anyone slightly overweight like me?



  • handeye
    handeye Posts: 52 Member
    i'm in the same boat. i started out as 30 pounds away from my goal weight and only 13 pounds away from a healthy weight. it's taken me a month and a half to lose 9 pounds.

    i plateaued after i lost 6 pounds and then i recently found that what works for me is switching up my diet every 3 or 4 days while keeping under the weekly calorie goal.
    for example my daily calorie intake to lose weight is 1200 (i'm short). so for days 1-3 i might eat around 1000 calories, and then on the 4th day i'll eat 2000 calories (1200 for my daily total + 600 that i missed the other 3 days). i find it keeps my metabolism moving and it is almost like having a "cheat day" every few days. i can eat a little bit of the foods i want, keeping me from future cravings, and it also helps because i'm so full from that day/satisfied from eating a little "bad food" that the next day it's easy for me to go down in calories again and i want to eat healthy. anyways it sounds weird, but it's been working great for me.

    also eating cleaner helps immensely. even though i stayed at the same amount of calories, once i started putting more veggies/fruits in my diet (about 2 weeks ago) my weight started to drop faster.
  • cookiefluff
    cookiefluff Posts: 115
    Hey guys, this Saturday it will be my 4th week counting calories on MFP, my account says I joined last year but that was just to get a ticker... LOL

    anyway, here is my progress

    sw: 172.9 (78kg)
    cw: 164.9 (74.8kg)
    gw: 149.9 (68kg)

    So, slow and steady but I feel great.... is anyone else losing weight the same speed I am?
    Share how much weight you've lost in 4 weeks time!! Begin roughly just about 15-20lbs away from your gW!
  • ClareWantsProgress
    ClareWantsProgress Posts: 173 Member
    Well . . . going back 30 days, I was at 155.5. Dropped to 153.5 for a day or two, and now back to 154.5. Staggering progress, wouldn't you say? :D

    Back in 2009 I was at my heaviest: 169. Lost 22 pounds in about six months when I was able to start exercising again, but gained about 8-9 back and have been stuck there ever since.
  • cookiefluff
    cookiefluff Posts: 115
    Well . . . going back 30 days, I was at 155.5. Dropped to 153.5 for a day or two, and now back to 154.5. Staggering progress, wouldn't you say? :D

    Back in 2009 I was at my heaviest: 169. Lost 22 pounds in about six months when I was able to start exercising again, but gained about 8-9 back and have been stuck there ever since.

    hang in there!!!
  • TiffanyWasmer
    TiffanyWasmer Posts: 190 Member
    yeah, I keep seeing posts about that INSANITY, I need to check it out, seems hard... :/

    Due to a foot/toe injury...I COULDN'T do the Insanity without modifying about 3/4 of annoying!! It is very hard, but I'm sure if you follow the program completely it would be awesome :)
  • cookiefluff
    cookiefluff Posts: 115
    yeah, I keep seeing posts about that INSANITY, I need to check it out, seems hard... :/

    Due to a foot/toe injury...I COULDN'T do the Insanity without modifying about 3/4 of annoying!! It is very hard, but I'm sure if you follow the program completely it would be awesome :)

    will give it a shot
  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    Being at the very top of the BMI normal range is not necessarily a problem. If I was in the middle of the BMI, I'd be at the same weight (and body shape?) as that scrawny looking teenager I was when I was 17 years old....42 years ago.

    While I still have a self-view that more closely aligns with my 27 year old body that I remember with some fondness (and weight wise I'm nearly at that same weight), for some of you "complaining" about being in the same boat, consider this: your boat looks fine.
  • cookiefluff
    cookiefluff Posts: 115
  • jenimar
    jenimar Posts: 1 Member
    Very similar, I have just started to put on the dreaded middle age spread and only have about ten ounds to loose and it is just so hard .
  • cookiefluff
    cookiefluff Posts: 115
    it is hard! I only managed to lose about 7/8 pounds in a month...
  • krnlcsf
    krnlcsf Posts: 310
    I am/was (i'm still not sure how i feel about my loss... am i done or not) in the same boat: always fit through my teens and twenties (or so i thought). I hit 30, and suddenly didn't feel so confident in my own skin as i always had. I hit my highest weight of 184lb (i'm 5'9") and that was when I realized enough is enough. I'm down to 155 (on a good day, hehe) right now, and working out regularly again, which feels awesome! I think i still need to lose some fat and tone my muscles, but as for actual WEIGHT, i don't think i care so much anymore. :)

