weight".

    Let me give you an example. Most people say Victoria's secret Models are sexy, healthy and fit.
    Victoria's Secret model's lives basically revolve around staying skinny always. They only eat protein shakes for 9 day before a show and don't eat or drink 12 hours before a show. Is this what women have to do to look sexy? No. That is just silly.

    We think we are supposed to have a perfectly flat belly, and thighs that don't touch, but in reality this is a body type that not many have naturally. The rest of us have to diet and exercise excessively to get there, and in my opinion that is not healthy.

    youre talking to someone who was FAT, i may not be FAT, but i am UNCOMFORTABLE, and that is enough for me. do i want to be the same weight that i was in high school?, no.... but i would like to be comfortable in a tank top.

    Am i 200 pounds?, no. but i was after i had my daughter because of complications. Fact is, i want to be toned, healthy, happy, comfortable, and able to give my little girl an awesome mommy role model and my husband a confident wife. and right now, i feel like i am neither.

    i was asking for advice, not pity, or downers, and now, my FAT ASh is going to go ahead and do some friggin squats, and play with those tiny little weights my husband go me til i hit the gym next time hahahaha
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Height difference? BF% difference? Mild body dysmorphia and you are way hotter than you think? Expect more from yourself than you do of others?

    I'm 5'5", 135 (down from 165), 23.5%BF and feeling pretty hot. But I haven't been this fit since high school.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    You're welcome. :flowerforyou:
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Many people get to goal and still feel fat. Then they eat more and exercise and change their minds about it. Example, me with 30 lbs gone
    Not fat right? Well I felt it. I do not have a pic but put clothes that isnt so loose and low cut and I muffin top over it though the clothes fit. I avoided some of my pants because of this.
    Most people lose inches weight training, I didnt get to that stage (waist and butt same measurements). But I am the same weight now, and none of my clothes cut in anymore. Also, those pants did cut in before (they are higher cut then the pic above not sure if you can tell).

    Also worth noting that people feel larger then they actually are. I am 5'7 120lb and do not feel small. I see jiggle places others don't. And we all need some fat to be healthy. Some of it may be in your head
  • proberts6
    proberts6 Posts: 1
    I hear that the insanity workout is good, but if you're concerned about your midsection doing planks for your core works well. There are plenty of core exercises out there you can do. I'll agree with everyone else though. You have a great figure and I would've never known you were a mother...
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I looked at your pics, and not to sound rude but wtf are you complaining about? U look very skinny, I'm 125 and am wider and look a lot heavier than u....