what was your "rock bottom"? what made you change?



  • poodlepaws
    poodlepaws Posts: 269 Member
    Two things:
    1) A picture of me taken at my high school reunion.... I knew I had gained weight; more than I EVER wanted or expected but actually seeing it shocked, killed, crushed me.
    2) I ended my 18 year marriage just a few months later. I use that as part of motivation. He's gained even more weight; I've lost :happy:
  • BodyCombatGirl73
    BodyCombatGirl73 Posts: 96 Member
    As simple as feeling my bum sway as I walked...kinda sad compared to some people's inspirational reasons, but it was what did it for me!
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    I knew I hit rock bottom when I saw a pic once from my vacation last summer and noticed my chin and neck looked like one entity and the shirt I was wearing was kinda tight....it was a guys 2x and was tight!!!!
  • Reecebullet
    Reecebullet Posts: 141 Member
    I've had two different rock bottoms.

    The first, was spread over around 6+ years, were I wanted to lose the weight, but I just didn't. Then I got to the point where I just wanted to have even a small bit of self confidence. Which after a few months fell threw, and went back to my old ways.

    Then my second was when I found out (very recently) I've got something wrong with my liver. At that very moment, I realized that I can't keep putting things that really mean a lot to me off. And since, I've really tried my best to eat better for my weight and overall health.
  • no_stemz
    no_stemz Posts: 47
    The first time around was the day before my 23rd birthday in 2005. I had gone to the doctor for some terrible headaches and found out that my BP was 150/100 and that I weighed 330. I had no idea I was that heavy. I did WW and exercised religiously and got down to 197 after around 17 months. Around that time I was happy with my weight (lowest I had been as an adult) and I had a very active job that I stopped going to the gym and WW.

    Within 8 months of my lowest weight I was pregnant and you all know who's that goes. After my pregnancy I hovered around 215 for a long time. I went through some hard situations through out late 2010-2011 and was pretty depressed. In 9 months from March 2011 until December 2011 I gained 42 lbs without caring or paying attention. I didn't love myself, in fact I didn't think much of myself at all. I don't know what really CLICKED but I realized my clothes weren't fitting and had to buy more jeans. At that point I got back on the scale and I was 257. I started WW again in January and right now am doing both WW & MFP. I am thinking about phasing WW out due to cost. Since Dec I have lost 41 lbs and feel great, and am really feeling better about myself.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    As stupid as this sounds, I am still trying to hit rock bottom. I know that I need to change. I am trying to change. I just haven't hit that point of, "This is it for me"
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    My rock bottom was when I found my BP was 220/110 I was afraid to go back to the DR knowing he might put me in the hospital that day that was May22 2008 I was 60 my resting pulse was 86 I have changed my life 4 yrs later avg pressure 116/70 resting pulse about 50 blood numbers great FEELING wonderful
  • BigPapaLuke
    BigPapaLuke Posts: 9 Member
    Unflattering christening and birthday pictures over the past year. When I was able to count the number of chins on my face, I knew I had to make some dietary changes and exercise routines. It's totally worth the effort.
  • brickhouse76
    brickhouse76 Posts: 146
    My "rock bottom"...when I looked at pictures from my sisters wedding and I was absolutely disgusted with my weight, I was 246 lbs. I never knew I was that big until I saw pictures of myself, I looked like big drag queen. I couldn't believe that I destroyed all of her pictures with the way I looked. I'm now down to 179 lbs, I still have a ways to go, but so thankful that I'm not where I use to be.
  • MrsRando
    MrsRando Posts: 155 Member
    I was probably 10 lbs overweight when I met my husband. After we moved in together I gained about another 10 lbs. In September 2010 my mom was diagnosed with PAD and had to have emergency vascular surgery because she had no blood flow into her lower leg and foot for 4 months. One cause of PAD is smoking. I decided to quit smoking at that time for my own health and to help my mom quit too. After quitting up until my husband and I got married in May I gained another 15-20 lbs.

    After our wedding I got on the scale and saw 200 :sad: and decided it was time. I lost 22 lbs last year and was almost half way to my goal. In September 2011 we had a family member move in with us and I completely stopped watching what I ate. My "rock bottom" this time.... seeing 203. I can't let my weight get anymore out of control.
  • tvanhooser
    tvanhooser Posts: 326 Member
    When my pain meds for my bad knee started upsetting my stomach and the one the doctor wanted to change me to...well, first I discovered it was an addictive opiate which was enough right there. Hmmm...a med that upsets my stomach or one that is an addictive drug or try disciplining myself to walk for weight loss in spite of my knee/ankle issues to see if it helps. I mean I think there's more to it than that but I'll never prove it unless I lose the weight. And between severe stomach upset, opiate addiction and exercise (something for which I have had a lifelong aversion), I actually dislike the exercise the least which is really saying something for me!! :o) But supporting factors that confirmed that I had to do this--the new med ended up making the pain WORSE and I was in almost constant excruciating pain after having it under almost complete control as to be nearly non-existent on the other stuff (my only complaint was the gastrointestinal upset, something I now have under control with fiber bars, and yogurt/cottage cheese containing probiotics acidophilus and bifidus so I can go back to the med that was working otherwise). But then I got a rash on my arm from the new med so there was no question that I could not stay on it under any circumstances. Between the addiction factor, the elevated pain and the rash, exercise and weight loss won the day by a landslide!
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    a 3 in from of the other numbers on the scale. I knew I was heavy, but something about that number shocked me.

    I was at my Dr.s office for severe foot pain. I have an autoimmune disorder that was acting up, and my feet hurt so badly I could barely walk. Anyway, I walked in..and tipped the scale at 301. No WONDER my feet hurt!

    That, and a picture of myself at my cousin's wedding. I thought I looked cute..and I cried when I saw it..such an eye opener!
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,226 Member
    Someone tagged me in a picture on FB when I was 23 years old, I was 120 pounds. It made me cry. Also my hubby stopped touching me.
  • alord426
    alord426 Posts: 129 Member
    I saw a photo of myself holding my newborn nephew (3 months after having my son) and I could not believe how huge I was!! Since then I am down 82.4lbs with 33.6lbs to go!
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    going to doctor because i was feeling very bad and finding out i had high blood pressure and cholesterol and i was barely 30. that and my clothes getting tighter and tighter
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    Getting a c-pap machine
  • luanne58
    luanne58 Posts: 1 Member
    My husband got with 6 pounds of me! lol
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    My rock bottom was when I found my BP was 220/110 I was afraid to go back to the DR knowing he might put me in the hospital that day.

    This same thing but at 31 years old
  • KyliAnnHobson
    KyliAnnHobson Posts: 551 Member
    This horrible picture at my family reunion last year.
    I could not even believe that was me! I realized I was pushing 200 lbs and knew I had to change!
  • casperuk
    casperuk Posts: 195 Member
    Hearing myself on an audio recording and breathing like a steam train despite being at rest.

    Waking up every morning with a sore back despite changing my bed.

    Buying a suit from a special big and tall man shop and even that starting to get tight.

    Going for a walk with a friend for about 2 miles and feeling like I was going to be sick.