    For my workouts, i do everything at home... Insanity, Turbofire, P90X, Jillian Michaels etc... so if you need any advice on those, feel free to add me. :) Just about to start the actual full 60-day Insanity program this Saturday, June 30th... i'm terrified, cuz I know it is going to whoop my butt!!!
  • cookiefluff
    cookiefluff Posts: 115
    So it's nearly my 40th day on MFP and I've lost 4kg (9lbs)
    Started at 78kgs (172lbs)
    Today I'm at 73.9kgs (163lbs)

    I'm still after my goal weight!
    Between 68-65kgs (150-143lbs)

    How's everyone else doing??? Please share!!!!!
  • ClareWantsProgress
    ClareWantsProgress Posts: 173 Member
    Congratulations, Ms. Fluff!

    Well, I started out this year at 158 and am down to 153.5 as of this morning (6 1/2 months later!). Not exactly stellar progress, but I'm feeling fitter. I've stuck to my New Year's resolutions to drink more water and get in a 1.25 mile walk before lunch each workday.

    Started a complete shake-up of my weight lifting routine week before last and am already feeling some results from that, so we shall see if I've hit on something that will help re-shape me a bit as opposed to really losing lots more. Would still love to get down to 145-150, but if I can get my clothes to fit before reaching that weight, that will work too. :)
  • So, I started counting calories last May and started at 78kilos (172 lbs) and today I am at 72kilos (158lbs) I've lost 14 pounds in 4 months! And although many of you are probably like: That's it?! :-0 I have to add that I was not in a hurry to lose weight as long as I never saw a weight gain again, since May the scales kept showing me a little bit less every day - sometimes I'd plateau for weeks and others I'd lose. The point is since that day I started watching what I eat - but NEVER starving myself and ALWAYS having treats - I love chocolate and chocolate cake and desserts , cookies, etc- I've seen weight loss! And today after 4 months I've lost a stone.
    And I feel so much better, my clothes is falling off me, I need to wear a belt with all my pants/jeans/shorts etc! And the best thing of going slow is that if I go mad and indulge on a FEAST one night , the next morning the scale will be the same, not like it has always been when crash dieting that I'd lose 10 pounds in a week and one binge day would bring all the weight back up again which was very frustrating!

    Slow is better guys, and to all of you who are losing slowly and need assurance, I'm telling you, you will not see any saggy bits, everything shrinks in place and the slower you lose the more time your body and skin can adjust to the weight loss!

    P.s: I know that faster weight loss is possible with exercise and what not, I don't do additional exercising, I AM an active person and run around my daughter all day, I work from home so I do sit for long periods of time, and my only weight training habit is picking my 12kilo daughter up all the time!

    Happy weight loss guys, and remember YOU CAN DO IT! :)
  • mountainmare
    mountainmare Posts: 294 Member
    Just wanted to say congatulations on figuring this out while you are still young. It has taken me 63 years to figure out that slower is better. Now I am "slightly overweight" as addressed in your first post. It has taken me six months to lose 20 pounds---but I have a lifestyle that I can stay with for the future.
    Good job!!
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    *raises hand* Me! Me!

    Actually, I'm not overweight for my height, but I am carrying too much weight for my frame and definitely too much fat. I have about 15-20 pounds to lose.

    I, too, remember those halcyon days when if I gained any weight, I just had to workout a couple of times and it was gone. I wish I hadn't taken it for granted.
  • I am 49 with a BMI of 27.6 I am trying so hard to lose, but struggle with fluid retention due to high blood pressure. most weeks I am lucky to loose a pound. Some weeks none. This really gets me down. I bust my butt on the treadmill every day for 45 minutes, so I know I am doing everything right. Wish I could loose more. I have 30 pounds to go.
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,185 Member
    I am 30 years old, 5'6'' and 143 lb. My goal is 135, but I am going to have to put on muscle to fix my abs... Wrecked by two babies.
  • Tashmayes
    Tashmayes Posts: 244 Member
    Same boat here. I'm 5'8" and currently weigh 166lbs. According to the calculators I'm at getting closer! I'm currently completing Insanity and it's helping big time. I keep to lots of protein and veg, high fibre foods, and tons of water!
  • Hi there, I'm overweight also. I'm 26 years old 5'3" and my weight starting out was 167lbs I'm now 162lbs but have a ways to go. I'd like to be 140lbs. So i'm right there with you. I'm gonna add you so we can help each other. Keep your head up!!