HIt My Original Goal Today!!



  • carrieebg
    carrieebg Posts: 20 Member
    So FANTASTIC!!! So proud of you!!!
  • Rikasue
    Rikasue Posts: 20 Member
    I am 57 years old. Several years ago, I lost 30 pounds on WW. However, maintenance lasted maybe a year and I have struggled since. I just started MFP on Friday and all the blogging is so encouraging. I'm hoping that since you hit your goal in 2008, that you have maintained. You are AWESOME!
  • [[clappping] .....:flowerforyou:
  • I'm inspired by reading all of your posts! Joining MFP today and will try to stick with it. My issues (excuses) are that I have 3 small children and work full time. I need the willpower to steer clear of the cadbury eggs this weekend. Really, how does Kate Moss do it?
  • gfuller46
    gfuller46 Posts: 20
    Congratulations. I am excited about reaching my goal as well. I have about 20 more pounds to go.
  • rosamgon
    rosamgon Posts: 3
    I start today and I'm a little scare about being strong enouth to keep tracking....... Indeed to loose 25 pound at least.
  • I just started using this app yesterday and wondering if I can loose up to 50 pounds I know I can do it I've also tried many diets and none of them worked I know this one will I can keep at it if I work hard ya
  • natycake
    natycake Posts: 1
    I recently started this a couPle weeks ago and I am already losing weight
    I am losing up to 2 or 3 pounds every week!
    I used to eat a ton and just ate to eat but now I have started to eat when i am just hungry
    I suggest this app to everyone out there even if you just want to maintain your current weight!
    ( I'm 11)
  • fervc60
    fervc60 Posts: 70
    Great job
  • babehw
    babehw Posts: 2
    Love this app just need to remember to log in every day ! Any tips on exercises for weight loss would be great im cycling an hour once a week and gym cardio 3 times a week but not seem to lose much only 1lb this week? I do eat s lot of pasta and tuna for lunch at work as i dont like salad aby suggestions for healthy lunch at work? :) x
  • kittyraccoon7
    kittyraccoon7 Posts: 94 Member
    congratulations!!! that is wonderful and you're a great inspiration to keep on moving! :flowerforyou:
  • babehw
    babehw Posts: 2
    Been to work all day then 1 hour bike ride and 10 mins skipping. If i dont lose anything this week then somethings seriously wrong lol!
  • Wow....just wow. You are an inspiration hearing your storry and see your picture..thank-you for sharing!!
  • merky01
    merky01 Posts: 1 Member
    Awesome..your post is so motivating..my goal is to lose 30 lbs. I have tried so many different diets nothing seems to help. I am so determined to get this weight off wish me luck...So happy for you enjoy those new jeans.. you deserve them!! :)
  • hunter624
    hunter624 Posts: 252
    Well done.
  • suddy2012
    suddy2012 Posts: 1
    this is slightly cheating but i recently got these tablets called t6s which are a fat burning tablet these also suppress your eating appetite i started 3 weeks ago on these tablets an i was weighing 17.8 stone now weiging 14.11 ppl speculate about taking such things but really deep down its all about determination if ur determined u shall succeed any goal
  • I must be doing something wrong... Been doing it for about a month n only lost three pounds. Plz help me out.
  • I am 57. I have tried every diet in the world and spent lots of money doing it. This is the greatest thing I've found. Lost 8 lbs in two weeks. I find it encouraging to see the "this is what you will weigh in five weeks"" . For those of you discouraged hang in there. You will lose it if you follow the calorie suggestions. . I eat a lot of lean cuisine because I am a nurse and work 12hrs. I try to stick to things that I know the calories or can scan it. This is the best app. I love it!!:drinker:
  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    Congratulations! you look AMAZING for your age, hope I look as good as you when I reach 50!
  • Tara1090
    Tara1090 Posts: 199 Member
    Congrats on a job well done!!! AND you're NOT OLD! you look fantastic!