Any girls go by themselves ?



  • notnormallyacaloriecounter
    i say go for it. let someone know where you're going and how long you expect to be and take your phone with you. if you're going to listen to music and you're honest;y concerned about your safety keep the music down or one ear phone out. i think you'll be safe, but it never hurts to take precautions.
  • monyango
    monyango Posts: 166
    I usually run by myself in the evening but in well lit areas. Still makes me nervous sometimes. I'd careful! Does anyone have a dog you could borrow to run with?
  • Carissamr
    Carissamr Posts: 35 Member
    I live in one of the smallest towns I have ever seen...the biggest concern I have when I am riding my bike is watching for deer...turns out they like to jump in front of anything including do understand your concern though...when I was younger I lived in Florida, in a pretty rough and nasty area...for a while we had a serial killer on the loose, there was a variety of criminals and to many creepy people to mention...I didn't let that stop me though...I was a teen and had the mindset that nothing could happen to me...I did carry things to use as weapons though, just in case...stuff like a glass bottle or a large flashlight...I only came close to using them once...I'm not suggesting by any means that you should do the same though...I suggest if you are uncomfortable then trust you instincts and find a different way to sucks not to be able to exercise in a way that you want to but your safety has to come first
  • LittleNicci
    LittleNicci Posts: 284 Member
    I hardly ever leave the house without my dog (50lbs black lab/pitbull mix) or my boyfriend OR BOTH! St Louis is small town to me cus I grew up in San Diego, one of the biggest cities in the country. We also live outside city limits on 10 acers so we're not in the "country" but definately not the city. Deer live in my back yard!
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    i run alone, but then again im about 25 minutes from the nearest town/house

    im more worrried about getting eaten by bears or mountain lions... lucky me :S
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    This thread is making me wish I had a doggie to run with :(
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    Yep, I run by myself all the time. I go to my town's stadium, where there are usually tons of other people exercising/playing soccer/hanging out, so I feel pretty safe. If I'm there and I'm alone I make sure it's during the day.
  • calitomboy82
    I agree that gyms are very uncomfortable. I hate the creepy guys that like to stare. Try not to pay attention to other people, they are nobody to are there for yourself...which you should feel good about :)
  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    I don't worry all that much. Never have and never will. I take reasonable precautions (cell phone and ID), but I don't see any reason why my fiancé needs to go with me or why I should worry-- I've lived in big cities, medium cities and now a small town. It seems silly to limit myself on what's probably not going to happen to me. The best thing I can do is just be reasonably prepared and not stupid (i.e. don't go jogging in bad parts of town at 4 AM by yourself).
  • tomhancock
    tomhancock Posts: 100 Member
    Get a conceal carry permit, no reason to be afraid.
  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    I just got received my black belt in taekwondo after being in it for 6 years, and I still don't think I should work out alone outside, especially at night. It's just not smart. If I run at night, I take my Rottweiler. If I run during the day, I stick to where I will be seen by neighbors. Men are just plain stronger than women, and the element of surprise is nothing to scoff at. By the way, I live in a town of 600 people. Size has nothing to do with creepers being around.
  • MaggiePuccini
    MaggiePuccini Posts: 248 Member
    Is somebody seriously suggesting that you run with a gun??? I run alone but I would run along the seafront where there are loads of people. I wouldn't run in a park now. Although I have done it in the past.
  • k900
    k900 Posts: 140 Member
    Get a conceal carry permit, no reason to be afraid.

    Guns make me very nervous even though allot of my family members have one. I would be even more nervous running around with that on my hip.
  • denisebme
    denisebme Posts: 103 Member
    I go out by myself all the time, and I live in a city of 150,000. I tend to walk early in the day, and pick areas that are well traveled. We have a downtown shopping area that has a loop that is exactly a mile, so I end up there a lot.
    Here's the great part, after walking alone for a while, and passing the same people everyday, friendships have formed and I no longer walk alone when I go downtown.
  • k900
    k900 Posts: 140 Member
    I usually run by myself in the evening but in well lit areas. Still makes me nervous sometimes. I'd careful! Does anyone have a dog you could borrow to run with?

    Nope. I would like to get a dog but we have a cat and she doesn't get along with dogs at all. When we got her they even told us if we had dogs we couldn't take her. My grandparents have a few large dogs but they live a good 40 min away. I would love to take one of them with me though. Her name is roxy and she weighs about 110 pounds and she is protective. I wouldn't be too scared if i had her around.
  • k900
    k900 Posts: 140 Member
    I just got received my black belt in taekwondo after being in it for 6 years, and I still don't think I should work out alone outside, especially at night. It's just not smart. If I run at night, I take my Rottweiler. If I run during the day, I stick to where I will be seen by neighbors. Men are just plain stronger than women, and the element of surprise is nothing to scoff at. By the way, I live in a town of 600 people. Size has nothing to do with creepers being around.

    I would love to have a dog like that.
  • felicia8604
    felicia8604 Posts: 274 Member
    My town is tiny and everyone knows everyone but i would go walking or running by myself. Still do and now i live in the country. I would suggest taking a dog with you if you have one. Or just carry pepper spray. Good luck.
  • isweatglitter
    I wouldn't. It's always better to be safe than sorry.
  • k900
    k900 Posts: 140 Member
    I go out hiking, running, and biking (sometimes 50+ miles) on trails alone or around my neighborhood, routinely! I live about 25 minutes outside of Philadelphia which has a pretty high crime rate. I also have two smaller cities to the west and east of where I live, each about 15 minutes away, and I can't recall ever having an issue or a scare. Although it does happen, but pretty infrequently.

    However, why not stop into your local police department that is responsible for that park. Ask them about the crime rate and any criminal activity they may be aware of in that park and see what they say about your partaking in an activity there by yourself. They may offer ideas or suggestions. Depending on the size of the city you're in and how busy the policie are, you may even be able to ask them if you could check in/out with them or see if anyone patrols that area and see if you can schedule your workouts there during that time.

    I am in law enforcement and have to take defense tactics training each year as a job requirement. Thankfully I have NEVER had to use those skills on the job or off, even in my known "bad areas" while I am seeing my probationers/parolees let alone while I am off duty and exercising. In fact, I get hit on and harasses more at my gym than on the trails! Lol

    Be mindful, don't wear ear phones, look alert, keep your eyes up and make eye contact with everyone you see. That will deter anyone from doing anything if there were plans for that kind of thing. Bring your cell phone and try to relax!

    Be safe and enjoy yourself and the pretty scenery!

    The guy i am seeing is a police officer so i though about asking him to show me some of those moves you learn in defensive tactics.
  • annie7hudds
    annie7hudds Posts: 199 Member
    I run alone most of the time.

    From reading the replies it seems quite different from USA to UK replies.

    I run around the local area - usually mid morning - so there are plenty of people about. My route does take me out in to the countryside which is quiet, but I don't feel uneasy there. That said there is one particular route which I love to run on, but will only do with a buddy - as it is too quiet and concealed from the road. Which is a shame, as I don't believe that we should have to be afraid to go outdoors.

    Can't get away with carrying a gun/pepper spray over in the UK - it isn't allowed.