Does the anonymity of social networks allow rudeness



  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Considering OP has only posted this topic to incite flaming under the anonymity of a new account [and one response to a cheating thread], I'd say it really doesn't matter.
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    I'm sluttier on the interwebs than I am in real life.

    Everyone is

    Not true. I am of equal sluttiness both on and off the web, which is to say, I am not slutty at all. :)
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    First...people are unable to differentiate between rude and a difference of opinion. Many people post because all they want is to reinforce their incorrect beliefs and when they hear opposing arguments, they crawl back into their shell and cry poor me. Then posting a comment like "stop commenting" is essentially the OP sticking fingers in her ears and yelling "LALALALALALALALALA!"

    When you post something on an internet forum, you get what you get. I still maintain this forum is nothing like other ones I have participated in or was an admin on.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    It always makes me laugh when people say they have no patience for stupidity.

    To someone you ARE the stupid one. Would you really like them to treat you like an idiot and talk down to you because they know more then you do? Really?

    I think it's easy to be a dink on the internet. People forget that a real human being lies behind some of these posts (some are just being made by ghosts in the machine, it's true). People seem not to care that they may be genuinely harming someone. They just don't seem to care.

    I hate that about social networking...

    Also. It's possible to express your opinion without being a rude b***h or d**k. No. Really. It CAN be done, many people online are just doing it wrong. Probably because they were never taught how to do it properly.
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    I would like to think I am the same online as I am in person. All my friends IRL know me to be a brutally honest and blunt person. That being said I don't go out of my way to be mean to people (except for family and that is a bit different), I don't want the kharma of knowingly hurting someone just to be hurting them. Sometimes the truth hurts, but if it is truth, you have to suck it up and deal with it. Getting butthurt won't make something less true.
    If I am wrong (or should I say, when I'm wrong) I am glad for having it pointed out to me, it just helps me to become smarter, stronger, or just generally a better person.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    It's too much effort to edit myself too much in different contexts, and I'm naturally lazy. But I don't think we're the same online and in real life. My mouth moves less when interacting on the Internets. And I don't type when I'm speaking to my friends. Except at our keyboard raves.
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    I'm sluttier on the interwebs than I am in real life.

    Once or its didn't happen.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    **** you. Does that answer your question? No, because I'm positive MFP will filter out the "****" word for me. Lol!

    To give you a real answer, I'm not any more rude on here than I am in real life. If somebody p!sses me off, I'll let them know. But, I don't go looking for people to argue with (unless you count the Debatable Debating group, because that's basically what the group is for.) Typically I avoid stupid arguments such as "should I eat fruit?" or "should I do more weight, less reps or less weight, more reps." Those discussions never seem to get anywhere...
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    Do you know what else is cowardly? Creating new accounts for the purpose of using said internet anonymity so that you can call others out.

    Well that would just be weird and pathetic. Why would anyone do that?

    I've actually had a guy do that to me on another forum. He and I didn't get along because we had two differing opinions and to him, everyone that disagreed with him was a stupid troll to be laughed at and made fun of. I ended up blocking his account because I have a weakness for interjecting and correcting people depending on the subject and he was basically taking hours of my time because I kept replying. He made another account with a rude name and started quoting everything I said (on this said, when you're quoted you're notified by email so my inbox was getting flooded) and I blocked him again. He made another account, same thing and basically was calling me a coward and how stupid I must be to be childish and block him instead of responding like an adult.

    The sad thing was, I ended up getting banned for a month after I reported him because the moderator said I was asking for it. I just learned to stay away from the section of the forums he trolled.

    I actually had some guy stalk me on the boards. He even followed me to a recipe board to diss on me. I think he ended up being tossed because I don't see him anymore. I can't say I miss him.

    It's really interesting to me how some people don't understand that the same person can disagree with you on one issue, and join with you on another. I never dismiss anyone here or IRL based on a difference of opinion, but sadly, I think many people can't deal with people who have *any* differing opinions from them.

    Edit: No, I didn't report on the guy who stalked me. I actually never report people. I think we are all adults who should be able to handle themselves, so finding a nanny to administer warnings and such just isn't my style.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    LOL Oh God Yes!!!! I'm sweet in real life but turns out I'm a ***** on the internet:devil: Who knew??!?!?

    But seriously I'm trying my hardest to be respectful in my posts...somedays it's harder then others:blushing:
  • Prettylittlelotus
    Prettylittlelotus Posts: 239 Member
    Do you know what else is cowardly? Creating new accounts for the purpose of using said internet anonymity so that you can call others out.

