Calories left but not hungry?



  • black_sabbath
    3-500 cals a day is not even close to what you should have. Honestly with absolutely no disrespect meant, I'd look at mental illness or underlying issues. The body requires a specific number of calories a day to function properly. The body requires a specific calorie amount a day to maintain as well. A healthy active person who excercises daily should eat no less than 1,500 calories, maybe more. it varries on your weight, size, and body mass. People who are built with larger structures require more to keep going than smaller people will. Hence need more. Depending on what you eat, say if your diet says 1,650 and your eating 1,400 and just don't feel up to it don't worry. This site isn't just about weight loss it's about health. True health requires a normal functional balanced diet. However, if your diet and body needs require 1,650 and your eating 650 that isn't good. Now that doesn't mean you need to shove pizza down your throat, but you can add protien shakes, and other things and yes a little higher calorie food to make up the difference. Also for those who don't take in as much as they should food wise need to make up vitamin loss as well.
    I'd be very careful to monitor your intake as a healthy intake not only helps proper weight loss and health it will boost your energy levels, and so much more.

    If I could like this I would :) Well put
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I make sure that I have at least EATEN my BMR (~1400) and NETTED at least 1200. If that is the case, I don't eat. I always go over on the weekend, so being under a few days a week balances my weekly goal out quite well.
  • prayerseeker
    prayerseeker Posts: 38 Member
    My nutritionist said to stay between 1400 and 1600 to lose 2 pounds a week.
  • black_sabbath
    i've been told the bigger you are the easier you lose the that right?
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    If it doesn't happen all the time, don't eat, don't worry about it:)
  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    I drink some skimmed milk or a large glass of wine. :)
  • una48
    una48 Posts: 43
    Hi, Just looked at your food diary. It looks like you had three good, balanced meals. If you arent hungry, don't eat! Just listen to your body, and use the calorie summary as a guide to make sure that you are eating enough.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I have this problem legit everyday! Like, I'm only eating about 300 to 500 cals a day, but I ain't hungry enough to keep on eating. Maybe we should eat higher calorie foods... can't believe I just said that :/

    I talked to one of my doctors today and he said that if you don't eat 1800 or something close to it, you'll have a gall bladder disease and have to have it removed :o

    300 to 500 calories a day???!!! Did your Doctor advise you to eat more? His gallbladder reference, although true, seems a bit random as there are many many other health concerns that can come up from staying in such a severe calorie deficit. How about hair loss for one, that would be pretty. Ask yourself do you want to be healthy for life or skinny and sickly. If you are having appetite problems discuss it further with your Doctor because a diet on only 3 - 500 calorie a day is not sustainable and downright dangerous!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member

    I think 300-500 calories a day is far too low. It'll make you ill.

    YES. And if you consistently eat that little you will lose your appetite. (And then die.) No joke.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    I try to have a bowl of cereal before going to bed on my high calorie also helps me sleep, lol.