Have You Ever Quit A Job Without Notice?



  • tymoore122
    tymoore122 Posts: 10
    I can say I have not, but I have had friends that have and now wish they hadn't as they cant get back in. Mind the bridges you burn.
  • mamaomefo
    mamaomefo Posts: 418 Member
    No, I have not. It wouldn't help when trying for the next job. I feel it's unprofessional.
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    No. You never know what happens in life and if you will need a reference.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    It kinda sucks that most of the entry level early-in-your-career jobs tend to be menial and the company can let you go at any time usually for no reason or for almost any reason whatsoever. And those types of jobs don't give two weeks severance pay. Yet if you quit one of those jobs they want two weeks notice. Most of the time when an employee gives notice its the best business practice to cut them loose that day.

    For my own experience, I've never quit a job without notice, and the one company that wanted to phase me out gave me 30 days notice plus hired me as a consultant when the 30 days were up.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    Yup. I was in college. Got a better job and just never showed up again at my retail gig. Not my proudest moment, but I guess lots of us are inconsiderate idiots when we're 19 ... Just don't tell my kids I said that!!
  • T1Life
    T1Life Posts: 15
    I did once, only because my boss was starting to scare me. I was hired to be his bookkeeper, ended up being his PA mostly.

    He would send me out to buy his wife presents, his lunch for him and his 10 friends he invites over and I would then have to clean up the mess. One day they had vomited in a wastebin, which was full of Mac D boxes and leftover food, there were empty bottles of whisky everywhere and office smelt rotten. I felt really small that day...

    When he would speak to one of his clients and said client would disagree with him, my boss would throw the phone accross the office effectively breaking it...thus leading to me buying another one for the git.

    Finally his wife would come round some days and they would have full blown domestics and I once saw him shove her into a wall, she then proceeded to hit him with the stapler (no joke)..I closed the door quietly and pretended to do some filing. Funny thing was she came to my office after and started apologising for his behaviour and that I should go get them lunch.

    After 4 months of being there I went in early, boxed up my things and left my resignation on his desk...he then rang my home, spoke to my husband(fiancee at the time) and accused me of stealing postal stamps and that he'd call the police...they were in my desk in the drawers...blind bat. Next day he tried to lure me to see him saying that he wanted to give me a present for my hardwork. Proper loony toons this guy

    In hindsight I should have reported him, but I was only 19 and had never seen anyone like him before in my working life. It really shocked me. I just wanted to erase him from my life. I wish I had reported him... *facedesk*

    It was hard trying to get another job and having to explain why I left, how can you say my ex boss is a maniac nicely? So ended up in temporary roles for a month until someone took a chance on me :)

    NOW I can't afford to leave without notice, however I don't put up with that kind of behaviour anymore...clean up your own vomit, I count figures, not chunks of regurgitated food!
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    Oh yea, many times. Even went to lunch and never came back

    Edited to say: This was in my late teens early 20's...I have been at my current job almost 8 years..I am much more stable now :tongue:
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Yes, on my first day I thought omg I don't want to work here. I went to lunch...then decided I was going home and never went back lol!!
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    Once. I was treated like a dog, and I refused to stick around for that.
  • jboccio90
    jboccio90 Posts: 644 Member
    I left my job to have a baby with notice and they were holding a job for me when i chose to come back. I found a different job and never came back or told them, but it wasnt like I was on the schedule or had a start date. One of my friends that works there told me how the GM was annoyed, so I dont know.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    This place I worked at scheduled me for only 4 hours one week - I figured they could find someone else to cover it and quit on the spot and never came back.
  • LivingstonIpresume
    I did only once, I worked for a company that was sold out to another gentleman, who dropped our pay, increased our hours (I was working 14 hours a day, 6-7 days a week) put employees in positions they werent qualified for and treated us like crap. My coworker and I got blamed for a screw up on some houses we had never worked on, and after we proved that we had never even worked on those houses he didn't apologize just sent us back to work. We both packed our tools and walked. Company went under about 3 months later.

    If it happened again I'd pack my tools and walk again
  • sshook990
    sshook990 Posts: 284
    i quit a job with a post it.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    Yep. The place I worked at was filing fraudulent insurance claims, so yes, I hightailed it along with 3 other gals all at the same time. We would've reported it or took action, unfortunately, the way they had it set up it would've been impossible for us to prove.

    I was real happy years later (3-4?) when I read that the owner was taken to court by an insurance company who somehow, someway caught on. Oh, what a happy day that was!
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    Yes and it haunts me. It was Subway, as a second job, about 5 years ago. The manager kept changing the schedule on me at the last minute and it started to affect my primary job and one day I just did not show up. Not a proud moment in my life, and I have to see my old manager in town sometimes. It took me 3 years to finally get the nerve up to go back to subway. :smooched:
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Yep, I did it once and don't regret it. In fact, I should have done it sooner.
    I was an au pair for a horrible family (with a wonderful little girl) and so many boundaries were crossed that one saturday I packed my crap (I was living in an apartment that belonged to them), moved in with my boyfriend, and on sunday I sent the mother an e-mail saying that she'd get the apartment keys in the mail the next day. I thought that a little taste of her own medicine would maybe help her realize the kind of person she was. It didn't, of course. Her loss!
    Then, I filed a complaint with the government agency in charge of au pair contracts and, since 2 previous au pairs had also complained, the family is not allowed to have them anymore. One of my proudest moments, even if I felt like complete crap for leaving the little girl just like that.
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    Nope, not even the worst of the jobs I have had. Working at a factory through a temp agency at 19 I did quit one on 3 days notice, but that was as close as I ever came to no notice. Finished my second 4x10 work week at the place and told the agency I was never going back.
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    Yes. It was a college job and I realized my employer was involved in some fraudulent activity. Eek.

    Would never leave without appropriate notice now that that I'm settled in career.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    Yes. But it was one of the best career moves I ever made. Not professional though.
  • InkedBeauty89
    InkedBeauty89 Posts: 114 Member
    yes walmart lol

    haha! Yes, me too.