    Well that would just be weird and pathetic. Why would anyone do that?

    I've actually had a guy do that to me on another forum. He and I didn't get along because we had two differing opinions and to him, everyone that disagreed with him was a stupid troll to be laughed at and made fun of. I ended up blocking his account because I have a weakness for interjecting and correcting people depending on the subject and he was basically taking hours of my time because I kept replying. He made another account with a rude name and started quoting everything I said (on this said, when you're quoted you're notified by email so my inbox was getting flooded) and I blocked him again. He made another account, same thing and basically was calling me a coward and how stupid I must be to be childish and block him instead of responding like an adult.

    The sad thing was, I ended up getting banned for a month after I reported him because the moderator said I was asking for it. I just learned to stay away from the section of the forums he trolled.

    Oh my! Sometimes, we just have to walk away from the stupids. That guy obviously had too much time on his hands, and most likely not very many IRL friends.
  • wolfi622
    wolfi622 Posts: 206
    I think it DOES promote plain base nastiness. Brings out the worst human traits. The anonymity is the worst thing about the modern social network.
  • Prettylittlelotus
    Prettylittlelotus Posts: 239 Member
    Do you know what else is cowardly? Creating new accounts for the purpose of using said internet anonymity so that you can call others out.

    Well that would just be weird and pathetic. Why would anyone do that?

    I've actually had a guy do that to me on another forum. He and I didn't get along because we had two differing opinions and to him, everyone that disagreed with him was a stupid troll to be laughed at and made fun of. I ended up blocking his account because I have a weakness for interjecting and correcting people depending on the subject and he was basically taking hours of my time because I kept replying. He made another account with a rude name and started quoting everything I said (on this said, when you're quoted you're notified by email so my inbox was getting flooded) and I blocked him again. He made another account, same thing and basically was calling me a coward and how stupid I must be to be childish and block him instead of responding like an adult.

    The sad thing was, I ended up getting banned for a month after I reported him because the moderator said I was asking for it. I just learned to stay away from the section of the forums he trolled.

    I actually had some guy stalk me on the boards. He even followed me to a recipe board to diss on me. I think he ended up being tossed because I don't see him anymore. I can't say I miss him.

    It's really interesting to me how some people don't understand that the same person can disagree with you on one issue, and join with you on another. I never dismiss anyone here or IRL based on a difference of opinion, but sadly, I think many people can't deal with people who have *any* differing opinions from them.

    Edit: No, I didn't report on the guy who stalked me. I actually never report people. I think we are all adults who should be able to handle themselves, so finding a nanny to administer warnings and such just isn't my style.

    I totally agree with you. Some people really cannot distance themselves from their own thoughts and opinions. Those with that sort of mindset believe that their beliefs and opinions are the only Right way to think, everyone else is wrong or ill-informed.

    We have all been guilty of closed-mindedness, but the ability to be open to other ideas, beliefs and opinions, even if you don’t agree, is something that should be strived for. It’s where true wisdom starts, IMO.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I'm sluttier on the interwebs than I am in real life.

    Once or its didn't happen.

    Oh I think you've seen my pics :wink:
  • mdjoubert03
    from most of the comments i read, it sounds like noone has a social network ultra-ego, i find it hard to believe, cause i dont see many people harassing each other in my daily life but i log on and i see people confronting left right and center. but maybe that's just the poeple who decided to cemment.

    anyway if you really behave the same online as you do "real life", then the topic is not relevant to you--reading the comments leads me to my next question, what does "real life" mean, like the things you do online is not real. looking at the range of communication from face to face talking to snail mail to phone calls to emails to social networks, when does it switch over from "real life" to "social network life" .

    in my home language there is a saying "wat die hart van fol is, loop die mond van oor"; direct translation, what fills your heart will come spilling out of your mouth; (that counts for social networks too);
  • mdjoubert03
  • mdjoubert03
    Very good point.... I think that if it isn't something you would say to their face, it probably isn't something you should say online.

    That being said, sometimes 'meaning' gets lost when people communicate via text messages/email/posts... Sometimes understanding the intent in which something is said (written) can be difficult. Sarcasm is the worst, especially since most people on here are not close friends.

    yes that is true, meaning gets lost, a large percentage of communication is in body language and tone, and i guess im speaking to strangers so sometimes people might not get me or me them
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member