Working Out: Morning, Afternoon Or Nightime?



  • dmzazueta
    dmzazueta Posts: 36
    I usually work out in the morning, after I drop my son off at school. Otherwise, I get to the gym when ever I can. Lunch, evening or after dinner. Before I made it a priority, I would use any excuse not to. But now, getting fit is my priority and I do what I can to work around everything else.

    Good luck!
  • Graciecny
    Graciecny Posts: 302 Member
    On weekdays, I always hit the gym at night, 8pm or after. It just works best for me. Weekends, it's whenever the heck I can get there, if at all!
  • Tonya0605
    Tonya0605 Posts: 111 Member
    Not a morning person here. I go on short walks throughout the day at work weather permitting and hit the gym after work.

    ^^ what she said....and to elaborate further....I try to walk/run 3 miles at least three times a week. If I get one mile in during the day - during lunchtime, it kinda forces me to get the other 2 before bed (can't waste that mile ;-). This has been working well for me. Late afternoon/evening workouts do not negatively affect my sleep at all - actually, they make me sleep more soundly.
  • On weekdays, early in the morning, before work, so my cognitive brain is still out of it and doesn't try to talk me out of engaging in something that hurts so much.

    On weekends, also more likely to be mornings, before the day really gets going. If I don't get it in before noon, there is an exponentially escalating probability of failure.
  • Napjeeper
    Napjeeper Posts: 36
    Thanks for all the great feedback! I may try to do a 30 day challenge of getting up early to workout. I do the 30 minute Kettlebell workouts and I'm thinking that's easier to squeeze in. It means giving up my morning news, but frankly I could do with less depressing news sitting on the couch and more with positive energy of getting up and getting moving. I'll see about starting this next week and report back how it goes in a month!
  • Kandi150
    Kandi150 Posts: 167 Member
    I feel ya! I am NOT a morning person and further more when I would wake up and workout I am exhausted afterward and want to take a nap. Is that normal? So working out at night is great because when I'm done and showered I sleep like a baby. I always here about how exercising in the A.M. gives people energy. I'm jealous!!! lol
  • Quackledorf
    Quackledorf Posts: 12 Member
    Any workout is better than no workout so keep finding time. Mornings are usually best because you can give your metabolism a jump start & get it done & over with. But like I said, any workout at anytime is better than no work out. :)
  • saraya12
    saraya12 Posts: 13
    Early in the morning is definitely best for me. It's not fun getting out of bed so early, but I don't fancy working out during my lunch break. And after work I'm completely tired and ready for bed. So it's either first thing in the morning or likely not at all for me!
  • Summersadiva
    Summersadiva Posts: 111 Member
    I'm a night owl so I prefer evenings, but if I work from home. I can do an AM session. I hate getting up at 5AM now that I don't have to do so.
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    I'd prefer to work out in the morning, but due to the hourlong commute to work, I do it when I get home, around 6.
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